Saturday, September 8, 2018




We hear the chants of Islamic followers, Muslims, as they scream "Death to America." We watch our televisions and see these  Muslims burn the flags of America and Israel all the while chanting,  "Death to America," and "Death To Israel." 

We watch as leaders of Islamists preach hatred of any that dare to deny them their way and refuse to convert to Islam. The smallest transgression suffered by any Muslim is blamed on America or Israel. No wrongdoing, however great, dare be blamed on any Muslim.

The horror is that Muslims here in America firmly say, The chants you are hearing, the atrocities, rapes and crimes are only from radical Islamists, not the vast majority in America. 

What do our politicians and Judges do? 

Our politicians sit and do nothing while our Judges say, "It's their way of life," or "That is their Religious Right."

The sad part is that Politicians, an increasing number being Muslim, are afraid to act for fear their Muslim constituents will not reelect them!

Matthew 12:25 Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, "Any kingdom at war with itself is doomed."

Mark 3:24 A kingdom at war with itself will collapse

As Christians we are taught to "Obey the government."

Romans 13:1 Obey the government for God is the One who put it there. All governments have been placed in power by God.    

How, I ask, are we to obey a government that is under attack by men and/or women who make up the government? The government consists of elected people and unelected bureaucrats. Sadly a number of them are out to wield power and only seek personal gain.

Colossians 2:8 Don't let anyone lead you astray with empty philosophy and high sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the evil powers of this world and not from Christ.
Just as our government is at war with itself there are Islamist governments seeking to wage war upon us. The term, "Jihad," is heard, but that term is deliberately misinterpreted to fit their needs.

Let us now study the meaning of 'Jihad' as set forth in Islamic studies.

Jihad: 1. A believer's internal struggle (within him/herself) to live the Muslim faith as well as possible. 2. The struggle to build a good Muslim society. 3. The struggle to DEFEND Islam, through force if necessary.  (DEFEND is capitalized so as to emphasize.)

'The bottom line is, Jihad, as set forth in the Q'ran (Koran) teaches readers is "Striving for spiritual good."

As seen, the definition of Jihad, as set forth by Muslims to destroy America or Israel has NO support from the Q'ran. The deviant opinion originates from teachings found in books fabricated after the death of Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Those teachings not only contradict the Q'ran, they contradict  common sense as well!

This false Jihad demands the destruction of Christianity, Judaism, or any other belief that that of Islam! This is evil in it's most pure form.

So, we learn that the people that make up Islam are at war within their ranks just as we are at war within our political stances.

What are we to do? Where do we turn to gain truth? How do we obey our God as we obey our government?

Our government was formed upon the Constitution of the United States of America. With that being so we must live our lives in accordance of such and there must be no deviation. Politicians that run afoul of the dictates of the Constitution are not to be listened to and are not worthy of the office they hold.

As Christians we do not endorse abortion. We do not endorse thievery. We do not endorse false witness. We do not endorse female genital mutilation.  We believe in personal rights given us by God Almighty with there being no man or woman to rightfully deny those personal rights.

Also, as Christians we do not utilize our Constitution as a shield to hide behind to speak ill of another.

We are faced with hordes of Islamists demanding our deaths as well as political demands to allow an 'anything goes' way of life. In truth we are being subjected to two Jihads. The 'true' Jihad  is the struggle to be faithful Christians as we seek to develop a Christian society while the other Jihad are Muslims seeking to destroy our very existence.

With God's help. as we follow His dictates, we will live eternity with Jesus Christ as He prevails over evil. 

Exodus 20: 2-3 I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from slavery in Egypt.Do not worship any other gods besides me.

Always remember this, there is only One God. Our God! Yahweh. As Christians we are to put no god above Him...

(Closing prayer)

Heavenly Father we praise You and seek Your mercies. We are facing threats and lies in great numbers, You are our only hope of living our lives in accordance with Your stated dictates as set forth in You Word.

Lord, there are two threats we are facing. The first is the threat of being killed for not converting to a false way of life, Islam, and the second is men and women seeking to destroy our government with deceitful tactics and outright lies. Please allow us the gifts of discernment  and protection as we live our earthly lives.

As our Yahweh Sabaoth, we ask that You send Your angels to defend us and see to our safety. We ask that they also protect our men and women in our military services and in police service.

Father, we ask that the men and women in elected office be truthful and any not so be removed from the offices they hold.

We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, You son , who is One with You and the Holy Spirit , One God forever and ever,

Amen, amen and amen.

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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