Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

As I read and listen to the many government related *things* - -  how we have an entire Congress and many of the *agencies*, all wound up in finding ways to do anything other than what they are being paid to do each day.  Almost all of them, once they get elected or appointed to a 'government' position either forget or ignore WHO it is they WORK FOR.  They automatically decide they are our RULERS instead of our employees.  They forget they are government SERVANTS - they are not Royalty to be bowed down to.  Take a good look at the majority of the Democrats in office (ie: the Four loudmouths)  They fail to recognize who it is that supplies the MONEY that their paychecks and other perks come from....  the TAXPAYERS!!!

These government paid individuals do not manufacture - grow - or create anything that is PRODUCTIVE to the American people.  In fact, IMHO, they do far more to damage the productivity of those who DO things to add to our national economy.  Not only do they TAKE from our national economy, they promote in any way they can the furtherance of foreigners to live off our TAX DOLLARS just as they have been doing.  Open borders, Welfare, Free medical care, free education, housing, and anything else they can hand out thus reducing the funds that need to be used for LEGAL AMERICANS. 

If you do an audit of those who get tax funded paychecks you will find that only a small percentage have actually done the job they were hired to do.  Every political employee should have to punch in on the time clock and then detail exactly WHAT they did that day in order to get a paycheck.  All the *political garbage* they engage in will NOT count towards productive WORK and result in NO PAY for that time spent.  Time spent on useless, political vendettas, *investigations* will be deducted from their paychecks.

We need to get off OUR butts and make sure these sleaze buckets in Office either perform according to their job description or they are removed from office for incompetence and not qualified to draw a tax funded paycheck or perc.  We need to return to the days of Congress only meeting for a short time to do the WORK they are hired to do and then they go HOME and earn their living in the private sector.  No tax funded pensions, no tax funded health insurance, no tax funded transportation, no tax funded anything.  Financial compensation only to be paid for REAL WORK as the Constitution outlines will be given to them.  No more trips to foreign resorts to *study* some dreamed up *problem*.  Family members are strictly restricted from these travels as are their dogs.

Many of you are employers and I know you understand my position about paying non-productive employees.  In my younger years I was also an employer and I expected a full day from those I wrote out paychecks to.  Anything less and they had to find another sucker to milk as I didn't play the game.

I had a major round with a government employee yesterday - he tried twisting things I said and I CLEARLY informed him  to not try that game with me as I am not one who tolerates such blatant abuse - never have and never will.  The exchange will not end  any time soon so  I am gearing up for more of this mistaken royalty -vs- employee mentality that this guy has.  All this is part of why my posts have been so scarce lately.

Jackie Juntti
WGEN  idzrus@earthlink.net

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