Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Submitted by: J Croyts

It's time to strike while the iron is hot with President Trump wanting to end the misinterpreted 14th Amendment giving "Birthright Citizenship" (thus creating Anchor Babies) for children born from non-citizens and illegal aliens while on U.S. soil.

We must do our part in making this happen by sending the message to D.C. that we want to be passed into law:
Request the 14th Amendment be amended by Congress and signed by the President to end "birthright citizenship" for children born from non-citizens and illegal aliens.  We must end the practice of foreigners coming here on tourist visas giving birth and their child is immediately deemed a U.S. citizen.  Additionally, we need to end granting of citizenship to children of illegal aliens.  Once these non-citizens and illegal aliens have their children born here and classified as U.S. citizens, they get to stay in the USA. On average, 85% of these foreign and illegal alien parents claim tax-payer funded welfare benefits to include (housing, food stamps, medical, and education, etc.).  This madness must end, the 14th Amendment was never intended to give citizenship to tourists or illegal Aliens.

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