Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Submitted by: Laurie-Cardoza-Moore

Fellow Concerned Citizen:
Americans from all parties finally agree. Democrats and Republicans alike…Ilhan Omar is a serious problem.
As a I write you, Congressional Democrats are preparing to vote on a resolution this Wednesday that demonstrates to the American people that she doesn’t speak for them. The Democrats are clearly worried.

They once professed to be the party of Israel, but now they’ve become the party of terrorists, Hezbollah sympathizers and the BDS movement.
You may think Wednesday’s vote is a victory for us. After all, we at PJTN have been sounding the Clarion Call since her tweet on February 10th….but it’s not.
The vote on Wednesday should not be treated as an isolated attempt to demonstrate a philosophical difference or save face. It’s just Washington’s attempt to sweep this problem under the rug and make us forget that a friend of terrorists is serving in the United States Congress.
Unlike rank and file Congressional Democrats, we won’t settle for a vote; we want Ilhan Omar removed from Congress and we need your help to do it.
We want every American to understand the impact of her vile poison and join us in the fight to stop it once and for all. Sanctions and censuring are not the remedy—her expulsion is the ONLY acceptable remedy.
We must keep up the pressure on Speaker Pelosi and other Congressional leaders.
Even her Minnesota constituents feel bamboozled by her positions on Israel. She campaigned against the BDS movement, but quickly became its most vocal advocate once she was elected to Congress.
Her actions remind me of this proverb:
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep… 2 Peter 2:1-22
The best way to stop Americans from being fooled by this false prophet is to pressure Speaker Pelosi and Congressional Democrats to remove Rep. Omar from Congress. Force them to acknowledge that her apology is not enough, and that if they want to keep Americans safe, they need to remove her from Congress NOW.
The world is a dangerous place and we don’t need a friend of terrorists making decisions about our national security. Join us in the battle to keep our nation and Israel safe; our future depends on the actions you take today.
We can be silent no more,
Laurie Cardoza-Moore
Laurie Cardoza-Moore

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