Thursday, March 22, 2018


Republican Elites Are Quietly Plotting To Betray President Trump On Amnesty And The Border Wall. We Must Support President Trump's Agenda And Help Him Make America Great Again! Sign Our Petition To Stop Them Now!

President Donald Trump has made his position very clear. No DACA-Amnesty for illegal aliens will even be considered WITHOUT funding for the border wall, an end to chain migration, an end to the visa lottery system and real measures to increase border security and provide real fixes to our broken immigration system.

But Republican elites in Congress have different ideas. While it is not being widely reported by the lame-stream media, at this very moment, they are planning to lock arms with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and give away the farm by putting an amnesty first (and possibly an amnesty ONLY) bill on President Trump's desk and DARING him not to sign it.

Believe it! That's the plan right now in Washington. As a matter of fact, Republican Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC) and James Landford (R-OK) have even gone so far as to push a legislative scheme that will actually put illegal aliens on a path to citizenship.

No, you eyes aren't playing tricks on you. That's the plan. . . but that's certainly not the Trump agenda and it certainly isn't our agenda or your agenda. And moreover, this sick little maneuver by Tillis and Lankford is NOT an isolated example... far from it!

Sign Our Urgent Petition:
No DACA Without A Border Wall And An End To Chain Migration And The Visa Lottery System!

The GOP Elites' Default And Erroneous Position: If We Put The Legislation On President Trump's Desk, He Will Sign It. He's Such A Fool That He'll Sign Anything We Give Him.

Let's get down to brass tacks here ladies and gentlemen. While most Republican legislators are pretending to be behind President Trump and his agenda to Make America Great Again, the truth is that they secretly loathe him and they foolishly believe him to be a idiot who can easily be manipulated!

That assessment doesn't apply to every legislator on the Hill but it does apply to a large number of them. . . many who are in positions of leadership and have already spent years betraying you and thumbing their noses at grassroots conservatives.

And these legislators are only pretending to play ball because they mistakenly believe that President Trump is a fool and that he can be used. Heck... these elites have mistakenly believed the same thing about folks like YOU for years.

It's an open secret in Washington! Even The Atlantic (not exactly a conservative publication by any stretch of the imagination) recently acknowledged it:

"GOP members of Congress believed that this president would sign anything they managed to pass and put on his desk and claim a huge victory in the process."

That's their Devil's Bargain. That's their master plan.

Mark our words... if left to there own devices they WILL put a bill on President Trump's desk that is long on amnesty and short on enforcement because they mistakenly believe that President Trump is stupid enough to sign it and you're stupid enough to buy it.

Let's give it to Mikey... Yeah. . . He'll eat it. . . He eats anything...

They've followed this same perverse playbook for years with their so-called "comprehensive immigration reform" packages and "Gang of Eight" shams, and they still haven't learned their lessons. They still honestly believe they can get away with it this time around.

And while they are busy spinning their wheels and wasting our time, there will be no wall... no end to chain migration... no real enforcement... and we're not about to let them get away with it. It's time to start disabusing some people in Washington of some idiotic notions.

Sign Our Urgent Petition:
No DACA Without A Border Wall And An End To Chain Migration And The Visa Lottery System!

President Trump Exposed Their Lies. Now It's Time To Force Them To Do The Right Thing.

Let's be frank for a moment. For years, RINOs in Congress PRETENDED to oppose amnesty. For far too many, it was always a LIE.

As a matter of fact, when Barack Obama issued his unconstitutional executive order on DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans), Republicans in Congress actually sued the Obama administration in federal court (in an effort to trick you into believing they wanted to stop it and DACA), and even made opposition to amnesty a key provision in the 2016 party platform.

But that phony opposition to amnesty just eroded like dust in the wind.

According to The Hill, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan "promised conservatives in 2015 that he would not bring up any immigration bill that lacked support from a majority of Republicans."

But Ryan has recently and mysteriously changed his tune. Outgoing Senator Jeff Flake recently announced on a local Arizona talk radio show that Ryan was "certainly committed" to fixing DACA.

What changed? What's going on here?

Fox News' Tucker Carlson made the case perfectly: "Nominally, Congress is controlled by Republicans, but on immigration, Democrats control the agenda. Why is that? Because Paul Ryan and many other corporate Republicans agree with them on every substantial point related to immigration."

In short. . . they lied and President Trump saw through the mendacity and lies.

Months ago he essentially called out the GOP elites by putting an end to DACA and then giving the GOP until March to give him legislation that would solve our nation's illegal immigration problem in exchange for consideration on DACA.

President Trump tweeted: "The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc. We must protect our Country at all cost."

But all Republican elites heard was 'DACA...DACA... DACA... Amnesty... Amnesty... Amnesty'.

Their plan, while flawed, is not too hard to see. They know that it only takes a handful of Republicans to side the with Democrat minority and put legislation on President Trump's desk that is long on amnesty and short on enforcement and they are under the idiotic notion that they can get away with it.

Patriotic Americans like you fought tooth-and- nail to stop amnesty betrayals for years. You forced Congress to stand down and you MUST do the same once again.

Sign Our Urgent Petition:
No DACA Without A Border Wall And An End To Chain Migration And The Visa Lottery System!

Peter Thomas
Peter J. Thomas
Chairman, The Conservative Caucus 

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