Sunday, March 25, 2018

NEWS WITH VIEWS 03/25/2018

CHAOS: Joshua vs. Jericho And Trump vs. Deep State

Did you know that according to Joseph Bannister, former IRS investigator, there were 1.3 million cases of identity theft by illegal aliens from 2011-16?  In 2017, an additional 1.2 million cases of tax refund fraud occurred as illegal aliens used someone else’s Social Security number and filed income tax returns – and got rebates.  These represent only the ones who were caught… but Bannister says zero confirmed cases were referred to the Department of Justice or the investigative branch of the IRS for prosecution..........
by Marilyn M. Barnewall.

Good News Wouldn’t Exist Without Bad News

We have fake news, fake science, and fake events. There is only one source that you can be certain will give you the absolute truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - that is the Bible, God’s Holy Word. The great deceiver, Satan himself, is described as the father of lies. One of his best deceptions is not to tell you a lie directly, but rather to obscure, hide or erase the truth.........
by Rev. David Whitney

America Has Lost Her Constitution

As we see the Deep State emerge from every crevice of government there is one thing that is the only logical solution, America has lost her Constitution.  That sounds like a radical statement, but you will see in this series that the federal government has over stepped its bounds time and time again and now it seems that Washington has virtually ignored the foundation set out by the Founders.  It seems that Washington welds the majority of power in America leaving very little to the States.........
by Pastor Roger Anghis

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