Sunday, January 6, 2019

GELLER REPORT 01/06/2019

 Today's Headlines

Saturday Night Cinema: Out of the Past

No one ever smoked and brooded and loomed like Robert Mitchum.

Islam Is Islam, Irrespective of Sect

The religious underpinnings of the two sects may be different. Even their strategies may be different in some respects. Yet their singular objective is the same: to dominate the world.

MORE STABBINGS IN LONDONISTAN: Woman in her 30s is fighting for her life, two men suffer multiple slash wounds after triple stabbing

Yesterday, a dad was stabbed to death in front of his 14-year-old son on a London train. Once one of the greatest, most powerful cities on earth -- now a third world shithole.

SHOCKING VIDEO: 8-year-old boy hailed on Lebanese TV for refusing to play against Israeli opponents

The left does not condemn this evil child abuse, bigotry, and violent incitement.

Iran’s Khamenei meets Islamic Jihad leaders, calls for Israel’s downfall

This is just more of the same vicious annihilationist Jew-hatred we have come to expect from Iran, which Iranian mullahs spewed for years with the sanction, the permission, of Obama.

Airstrike kills devout Muslim terrorist behind USS Cole bombing

Compare this to the sorry record of President Jihad Obama.

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