Saturday, October 19, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 10/19/2019

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Betrayal of Its Own Industry

If you intend to survive, you must all become modern day Paul Reveres. That means taking direct, creative action. The very future of our nation and its ability to feed itself, while remaining free and strong, depends on the choices you make today. As martyred rancher LaVoy Finicum said, it matters how you stand!..........
by Tom DeWeese.

How to Obtain Personal Justice in a Corrupt American System of Injustice

I started out to understand how the judicial system in America has been failing to uphold the Constitutional liberties of Americans.  How have we acquired a “justice” system that releases criminals, and penalizes responsible citizens for non-violent policy conflicts?  Why are the criminal elite who are responsible for gross derelict of duty to a system we are required to abide by, able to break our laws with no consequences?.........
by Ms.Smallback.

The Kurds and Way….of Trump

In terms of ethnicity, the Kurds are considered the fourth largest group in the Middle East. Arabs, Turks and Persians are larger. The Kurds live in a roughly contiguous region spanning Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria. Though their language - related to modern Persian - and culture are distinctive, they are mostly Sunni Muslims.........
by Cathy Sherman.

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