Sunday, December 30, 2018


Submitted by: P McMillan


The MSM is floating constant criticism of Trump’s attack on the Fed, with constant disinformation to the benefit of the criminal bankers. Not being any friend of Trump I have to believe that he does understand something about money – or rather about bank credit pretending to be money. He does seem to know that the more “interest” (usury) which that criminal exchange medium sucks out of the economy, the richer the already too rich “stockholders’ get while taking away the general public’s ability to have any economy at all, by raising costs while reducing the amount of usable credit (debt).

For a bit of edification on what money is and how it works following are various excerpts taken from the best book ever put together on American money, or rather lack of it, named “Real Money versus False Money – Bank Credits” and subtitled “The Most Important Factor in Civilization and Least Understood by the People” written by T. Cushing Daniel; published in 1924 shortly after his death by his widow.
The subtitle is the direct result of the criminal banking scam constantly confusing what money really is and how it must be brought into circulation because if the public understood these simple facts all “bankers of issue” (creating “money” as loans - debt owed to the bankers) would be hanged before the sun sets today.
Page 41:
From Englishman John Ruskin:
“National debts paying interest are simply the purchase by the rich of the power to tax the poor.”
The real thieves of Europe [or any other place – Tony B.], the real sources of deadly war in it, are the capitalists, that is to say, the people who live by percentages on the labor of others instead of fair wages for their own.”
Page 79:
[w]hen you say that a bank note, a silver certificate, or any kind of promise to pay, has to be redeemed in something else – for instance, gold – before it becomes a legal tender to pay a debt, it simply means that debts are issued as a circulating medium instead of money.
Page 120:
The value of money in any country is determined by the amount existing. That commodities should rise or fall in price in proportion to the increase or diminution of money I assume as a fact that is incontrovertible.
Page 133:
Banks are organized by individuals to handle and loan the money of depositors, not to create money; this is an act of sovereignty, a function of government.
Page 147:
It can clearly be seen that Congress and the United States Treasury no longer represent the people. The greatest standing reflection upon the boasted intelligence of our people is their thoughtless submission to the present infamous currency system – money based on debts, Banks of Issue, and gold redemption. (Of course the 1924 gold redemption is long gone but the “fractional” concept is made to live. - Tony B.)
Page 158, education for the “gold bugs”:
[i]t is the dollar in the gold that gives it its value and not the gold in the dollar. There is nothing mysterious in the value of money. It is only worth what it will bring in other things. The mystery and jugglery begins when every real dollar is made the basis of issuing innumerable promises to pay, or debts, in the place of dollars, by banking institutions.
Page 159:
To authorize the issue of lawful money is the highest act of sovereignty, for it carries with it the plighted faith of the entire population of the country to redeem it.
Page 164:
The United States Supreme Court; Legal tender cases, 12th Wallace – declares:
It was for this reason the power to coin money and regulate its value was conferred upon the Federal Government, while the same power, as well as the power to emit bills of credit, was withdrawn from the States. The States can no longer declare what shall be money, or regulate its value. Whatever power there is over the currency is vested in Congress.
By the self-confession of bankers and financiers, who have grown rich while the people have grown poor, that after forty-five years, during which they have dominated and shaped all legislation on money, they all agree that the present system, which means a gold basis [that part no longer – Tony B.] with “National Banks of Issue,” is a dismal failure.
Page: 181, from quotes of Daniel’s testimony before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House in 1913:
“The issuing of real money, for which a valuable consideration is given, and not debts redeemable in gold, is a Government function, as provided in the Constitution of the United States.
No incorporated banking institutions with stock issues are necessary as a condition precedent to the Government’s exercising this highest act of sovereignty.
“In the light of experience and present conditions, it is plain as the noon-day sun [not so plain anymore as the sky is most always “cloudy” with chemicals, etc. – Tony B.] that if the people are forced into partnership again with this convicted Money Trust and those responsible for it, as contemplated in this bill (S. 2639), it can and will produce nothing but disaster.

In reality, one should reproduce the whole 338 page book, it is that important. But just one more quote and I leave the rest to the reader’s inquisitiveness. Because this quote is necessary for most to simply begin proper thought about money.
Page 124:
Is there a sensible man in this twentieth century who will stand up in the American Congress and say that he would rather have a promise to pay a dollar issued by a bank, secured upon a segregated asset of a corporation, called a bond, than a full legal tender dollar redeemable in all the property of the people of the United States? If a full legal tender American dollar is called “fiat money,” by a parity of reasoning, the same statesman would call a United States Government bond a fiat creation, although both have squarely back of them all the assets of the United States and the plighted faith of the American people.

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