BERTRAND DAILY REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues
Subject: GOP Divided, DNC Scared, Trump Stands Alone and Needs Us To Prevail, New Poll: Most Americans See Civil War on the Horizon---Videos
November 21st , America could easily see another government shut-down by Trump in retaliation against the 'Coup' impeachment attempt by the Democrat Communist Party. If that in-fact happens, it will be a very damaging act by Trump, but at the same time....massive pressure placed on Adam Schiff and his team of goons attempting to spear-head the overthrow of the government and a sitting president might be enough pressure him to think twice about his party's future. Analysts think not....
In a display of unity by a small portion of the GOP led by Rep. Jim Jordan.....Republicans stormed past Capitol Police and went into the SCIF where Democrats were conducting secret depositions of Defense Department official.
"Dozens of Republicans, including some members of leadership, barged into the secure hearing room in the Capitol basement where Laura Cooper, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, was providing private testimony.
Several lawmakers said that, in response to the Republican protest, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) had left the room with Cooper, postponing the interview indefinitely." -The Hill
Yes...I know, I know, "never interrupt an enemy self-destructing,' but as I have stated recently, the timeline is critical and extremely dangerous.....we are watching two locomotives on the same track approaching each other head-on and standing in between both trains are WE the People.
The potential Civil War is about to go "Hot" and We the People caused this to happen.
WE finally woke-up and realized who and what is behind the "16 Year Plan" to destroy America, under Obama and Hillary Clinton (including both Bush's).....using Marxist / Communist tactics of the past to fulfill their mission.
WE have been fluoridated, over medicated, spied upon, manipulated psychologically by fake history and lies, chemtrailed, bamboozled by 9/11, overwhelmed by illegal immigration, false flag shootings, gender confusion, weaponized homosexuality, reverse discrimination of all Whites, the murder of babies in the womb and outside the womb, afraid to say "Merry Christmas," and an overall attempt by Socialist / Communists to destroy Christianity while normalizing Satan as god of "Mother Earth."
Sounds nuts? If you still think NONE of the above is true and/or documented, then YOU are part of the problem, therefore....consider yourself the enemy. Take your meds and drink your fluoridated water and stay out-of-our-way.
WE have also learned, there is no compromising with the far left Socialists / Communists because the Constitution is hanging in the breeze and their ideology is extremely dangerous. Hillary Clinton recently stated the "Constitution needs to be shredded...."
Obama stated that he was forming an army of people (Civilian National Security Force) that will be stronger than our military. [ANTIFA??]
"When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House."
Note: I strongly urge anyone capable and with an intelligence / military background to infiltrate ANTIFA by any means necessary to collect intel and help us expose Obama's army of thugs. If YOU do decide to infiltrate, you cannot have a social media history and you must play the role as a "Trump hater" and one of the best ways to infiltrate is through an ANTIFA member you befriend. Bertrand Daily Report or Dave Bertrand (including will not be held responsible for your actions and/or decisions to expose these Communists.
The name of the game is to disrupt any and all plans they have for death or false flags to drag us into a Civil War. The DNC supports the actions of ANTIFA and so does the media, including segments of law enforcement. At the current rate of things, the DNC will lose in 2020.
The Democrats can't even agree on a 2020 candidate, because they want the perfect New World Order "puppet," therefore.....all roads lead to Hillary Clinton [again] because she has proven to be the best candidate that can effectively drive Conservative / Christian / Patriots over-the-edge for a Civil War.
The Dems want Civil War in-order to further destroy America, the Constitution, and rein-in a world government under the United Nations. the meanwhile, changing the election rules from the 'electorate' to the 'popular vote' is the first stage in assuring long term Democrat control in Washington, D.C.
The Democrats are using the Joe Biden scandal as the basis for clearing the path for Hillary Clinton to avoid prosecution if she is the presidential candidate....
China, a full blown Communist regime is waiting patiently.....they need Hillary Clinton.
China is the world banking elites favored economic empire (for cheap labor), and (if you have noticed).......the Democrats are using Russia as the "bad guys" to demonize Conservatives (and Independents) as (Russian agents and bots) the "enemy" while relying on the notion that most Americans believe Russia is still a Communist Soviet Union that wants to destroy the United States while China is waiting patiently (and they are very pissed-off).
Psychological Warfare is getting worse and EVERYTHING being heard on cable news or local news sources is NOT credible and requires your own research into the facts. Even Rush Limbaugh is compromised by FCC and other sources [legal] to sway the news as not to reflect the true facts.
Rush recently discussed how the Podesta / Hillary emails got into Russian hands because "Podesta himself accidentally clicked on an email that said his "credit card had expired and because he clicked on the link.....the DNC server was hacked." An absolute absurdity, but added...."the download speed of data from the server was too fast for an outside hack to accomplish."
No shit Rush !! Guess where he heard that but did not mention it?
Rush heard it from former NSA whistleblower William Binney appearing on various Alt Media sources, but NOT one cable media source has interviewed Binney because WE KNOW that a DNC staffer (Seth Rich) downloaded the server on a USB stick and gave that stick to a Wikileaks agent and was ultimately terminated for his patriotism. Julian Assange offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to Seth Rich's murder.
Julian Assange is scared to death (literally) if he is extradited to the U.S.
NOT by an upside down judicial system, but he knows how dangerous the Clinton machine is. His current mental state might be a ruse to avoid extradition while his testimony would destroy the Clinton's and co-conspirator Rep. Debra Wasserman Schultz (exposing her MS-13 connection to the Seth Rich murder).
In the meanwhile.....several GOP types are proving to the American people of NOT being trusted in having Trump's back. Even Lindsey Graham is having second thoughts....
While a handful of GOP Trump supporters attempted today to storm the SCIF and to let the American people understand how this 'Coup' by the Democrat Communist Party is proceeding in secrecy, the 2020 election will be the most serious and most dangerous election to save America from Communism, far exceeding anything we have witnessed in the past. The GOP is in disarray and the DNC is running scared.
Both parties have the potential of collapsing under their own weight and scandals.
Electing a potential president after 2020 will evolve into a dictatorship , technocracy when voters will be a thing of the past, slipping into the history books as a problem created by Republicans that supported Trump and helped drive America into Civil War.....when it was really the divide created by Communist elements attempting to (now) overthrow America.
WWG1WGA and WE must prevail.....or it's all over for America.
---Dave Bertrand
“The majority of Americans believe that we are two-thirds of the way to being on the edge of civil war. That to me is a very pessimistic place,” said Mo Elleithee, the executive director of Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service."
Sounds of Civil War......(Historical)
DEMANDING TRANSPARENCY: Jim Jordan DEMANDS Impeachment Transparency Hearings
Red Pill News - WhistleLeaker Eric Ciaramella Exposed, Brennan Freaking Out
From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.
Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Miami Sector, US Army Military Police Veteran, Former Int'l Aircraft Repo Insurance Contractor, Former DHS/HWW Counter-Terrorism Instructor for Commercial Truckers, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Truth, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.
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