Monday, May 13, 2019


BERTRAND DAILY REPORT  The War For Your Mind & Soul Continues 

Subject: Satan's Mockingbird TV: 'Father Knows Best?' or NOW....'Transgender Knows Best' --Video

Friends and Associates:

If you don't believe that Satan is on-the-move to infiltrate, corrupt and destroy humanity through YOUR children....the next generation of morons lacking empathy and compassion, while acting on behalf of Satan and his human army, influencing weak minds, then you are still asleep with your head in the sand.

ACCLIMATION a.k.a. 'The Slow Boiling Frog' began decades ago by television, the perfect source for mind manipulation / brainwashing of the masses. The CIA's Operation Mockingbird began in the 50's when 'Leave it to Beaver' and other family shows were popular.

"Operation Mockingbird is an [alleged] large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.[1] "

Just as a drug dealer on the street introduces a new user with a taste of the product, (smuggled in by black ops CIA ) the new user likes it, wants more, and then the trap is set. Once that happens, it's an easy sell every time, but for the runs-out, brain is destroyed, families are destroyed, relationships finished, and crime becomes the norm. Note: The highest crime cities (and extreme mental health problems) in America are under Democrat Communist control.

Television began as a feel good drug, and families ran to stores to buy TV's and slowly the [programming] began to change after the 60's. The children were slowly indoctrinated with mind altering propaganda, as were the parents, but gradually over time....television, movies and music consumed the sub-conscious mind.

Note: [OUR] job as Patriots is to cleanse the Democrat's mind of propaganda filth they believe as NORMAL.

Instead of 'Tony The Tiger'  cereal commercials from the 60's, today it's pharmaceutical remedies for thousands of ailments YOU supposedly have. If you constantly tell a viewer every single day of how their depression remedy is only a pill away, they eventually believe that propaganda, and if further validated by a deceitful partner or spouse, they end-up looking in the mirror and actually depress themselves. And of course....all doctors will help with that evaluation, because they get a kick-back from the sale of weaponized pharmaceutical products. 

Once the drug user is trapped, he/she or (it) cannot secure a job and then finds hope for [free] survival from the Democrat Communist Party offering solutions for all, but never delivers. The really messed-up ones continue to believe the lies including the brain dead (hardcore Democrats). "No need to work if you don't want to, universal paychecks coming soon," [BUT VOTE FOR US]. For those that rebel...."we will send you to the re-education work camps."

The user / drug addict finds his/her or (it's) own life portrayed in movies, rap-crap, and actually believe their messed-up life is a common problem being the "fault of those Christian / Capitalists" and Trump....thanks to television / fake news.

Hoping for a "free ride" by the Dems, hope is just an election away......

We can actually see the trend of Illuminati / Satan's destruction of going after the children through the beginnings of television and where it is today.


cannibalism is ok
after birth termination / murder
save the planet by eliminating humanity down to 500,000
cut your penis off
staple your face with ornaments
worship Lucifer
socialism / communism
fascism / Nazism disguised as ANTIFA
pro-New World Order
hate the Jews
pro-sharia law
voting by illegal aliens
voting by prisoners
sanctuary cities
open borders
anti-cops and guns
racism disguised
anti-self protection
pro-corrupt politicians in office
destruction of all forms of conservative speech. 

Satan's strategy is advancing to extraordinary levels and we see it everyday. The television, internet, music lyrics, and colleges are combined Satanic tools used to destroy each upcoming generation, because the end game is to create a majority of anti-social / hating junior Communist morons bent-on destroying their own identities, their own families, your family, and to drag the rest of us into their dark world.

"Misery loves company"

A number of parents....especially single parents, often succumb to their teen's confused world of Satanic influence in-order to appear "cool," but to counter the other parent's non-coolness. Support of the teen's new life styles and mind twisting illusion(s) is a weakness of any parent that does so. If the non-custodial parent forces their kid into Church, that usually ends the relationship and the custodial parent wins. It certainly would be no surprise that by forcing a child into Church could be defined as 'child abuse' and can be a custody issue. Force them into a Mosque, some courts would approve..... 

God forbid you take a strap to your kid's go to jail today, but it's "ok" to circumcise female genitals under Sharia Law or murder a new born unwanted child under Democrat laws.'s "ok" to drag your 2 year old through the desert for days as an illegal alien, but if you are an America and you do that, you go to jail. 

The family during the 50's and 60's controlled the teen, but today....the teen controls the family. If either divorced parent is not "cool" anymore and the free money hand-out, after every parental visit stops, the teen rebels even further into a state of hatred and betrayal.....and can last a lifetime.   

Finding balance (or empathy) for the twisted teen is today's battle with Satan. 

The biggest problem is when a government is created by a majority of morons, the rest of us with a morale compass have to clean-up the mess, therefore....we are there. The young Democrats in Congress, pushing Marxist the writing on-the-wall for what is happening to America.

Christians can continue praying on their knees for hope, but reality says.....if you are on your knees, you had better be focusing on the cross-hairs in your scope ! 

 ---Dave Bertrand

Golden Age of Television VS. Fox TV's Lucifer

From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Sector 5, Vietnam era Veteran (Korea), Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Conspiracy, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

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