Thursday, January 24, 2019


BERTRAND DAILY REPORT  The War For Your Mind & Soul Continues 

Subject: The 3 Layers of "Q" -- Best Explanation So Far, Confirms SCOTUS Scalia Was Murdered--Video

Friends and Associates:

The following report on who and what "Q" team is and the 3 layers within that operation...a coup against the Deep State worldwide cannot be verified,'s important to know it's a method and means to destroy the Deep State with (OUR) help.

The report (below) does confirm (our) suspicions, Judge Scalia was assassinated by the Deep State and when we put together the 'Tarmac Meeting' between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, where he conveyed to Lynch that if she exonerate(d) his wife (Hillary), Lynch would be appointed as the next SCOTUS under a HRC presidency..... that alleged event alone shows us how the Deep State has and will do everything to stop Trump in his tracks.

It appears and unconfirmed, SCOTUS Justice Scalia was part of the "Q" circle......

Like most every Patriot has learned over the last two decades and before (partially) before DARPA's internet web was taken-over by the world for everyone to use, the push for globalization and the New World Order was meant to eventually bring the entire world to her knees under a Marxist / Communist manifesto that gained strength in 1917 with the Bolshevik Communist take-over of Russia.

The Bolsheviks infiltrated the Democrat Party in the U.S. with the foundation of the Communist Party USA in Chicago around 1919. The Communist Movement in the U.S. gained substantial strength by 1944 through 1975.

The McCarthy hearings to identify all Communists in the U.S. slowed the movement and was labeled a fear mongering conspiracy theory. After the famous hearings, the Communists needed to deliver their poison with a dose of sugar over the years to what we saw later, Communism under the identifier, 'Progressivism' to outright modern "Liberal Socialism"...which is nothing more than a 'means of production' that serves the wealthy Communist oligarchies.

Basically...Enslavement and control of a population under a 'Police State.'

In most every college campus, "Progressive / Liberal" professors teach their students how they are at a disadvantage as a result of Capitalism, and to force that lie forward, the central banks have effectively trapped millions of students in debts they can never recover from, thus validating the push for Socialism and re-distribution of wealth. 

When offered an "out" by joining the military or Peace Corps etc, the graduating student is catapulted further into a Marxist ideology and a hatred for America. And to add pain to misery, the college student discovers their 'degree' means little to nothing in today's world where Democrats effectively pushed production and science out of the country and brought-in immigrants (for cheap labor) to fill existing positions within the U.S., thus the American college student can't find a real job and ends-up in mommy's basement for the next 10 years after graduation, thus he/she becomes an ANTIFA radical or worse....a politician.

Obama is a perfect example of his transition from college and into the livingroom of Chicago's professor Bill Ayers, a known Terrorist and Communist. Prepped by Bill Ayers and guided by the CIA into a failed presidency, the final purveyor of Communism and Treason was to be Hillary Clinton....a staunch student of her mentor Sal Alinsky, another Communist that authored Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia    

The college student that emerges with a warped mind is not productive and offers nothing to society except hate. 

Therefore....the Communists beat the dog each time he wants to leave his cage, but the dog loves you when you throw some food his way. That's called brainwashing / conditioning the mind to accept less while blaming everyone else for their own problems.

The non-productive student of "Progressive / Liberalism" ends up (usually) a drug addict zombie that listens to only anti-American, anti-White rap music, and spends his/her allowance on tattoos and wonders why they can't secure a job....especially when the potential employer wants to look at their Twitter and Facebook account.

American society has been on the road to hell for quite some time, thanks to "Liberal Progressives" in their attempt to hide the truth about Socialism / Communism while making excuses for what's happening in Venezuela. 

That's all changing as a new sheriff is in town and turning the money tables upside down, securing the border of drugs and gangs. Who would be better to know how the money system works than President Trump...a president that is not a Globalist or Communist !

This is the battle that goes unseen and not reported by the fakestream media, but a battle to restore the Republic back to Christian values, or at least to some level of sanity to prosper, work, survive and enjoy life in America.

Be an atheist, Buddhist, or spiritually motivated, to being a Muslim, but don't attempt to replace our belief system with Satanic beliefs, or Sharia Law and/or try to counter OUR Constitution under Marxist doctrines. YOU WILL FAIL......

Getting rid of corrupt judges, politicians and college professors can only be done when a population is awake and aware. That is what "Q" has done for those awake.....allowing us to see the truth of what Trump and the Patriots are doing behind the scenes to "Drain The Swamp."

The Deep State / Communists are very dangerous and will fight to the end to maintain power while ushering-in Sharia Law in-order to create conflict, but what we are seeing around the world, their days are numbered.

