Friday, May 25, 2018


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

HOGG is the perfect name for this FRAUD.  His claims to be a **survivor** is just the bdeginning of his con game.  He wasn't even in the building where the shooting took place.  To call him a **survivor** means that the entire population  of the state of Florida is a survivor of the Parkland shooting.  This HOGG looks for celebrity status and MONEY!!!!  He will use whatever he can to accomplish those things...  even extortion.   Time to put this HOGG in a Pig Pen with no exit gates.

Jackie Juntti


Parkland Survivor Tries To Shakedown Florida Based Grocery Chain For $1M

You know his parents must have been terrified the past 18 years. Spare the rod, spoil the attention brat.

Written by Wayne Dupree · 5 hours ago

David Hogg, one of the Parkland massacre celebrities who made his television rounds and got verified on Twitter has begun a shakedown of significant proportions.

Hogg is calling out Publix after the Florida-based grocery store chain backed a gubernatorial candidate that supports the National Rifle Association (NRA). Hogg and his student buddies have been demonizing the civil rights organization over the massacre that happened at their school, even though no NRA member was associated with the shootings.

Hogg wants one million dollars from the chain and a promise to never support NRA candidates again. Where did he learn his negotiating tactics from? The Reverend Jesse Jackson?

Source: Washington Times

The public face of the gun control movement demanded $1 million Thursday from the Florida-based grocery chain in a tweet, just one day after calling for a “die-in” protest at its stores.
Publix is being targeted by Mr. Hogg for its support of Adam Putnam, a Republican gubernatorial candidate who is now the state’s agricultural commissioner. The Tampa Bay Times reported earlier this week that Publix had given $670,000 during the last three years to Putnam campaigns.
Mr. Hogg not only sought atonement money from the grocery chain in Thursday’s tweet, he also demanded a pledge of ideological fealty to the gun-control movement.
He demands. Really? Or what? You know his parents must have been terrified the past 18 years. Spare the rod, spoil the attention brat.

Maybe someone can post a list of Publix Stores, so those who live in the area of the establishments can go shop there and tell the manager why we are shopping there. In an attempt to counter the possibility of protests, we should be vocal and get the word out.

What do you think about this shakedown from Hogg? SHARE your comments below and let me know what you think.

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