Monday, April 29, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 04/29/2019

A Sexual Deviant As America’s Next President?

Americans seem to forget who passed AIDS to their multiple partners back in the early 1980s which turned into a horrible, raging epidemic that killed tens of thousands of men. Most of them probably nice, decent human beings sold the big lie they are ‘born that way’. There’s nothing ‘gay’ about contracting HIV and dying from AIDS.  A true, tragic loss of precious lives that was/is preventable..........
by Devvy Kidd.

Promotion Of Virtue And The Prevention Of Vice

According to the Ummah, all Muslims are responsible for commanding good and forbidding evil, or promoting virtue and preventing vice. If Muslims avoid and ignore and follow those commands, it then is interpreted as a great sin because it was ignored. Muslims are obligated to regulate and watch over their community non-stop.........
by Amil Imani.

The Celestial Magic Of A Campfire And Friends

To sit around a campfire with a stick while you poke the glowing embers before you, may be one of the most tangible of all visible mysteries of the universe. You stare into pulsing energy that feeds your soul. Warmth comforts your sense of belonging to the wilderness.........
by Frosty Wooldridge.

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