The awakening is happening on a major scale like no time in our history, while being lied to at every turn for decades, we are now seeing the mass corruption and those involved [Panic].

"Q" has dropped-off the radar, but it is my opinion...the reason is because the "Q" team posts was a doubled edge sword that needed careful interpretation, but was also meant to force the Deep State to react in a planned way, of which we may or may not ever know the full details. "Q" going silent now tells me the Deep State maneuvering, as a result of "Q" (bread crumbs) and intel, is at THAT point where things are about to happen. No more freebies for the Deep State to make counter-moves.

Pelosi and the Deep State's latest attempt to assassinate President Trump could very well be the "straw that broke the camel's back" and all bets and counter-plays are off now !

As "Q" has stated, [We Have It All] [We Know Everything].

Yes..."Q" is very real and if the team wasn't and/or it was just a lone basement dweller (with incredible knowledge), you can bet there would be a Deep State player that would find that out, and because the "Q" team is real, is the reason why fakestream media has thousands of articles disputing "Q" as a fake, but with absolutely no evidence.

Alex Jones and Infowars needs to ask themselves why they allowed themselves to side with fakestream media about "Q" being fake. Infowars was a viable source of excellent information....too bad.

"On Thursday, President Donald Trump posed for an Oval Office photo with one of the leading promoters of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims that top Democrats are part of a global pedophile cult."

"Global pedophile cult?" pedophiles here or anywhere, just thousands of arrests being made !!

Read the report below and consider how and why "Q" was formed, which has been the ONLY source of credible intelligence of what is happening behind the scenes, and in-turn...caused a worldwide revolt against the Deep State cabal. There is no way in hell that everything posted by "Q" was meant to be analyzed as being (for us only), but was also meant to force the Deep State out-of-hiding, and to cause certain players to react. And it worked !

---Dave Bertrand

X22 Report: Insurance Activated, Playing Out As Planned, Blocking/Protecting Will Fail - Episode 1773b

Contributor: BDR Researcher Cathy Cardoni  (Best Explanation as to What Q is all About)

Who Q-Anon is
Final Wakeup Call

The next President

In 2012, after the second term election of Barack Obama, three patriots formed a secret group of ten very rich, intelligent and powerful billionaires. They were worried about losing America to foreign regimes through fascist forces. That is why they formed a secret alliance, loyal to the flag and constitution of America. They were all personally acquainted with members of the Deep State and obtained first-hand knowledge on their plans.

At that time, this group decided to handpick the next president of the United States. Supported by their powerful, secret alliance, they reached out to trusted associates, motivated by the same reason as to why the Deep State had always handpicked their Presidents; the assurance of a smooth implementation of their plans. Henceforth, they decided to beat the Deep State at their own election game, without letting them know they too were in the same game.

The group of ten named themselves “Q”. Their idea was to take advantage of the enigma surrounding the Q from Star Trek, being all powerful and no one would ever know of Q’s true identity, unless the Q group would themselves reveal their identities to the world. They wanted to operate as an all-powerful, all-knowing, but anonymous group, working in secret without fear of retaliation by the Deep State. The most crucial part of the overall plan was to put a trustworthy president into office and subsequently, the right people into positions in the government, which would ultimately result in ‘We, the People’ being able to take America back from the Globalists.

So, the first step was to select the person they thought would be most suitable to fulfil the job of POTUS. They listed the following criteria for their candidate; he must be charismatic, rich, powerful, self-made, motivated to put America first, proud, thick-skinned, a constitutionalist, outspoken, a non-politician but rather, entrepreneurial and he must believe in the high probability of attaining success in this job, thereby, in essence, making it happen with his fervour and perseverance. In short, not an easy undertaking, with very few candidates meeting the criteria!

They selected seven qualified candidates. After careful deliberations, two candidates were eventually picked. Although the Q-group didn’t reach unanimity, after taking a vote on the remaining two candidates, they selected Trump by 6 to 4. If Trump turned down the request, the second candidate would have become president.
One of the Q-members closely acquainted with Trump approached him. Trump was only informed about the basic plan, without too many details, and he was told that a secret, powerful group would be behind him, supporting and guiding him all the way. Trump was informed about the ten goals of the plan, to make America great again. Eight of these goals were adopted as promotional points during his election campaign. Amongst others, these goals were; draining the swamp, border security, deregulation, breaking away from globalism, America first, ending the fed to bring back honest, gold-backed money, the abolition of TTP and WTO trade agreements, and the withdrawal from the Paris climate accord.

