Wednesday, November 28, 2018

NEWS WITH VIEWS 11/28/2018

We Now Live In A Land Of Zealots And Lunatics

Evidently, most of the American people are perfectly content to be debt slaves and rats in a cage, dancing to the tune of a lunatic mob drummer. Until we once again seek freedom with the same savagery and determination as we did in the Revolutionary War, debt slaves and rats in a cage we will be. Soon we will be just like Europe, or worse, Venezuela and we will all stand by and watch it happen without so much as a whimper or a moan..........
by Ron Ewart.

The Forerunners Of The American Revolution: The Black Robed Regiment

I also remember after giving my testimony that week that I began to hear over and over again by the youth pastor as to what they were going to do in reaching the up and coming generation. Yet, week after week it was the same thing, just sensationalized preaching with little to no action outside of the church building (1 John 3:18).........
by Bradlee Dean

Why Would Americans Hate Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving this year delivered a crushing blow to the NBA’s Boston Celtics who lost to the New York Knicks. NBC Sports reporter Abby Chin told Celtics star Kyrie Irving, “Happy Thanksgiving,” to which Irving responded, “F*** Thanksgiving.”.........
by Jake MacAulay

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