Monday, September 3, 2018


Submitted by : W.G.E.N.

I urge all to check this web site out and then to share with others.
Just this morning in my prayer time I began to pray for the evil efforts of the media - including the 'social media' - that has been so active in blocking and deleting anything Christian or Conservative to have those same practises turned on them.  To have the same methods they are using to block the Christian/Conservative messages be turned and used on their evil intents.  Turning their weapons back on them seems fitting.

I have been praying daily for a real REVIVAL to take place in America and that a  ground swell of thirst and hunger for Christ fill this land and all the people in it.  For those of you who haven't confessed your sins, REPENTED, and asked Christ into your hearts becoming a new creation (Born Again)-  I urge you to do so now because you have no clue when you will take that LAST BREATH and then it will be too late and you will spend eternity with the likes of McJerk and his ilk.  Is that what you want?

Those who preach that all roads lead to God are so right - but they fail to include that we shall all stand before God for judgement....  except for those who are Born Again and whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life.  All roads lead to God but only ONE road leads to Heaven.

Jackie Juntti
It isn't who you are -  It is WHOSE you are ! ! ! !

Revisionists Hard At Work

By David Luepke[] 
Complimentary Story
   Those who want to revise history have been hard at work for a long time, as I have been documenting in this column for over a year now.  Not only are they taking God out of our History books, our schools and everything else, but the so called “mainstream press”  is an active and willing accomplice in this endeavor.  The print news is, for the most part, EXTREMELY biased.  TV networks are worse and we are hearing reports of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Vimeo suppressing and rejecting Conservative and Christian information.

   I personally  experienced this kind of censorship very recently when I sent a letter to the editor to several local papers .  It was a simple straight forward letter, well within the word limit, pointing out some pretty obvious hypocrisy.  The letter pointed out how the people who are protesting the separation of children from their parents at our Southern border are pretty much the same people who protest VIGOROUSLY for the right to murder children in the womb.  That is a PERMANENT separation with tremendous harm to all involved.  Also, President Trump had already issued an executive order to do exactly what the protestors were demanding.  This  glaring hypocrisy  actually made them look rather silly to anyone who is paying attention to facts.  I simply pointed out these obvious facts and sent it to the Editorial section of several local papers.  Not one published it.

   This obvious and blatant revisionism seems to be getting steadily worse, and probably the most distressing area of revisionism is in our schools.  When schools start teaching little children that they should decide for themselves if they are male or female, it is beyond revisionism and borders on outright insanity.  The utter insanity of indoctrinating little children in the name of “Sex education” sometimes starts as early as pre-school. In some cases, boys and girls are FORCED to share bathrooms and shower rooms and shamed or punished if they resist.  Here is something to think about as a way to fight this insanity.  Do not these same “educators” claim that Science proves evolution, Climate change, etc. and in short, we must trust “Science” rather than the Bible?  Well, SCIENCE  has advanced remarkably in the field of genetics so that if someone does a DNA test on the bones of a recipient of a gender change operation a thousand years from now, that DNA will still show the gender that person was born with.  All the surgical procedures, hormone therapies and whatever they come up with CANNOT CHANGE the DNA.  Actually, science proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that our bodies are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  (Psalm 139:14).  “Male and female He created them,” and that DNA is scientifically detectable in the womb in the early stages of pregnancy, proving the lie to the phrase, “It’s my body and I will decide what to do with it.”

   So how in the name of anything with common sense did this insanity become “mainstream?”  In my last column I casually mentioned a quote from Coach Dave Daubenmier.  He commented on the World War Two generation, which is sometimes called the “Greatest Generation.”  There is plenty of evidence to prove that during that tim, America was indeed “one nation under God,” but that generation made one terrible mistake.  They failed to tell their children the wonderful things that God has done for us.  Teaching these things is actually a much ignored Biblical mandate, as illustrated in Psalm 78:1-8 and in other Scriptures as well.  The rapid moral decline can be traced to the time after the war, when we seemed to forget the God who sustained us through that terrible time in our history.  You know, the God that everyone prayed to when we were in deep deep trouble?  The evil one quickly took advantage of this and little has been done to stop it.

   Not too long ago I wrote about a book by David Fiorazo, “The Cost of Our Silence.” That is a must read book for all Christians.. He very correctly documents what most of us know, even if some refuse to admit it:  the silence of the Church in America has had a devastating effect on our culture.  The author sums it up quite well on page 76 where he says, “Today 4,000 innocent precious lives of unborn babies were snuffed out…and 300,000 pulpits are silent. Those who speak out for the sacredness of life are branded as extremists. Teenage suicide is the highest it has ever been. Rape has increased 700 percent in fifty years.  Christian morality cannot be taught in schools but immorality can…And 300,000 pulpits are silent.  ‘Entertainment’ which legitimizes rape, murder, forced sex, sadomasochism, adultery, satanic worship, sexual perversion, etc  fills the air and 300,000 pulpits are silent.”  Of course we can add the insanity in our Public Schools, Churches participating in “Gay Pride” parades, the rapid spread of Islam and more.

   But not everyone is silent. Wisconsin Christian News, through it’s printed paper, radio broadcasts and the WCN Ministry center at 327 S. Central in Marshfield, Wisconsin and it’s group of dedicated volunteers is very actively working to get Biblical truth to the people.  In addition to being open to the public on MondayWednesday and Friday, there is a Salt and Light Brigade meeting at 7 every Tuesday evening, singing and praying led by the Yonker Brothers at 6 p.m. every Thursday, free movies at 7 p.m. every Friday, Sstreet preaching on Saturday night and a very nice meeting at 10 A.M. every Sunday morning.  Last Sunday the theme of the meeting was “One Body, Many Parts with Different Functions” and why we must encourage/exhort one another to use our God-given gifts and talents. When this Biblical truth is applied to our everyday life, great things happen.  The battle belongs to the Lord, but He expects ­ in fact He COMMANDS ­ us to do our part.

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