Trump was not told anything about the Q-team itself, nor was he told that the go-between was a member of the Q-group. Trump was only told that a small secret group of rich and powerful people would secretly cooperate with him. He was told that he even had to spend his own money on his own election campaign. Millions and Millions of dollars were spent by him for the greater good of America. Trump asked the go-between messenger, “you want me to answer to you”? The answer came; “No Sir, we will answer to you”. Trump looked at this messenger and answered: “OK then, I’m in”. The Q envoy answered “OK, it is a deal, but from here onwards, don’t look for me anymore. Consider this meeting to have never happened. I was never here, so to speak. Don’t contact me from now on. Speak of this to no one. We will send people to you”. This was the first and the last time a member of the Q-team ever spoke to Trump directly.

The organisational structure

Even the messengers that Q sends to Trump, do not have any direct contact with Q. Every piece of information is communicated through a middle man. The Q management team consists of the ten creators, all designated by “Q”. They are “The circle”. They recruited ten more trusted associates who together form; “The inner circle”. These members hold positions in the White House and in Trump’s administration.

All these appointees bolster great power and influence. They are all 100% loyal to the constitution, like Trump, and they fully support his endeavour regarding this monumental undertaking. None of these players are familiar with any details of the Q-circle plans, nor do they even know who they are. They only know that there is a powerful, anonymous force behind the President and they are simply the ones that are executing the given instructions, supported by their personal insight and acquired knowledge of the status quo.

The next level below the inner circle, is called the “outer circle” also consisting of ten members. These are appointees in powerful positions outside the White House and are also 100% loyal and faithful to President Trump. These men and women are positioned in the agencies, such as the intelligence agencies; CIA, DOJ, and so on.

The last circle is called the “Final Circle”. These members are the judges, appointed into strategic positions, and they too, are one hundred percent loyal to President Trump, the constitution, and to the given assignment that they have dedicated themselves to.

None of the above team-members know anything about the Q-circle, although some of them were appointed on the instruction of Q. That explains why certain Trump appointees seem controversial to outsiders.
Away from the Globalists

The next move is the breaking away from the Globalist fundamentals. Some of the moves that have been accomplished are, for example, the withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, TPP, the re-negotiation of NAFTA and countless others. This is to be followed by thedismantling of the Deep State by exposing and draining the swamp. The ultimate goal of the 2018 elections was to obtain control of the Senate, the House and governors, in preparation for the 2020 elections.

Q Anon

When the time came to getting the word on Q out to the public, the Q-top manoeuvred an intelligent person in the White House inner cycle and told this person to covertly reach out to ‘We, the People’, instructing this individual to go by the name “Q Anon”, an abbreviation for “Q anonymous”.

This person knows nothing about the identities of the Q-top. Everyone involved knows only that some powerful, “anonymous” force is behind the President and that they have been hand-picked into the “inner circle” to get the word out to ‘We, the People’.

To be more precise, this Q is not the original “Q”. Q knows little to nothing about the original 10 “Creator-Qs”. The information Q disseminates is by instruction. The Q breadcrumbs which we read are dropped by someone who is only speaking for “The Circle Q” The person dropping the breadcrumbs goes by the name Q Anon – anonymously.

If a Q member in the Circle were to die, a new member would be promoted from their own ranks, making sure there are always ten Qs. This has already happened once very early on, when judge Scalia was murdered by the Deep State. He was one of the ten, and was even one of the three founding members. He was a very powerful judge, who had set out to expose and dismantle the Deep State, however, that is all the Deep State knew of his plans and they were completely unaware of any affiliation to the Q organisation. The Deep State killed the judge in his sleep, making it look like a natural cause.

This interesting story is true history in real time. As far as was possible, it has been accurately and comprehensively researched, checked and elucidated with the information and intel available at this moment in time. Share this information with everyone who is awake within your circle. In the next issues, more details regarding the strategies of Q-team will be analysed.

Everyone, who wants to join in this battle as a patriot in assisting President Trump, his patriots and the Q-movement in the battle for the liberation of the planet from the globalists, is encouraged to participate.

In order to better understand and learn what is truly going on in our world today, my book THE GREAT AWAKENING is a good guide, with countless links for in-depth individual research. This book has been purposely written for this endeavour, while it may also prove to be very helpful for later cross-references. The book covers a multitude of facets in today’s corrupt world, and offers a vast array of solutions for the necessary changes that are going to be needed and implemented.

To be continued, Stay tuned.
From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify otherwise.

Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Sector 5, Vietnam era Veteran (Korea), Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Conspiracy, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid From Arizona to Montana Each Year.

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