Saturday, March 16, 2019


Thanks To Public Schools, Socialism Is On The Rise

Fellow Americans, I plead with you in the words of Daniel Webster, “Finally, let us not forget the religious character of our origin. Our fathers were brought hither by their high veneration for the Christian religion… God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.”..........
by Jake MacAulay.

How Naturalism, Gender Identity And Pornography Are Inexplicably Entwined

Choice without consequence is as old as the planet, and should be as obvious to the educationalist, the theorist, the scientist, and the humanist, as it is to those with just good old fashioned common sense. We can’t have the freedom to choose without accepting responsibility and also accountability on the outcome of our choices.........
by Shilley Edwards.

Where Will Our Blindness To Ugly History Lead?

My last article was a brief history of the Selective Service System, a discussion of the draft, Vietnam era draft resistors, and whether recent Department of Defense policy changes and court decisions could change the status of women and Selective Service Registration. I may have touched a nerve or two about an unpopular subject.  But when you write about things many Americans lived through, the painted picture is not always a pretty one.........
by JD Pendry.

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