Monday, November 12, 2018


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

Once again I encourage readers to sign up to Jeff's email list-  He is right on the leading edge of it all in San Diego so you will news from him that the Lamestream media ignores or tries to cover up.

Jackie Juntti
“Heaven has a wall and strict immigration policies, Hell has open borders.”

Subject: BREAKING!  New Video:  Caravan Aliens in Tijuana say the United States belongs to Them
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2018 15:01:28 -0800

Yes, the first of the illegal aliens in the caravan from Honduras (the 85 gay and tranny aliens) have arrived in Tijuana and they are telling the media they have every right to invade the U.S.  No wonder millions of illegal Latinos have come here over the past few decades.  They have been brainwashed that this (“The Americas”) is their homeland and that it is their duty to go north and occupy it.  You won’t see this on CNN or Faux News…. 
380 more caravan aliens are expected to arrive in TJ tomorrow (Tuesday) by bus.  It’s a two day bus trip up from Mexico City where they spent the weekend.   3,500 total are on their way to Tijuana and San Diego by bus and should all arrive in about 2 weeks.  Not enough buses to move them sooner.   Who is paying for all these expensive buses?  The American taxpayers most likely.  We give Mexico $320 million of our U.S. dollars every year in “aid” to help fund their pipeline of illegals to our border and into our country, never to be deported unless they commit major crimes.   Yes, even under Trump and the GOP Congress.  Huge scam and we are paying for it daily!
Shocking new videos of dozens of buses today headed for Tijuana. 

Jeff Schwilk
 Founder, San Diegans for Secure Borders  

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