Monday, September 24, 2018


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

I am reminded of how the ANTI-CHRIST protestors during Jesus' time before the Roman courts is being replayed before us right now.  I am not comparing Kavanaugh to Jesus by any stretch of the imagination - what I am comparing is the acts and LIES of the protestors and how this bunch is doing what the previous bunch did -  DEMAND THE CRUCIFIXION of the  INNOCENT.

I am sure that some readers get tired of my constant references to the Bible and to Jesus and the Apostles but folks,  we are engaged in a massive SPIRITUAL WAR here on this earth and if we don't immediately fight it for what it is - we are going to lose a lot of soldiers.  Going to b e a lot of folks who draw their last breath BEFORE they ask Jesus into their hearts and accept His gift of Salvation.  That all means they will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire (Hell).  Satan has been fighting hard since his fall from heaven to destroy all that God created and in his mind become God.  Not going to happen but I don't want to see Satan take anyone who could be saved if they would simply Confess their sin, Repent, and ask Jesus into their hearts before that LAST breath is taken.  Do not let Satan gain even one hostage.

My prayer this week is for ALL the liars and denouncers of TRUTH be fully EXPOSED - so much so that no one with even a pea sized brain can ignore it.  This includes the main accuser- the so called legal advisors, and every one who provides even one dollar for this to keep going.
They need to be EXPOSED, ARRESTED,  CHARGED with the crimes they are committing, PROSECUTED to the FULL extent of the law, and CONVICTED for the highest incarceration and financial penalties that can be applied.

Jackie Juntti
It isn't who you are - It is WHOSE you are!!

Soros bussing in far-left protestors to Kavanaugh hearings this 

Soros Busses In Far-Left Protestors To Kavanaugh Hearings This Week

September 23, 2018 0

Far-left protestors are being bussed in for this week’s Senate Hearings by organizations funded directly by George Soros.  According to Paul Sperry, several left-wing violent groups are preparing to wreak havoc in Washington D.C. in […]


Democratic rep Kirsten Gillibrand shamelessly promoted two sexu 

Democrat Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand Promoted Two Sexual Assault Hoaxes In The Past

September 23, 2018 1

Democratic Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand, the Senator leading the protests against Brett Kavanaugh, promoted two sexual assault hoaxes in the past.  The New York Senator says she believes Kavanaugh is guilty because he is not asking[…]


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George Soros Spending $5 Million To Destroy Kavanaugh


Former Bill Clinton aide predicted Kavanaugh defeat to Blasey F 

Clinton Aide Promised Blasey Ford ‘Kavanaugh Defeat’ In July

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