Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Submitted by: Robert Bowen

Merely substitute Satanist with Democrats and you get exactly what they are doing!

Getting Wise to the SATANIST

The SATANISTS worship duality. They only think and act in terms of "either/or". And that is how they train you, like a salivating dog, to think and act, too.

Ever wonder why they constantly prod little kids to segregate objects according to their differences and not their similarities?

The better to divide and to conquer. The better to "habituate" conflict and thinking patterns that support conflict.

If they can get the white people to hate the Jews and the Jews to hate the blacks and the blacks to hate the whites and the Hispanics and the Hispanics to hate everyone else who isn't Hispanic and the Asians to despise whites, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and Palestinians, and the Saudis to hate the folks from Yemen.... hey, it's a lot less likely that everyone is going to sober up from the Hate Fest and notice who and what is actually manipulating all of it.
Don't forget the female against male thing!

And the easier it is for the actual culprits to take advantage of the polarity they have created: sell arms to both sides, put both sides in debt, collect on the life insurance policies, foreclose on the widows.....

Am I wrong?

We have one common enemy, and though they are slippery as eels and masters of disguises and deceits, you can tell them by their fruits.

It's always the same stinking May Apples. Always the same trick: find a difference and exploit it. People are too stupid to see through this, which allows the Vermin to profit.

So, by all means, wake up and see the way this works to our mutual detriment.

When the Jews are gone, it will be the blacks, and after the blacks it will be the Hispanics, and in between it will be the old and the fragile and the unborn babies and the Jehovah's Witnesses and the LGBT crowd and all the Archie Bunkers, and at the end, there will be just one big ball of hate and fear destroying everyone and everything that is "different".
That's the snake oil the reptiles are selling. It's what they always sell. And we will not be free of them until we all learn better and say, "No, not falling for it anymore."

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