Saturday, June 23, 2018

ISRAEL REPORT 06/23/2018

Saturday 23 June 2018

Failed Israeli-Russian Deal Opens SW Syria to Syrian Bombardment,Iranian/Hizballah Presence…...
June 23, 2018

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Syria’s moves in the southwest this week followed Russia’s failure to persuade Israel to stand aside and allow Assad’s army to take charge of the Quneitra and Daraa regions on the Israeli and Jordanian borders.
Moscow hoped that the Syrian rebel forces defending the two areas would lay down their arms and go over to Bashar Assad’s army. DEBKAfile’s
Reliable military sources report that the Netanyahu government spurned Russia’s plan – not least for lack of trust, suspecting that the Syrians would cheat and let Hizballah reach its border.
Last month, an attempt was made to trick Israel, after its consent to a previous Russian plan to hand the Beit Jinn enclave on Mt Hermon to Syria, by providing Hizballah troops with Syrian Army 4th Division uniforms.
The same deception is being practised at present in the south-west regions of Daraa and Quneitra.
Russian and Syrian propaganda machines claim that Hizballah and pro-Iranian Shiite militiamen are being withdrawn from the Israeli and Jordanian borderlands, when in fact they are not moving after being disguised in Syrian army uniforms.
The Russians don’t mention an Iranian withdrawal because Moscow pretends they don’t exist, when in fact an Iranian command centre is fully operational in that part of Syria.
The statements coming from the Russian ambassador to Beirut, Alexander Zasypkin, [pictured below] to Hizballah medium outlets add to the perplexity in Jerusalem about Moscow’s intentions in Syria.
He declared a few days ago: “We say that the Syrian army now, with support from Russian forces, is recovering its land in the south and restoring the authority of the Syrian state.”

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Jerusalem tried to find out what is really going on, according to our intelligence sources. Does the Russian ambassador include Hizballah troops disguised as Syrian soldiers and officers in his comment? No answer came from Moscow.
The Netanyahu government and the Trump administration are keeping close watch on events in southern Syria in close interaction, because the Russians are trying to sell the same sort of deal to the US as they did to Israel.
While Israel was being lobbied to drop its support for the Syrian rebel groups holding Quneitra, the Russians seek US consent to ditch the rebel Syrian Free Army holding Daraa on the Jordanian border.
This concession would produce a chain reaction, forcing the US to abandon its key outpost at Al Tanf at the border junction between Syria, Jordan and Iraq.
In response to Russia’s machinations and trickery, the Trump administration on Thursday, June 21, sternly warned Moscow and Damascus that Syrian military movements in the south-west would have“serious repercussions,” because they violate the Trump-Putin accord reached in Hamburg in July 2017 to set up de-escalation zones in the Daraa and Quneitra regions.
Our military sources report that the US warning and Israel’s repudiation of the Russian deal have had the initial effect of holding back the Syrian army’s advance on the two sensitive border regions.
Syrian forces are shelling rebel-held areas and on Friday, sent two or three helicopters over to drop bombs, but are otherwise stationary.
However, more than half of Assad’s fighting strength is poised in the south-west ready for a general offensive, which he has promised, to take the area and may launch at any moment.
It is hard to tell how Israel and the US will react.

Syrian Army Takes Two Rebel-Held Strategic Points on Way to Golan and Daraa….
June 22, 2018

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The Syrian army veered south-west Wednesday, June 20, to seize rebel-held Kfar Shams and Busra Al-Harir near the Israeli and Jordanian borders.
Israel has not intervened as thousands flee the area under Syrian shelling, reliable military sources report.
Syrian strategists, instead of launching the promised major offensive to capture rebel-held Quneitra opposite the Israeli Golan and Daraa on the Jordanian border, appear to be running the operation in small steps.
Kfar Shams is situated north of Daraa and Busra al-Harir east of Quneitra (see map above).
The fall of Kfar Shams drives a hole in the rebel formations ranged along the Syrian-Israeli border and brings the Syrian army several kilometres closer to Israel’s Golan border; the fall of Busra al-Harir cuts the rebels’ supply lines from the north and severs their defence array along the Jordanian border.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad strategists in the Gaza Strip are not blind.
They draw their own conclusions from the lack of IDF intervention as the Syrian Army moves closer to Israel’s northern border, despite high-sounding threats from Israel’s leaders.
Indeed, the Palestinian terrorist leaders seemed less concerned than the Israelis living near the Gaza Strip by the war drums of an approaching conflict beaten on Wednesday at the highest level by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Chief of Staff Lt. General Gady Eisenkot after a Palestinian barrage of 45 rockets.
The joint communique issued by Hamas and Jihad in reply was defiant: It stressed an equation of “a bomb for a bomb!” and vowed: “The enemy will not be allowed to force its aggressive equation on our people and the resistance.”
For now, our military sources note, the Palestinian terrorists are being allowed to set the pace and make the rules of the contest with Israel.
That is because Hamas has been able to challenge Israel from the Gaza Strip for four months without the IDF stalling its belligerent momentum.

