Thursday, August 22, 2019


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

INSLEAZE should be forced to reimburse the Washington State taxpayers for the amount of money he WASTED in his VANITY/EGO - no chance in hell - run for the Oval Office.  The extra $$ spent to pay the guy who stood in for him when he was out of state -  His own salary when he wasn't here WORKING at his job -  the extra $$ to pay for his *security* which I understand was higher due to them being out of state.  However, like all greedy Democrats -   they believe OUR Money belongs to them.  It is their CLIMB AT CHANGE.
Will Washington State Voters have had their fill of these Commies?

Jackie Juntti

Another Democrat Quits The Race

Submitted by MAGA Student
Posted 12 minutes ago

Governor Jay Inslee has announced he is quitting the 2020 race.

From Huff Post:

Jay Inslee dropped his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination on Wednesday night as he looked unlikely to qualify for next month’s debate.

The Washington governor’s exit ends what began six months ago as a quixotic campaign centered entirely on an issue that candidates in the last presidential election ignored. It finished with a book-length stack of proposals that chart a politically pragmatic path to averting catastrophic climate change in the decades to come.

“We left an open-source gold standard of what will get us to a cleaner future and really will end our reliance on fossil fuels,” Inslee told HuffPost by phone Wednesday afternoon. “It was not just a campaign document, it was a governing document, and it could be used by anyone who ends up in the White House.”

Just hours before announcing the governor’s plans to bow out of the race, the Inslee campaign released a 38-page memo detailing a plan to pay farmers to store carbon dioxide in soil, establish a new federal research agency on sustainable agriculture and invest billions in rural renewable electricity projects.

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