Israel Switches from Non-engagement in Syrian War to Lead Player Alongside the US….
22 June 2018

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For most of the eight-year Syrian conflict, Israel held to a policy of non-engagement, except for occasional surgical air strikes against Iranian arms deliveries for Hizballah or undesirable movements on the Golan.
No effective action was taken to hinder Irans creeping military presence in the country.
And even in 2013, when Hizballah pumped large-scale fighting strength into Syria to prop up the Assad regime, the Netanyahu government stood aside.
Many believed this was a major mistake which served to encourage Iran to step up its involvement in Syria and that of its proxy.
The thinking at the time in Israeli military circles and Jerusalem was that getting Hizballah fighting strength out of Lebanon and hammered with high casualties in the brutal Syrian war, was good for Israel because it weakened a key enemy.
Israel was satisfied with supplying arms, intelligence, food and medical assistance to the Syrian anti-Assad groups maintaining a buffer zone on the Syrian Golan and Quneitra for safeguarding Israel’s northern border.
Iran and Hizballah were left free to seize a dominant role in the Syrian war.
Their dominance was further boosted in 2015 when the Russians stepped up their military intervention on the side of Bashar Assad and needed the foot soldiers offered by Hizballah and the pro-Iranian Shiite militias.

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This state of affairs was turned on its head in 2018.
Today, Israel is no longer staying out of Syria for fear of getting mired in its wars - a stance strictly held to during Barack Obama’s presidency - andhas instead jumped into the Syrian arena with both feet.
This change came about due to a rare convergence of views in the country’s highest political, military and intelligence ranks.
They came together on a resolve not just to keep Iran and Hizballah far from Israel’s borders, but to push them out of Syria and end their influence in Damascus.
This objective presented major complications because of Moscow’s adoption of the Shiite power and its proxy as senior allies in the Syrian arena.
Israel therefore turned to the US for backing - and the Trump administration delivered.
Our sources report that US consent came through in the last week of April when Mike Pompeo, [pictured below] on his first foreign trip after being sworn in as Secretary of State, travelled to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Jordan.
Pompeo knew all about Israel’s U-turn on Syria and plans to evict Iran from the information reaching him in his previous post as Director of the CIA. 

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It was his understanding, that Israel and the IDF were ready to take on responsibility and control over the south-western Syrian regions abutting Jordan and Israel.
Those regions take up around one-fifth of Syrian territory.
Since US forces and its allied Kurdish PYG militia hold another fifth of the country, the newly forged US-Israeli pact with local allies ended up commanding some 40 percent of Syria.
In short, Israel’s newborn military intervention in Syria with American backing has radically shifted the balance of military strength in the country.
Whereas before, US influence in Syria was confined to a relatively small area, Israel’s military intervention in recent weeks has tipped the scale substantially against Iran and Hizballah, as well as Russian forces.
Israel’s willingness last week to go openly on the offensive in southern Syria against a Syrian-Iranian-Shiite militia-Hizballah coalition was a watershed moment in the conflict.
Israel did not intervene against the first small steps taken by the Syrian army on Wednesday, June 20 in its promised offensive to take the south-west from rebel forces deployed on the Jordanian and Israeli borders.
A decision on this is awaited from Jerusalem.

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It may also depend on broader considerations, such as progress made in negotiations for a Trump-Putin summit in Europe this summer. US National Security Adviser John Bolton [pictured above] is due to visit Moscow to test the ground next week.
Meanwhile, Tehran saw that its current strength in Syria would have to be boosted against potential IDF intervention else its military and political clout in Syria would be in jeopardy.
Iraqi militia brigades were mustered in a hurry to bolster Iranian forces in Syria, while Tehran, the Assad regime and Hizballah set about enlistingevery last fighting man available for an offensive to push the IDF and its Syrian allies back.
President Vladimir Putin acted to defuse the mounting showdown, fully aware of the incendiary situation as Israel geared up for confronting the combined forces of Iran, the Syrian army and Hizballah.
Our military sources report now that Israel’s repudiation of the Russian deal could have the initial effect of holding back the Syrian army’s advance on the two sensitive border regions.
However, more than half of Assad’s fighting strength is poised in the south-west ready for a general offensive, which he has promised, to take the area and may launch at any moment.
It is hard to tell how Israel and the US will react.
The whole tinderbox that is this region daily moves forward into the time of the great biblical wars foretold in scripture.

Keep Looking Up......
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Whilst many Christians are now suffering end-time fatigue and have become largely disinterested in the seemingly slow and halting progress in prophetic fulfilment, developments on the ground are surging ahead without vital information being shared by the Christian and secular media.
This is giving the false impression that everything has settled down in the Middle East since events over the Passover/Pentecost period passed without apparent upheaval as was anticipated – not to mention the usual time-setting for the Rapture of the Church.
Nothing could be further from the truth than this current viewpoint – and every day now, admittedly under-reported – all the key players in the prophetic collage are in place and inching toward very decisive action – it is imperative that the watching church does not become distracted by an impression that all is well!
It isn't! Keep looking up.

UFO'sHow the Supernatural Reaches Out To Mankind…..
22 June 2018

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Unidentified flying objects are part of our culture from childhood, and they have been and are today used to influence our thinking whether we realise it or not.
From childhood cartoons to motion pictures and TV, they mould how we see and even feel about them.
The 1950's through the early 2000's had us labelled as being a touch crazy if we dared to believe in them; they were anything but real - cloud formations, swamp gas - anything, but not real.
During that time, the media kept filling our subconscious with imagery of what they should be.
Friendly little beings and/ or spooky critters to be avoided were the two views topping the list, but still they were not supposed to be real.
At some point after 2005, the media, governments and executives determined it was time to bend our thinking once again with the idea that they are now, not just real, but also they are our distant brother race that should be looked to for the answers.
This is a higher civilisation, was the message which came from the flood of data released by country after country from the secret files they had compiled over the years.
All of a sudden it's public information. The veil of Top Secrecy had been dropped; the files are now in the public domain …….

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Israel Report

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