Saturday, February 3, 2018


Submitted by: P McMillan

Title:  The Bomb in the House Memo           
Feb 3, 2018
by Michael Master, author of Save America Now, Rules for Conservatives, and The Birth Famine. 

Well, the 4 page memo about Congressional investigation into the FISA request to bug Trump Towers and staff through Carter Page during the campaign is available.  This is bigger than Watergate.  

Comey is angry about the memo.  McCain is angry about the memo.  Schiff is angry about the memo.   Democrats are angry about the memo.  The liberal media cartel are circling the wagons and attacking the memo. 

Why?  What does it say that makes them so angry?  Did you read it?

The bomb is right in the very first paragraph of the memo.   The FISA "request" to extend surveillance of Carter Page was authorized by the Director of the FBI (Comey) and  by the AG (Lynch).  

Later in the memo, it states that the request to the FISA judge used the dossier about Trump as justification for the extension.  The memo clearly states that McCabe testified that the FISA request for a surveillance extension would not have happened without the dossier.  And the memo clearly states that the request to the FISA judge by Comey and Lynch did not include important facts to the FISA judge that:

1.   the dossier was produced by a spy of the UK (Steel) and Russian operatives at the request of politicians in the USA (Clinton and McCain) which would be collusion with foreign operatives to effect the election.   

2.  the information in the dossier was produced for political opposition research that included misinformation and lies.  

The memo clearly states that the FISA judge was not informed of the problems and origin of the dossier that was used as justification for the request to extend surveillance of  Carter Page while Page worked on the staff to elect Trump.  Comey and Lynch lied to the FISA judge by omission of facts to the judge.  

The information gathered by that surveillance included surveillance of Trump Towers and other Trump staff through Page which was shared with the Obama administration by unmasking.  Trump was correct.  Trump Towers was bugged.  The Obama administration spied on Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign.... much bigger than Watergate!!!     

Adam Schiff said that he did not want the memo released because it would compromise techniques used by the FBI to gather information.  There is nothing in the memo about FBI techniques.  Schiff lied.... lied again.  

So why are Democrats angry?  Because it shows more of their unethical actions during the campaign as did the emails that were obtained from the DNC server about fixing the primary elections.  

Why are Comey and McCain angry?  Because it shows the complicity of them and Orr in duping the FISA judge and it shows their attempt to stop Trump from being elected.  So this impeaches any comments by Comey about Trump in the Mueller investigation as being biased and this poses real questions about his abuse of his position  as head of the FBI. 

Now, Democrats and deep state establishment politicians and liberal media can object to this memo all they want, but these issues remain:

1.  Clinton and/or McCain representatives colluded with foreigners to put together the dossier to interfere with a USA election.
2.  Comey and/or Lynch authorized the extension request for more surveillance on Page that used the misleading dossier for justification. 
3.  Comey and/or Lynch omitted facts to the FISA judge when requesting the surveillance extension  that the dossier was produced as part of political smear tactics and that it had many lies and misstatements.     

This memo says that Comey and maybe Lynch are guilty of lying to a judge by omission.  It is an indictment of abuse of power and bias.   It is an indictment of the unethical practices of the Clinton team and Democrats.  It is a statement that the justification for the Mueller investigation is from a foundation of lies from a biased, unverified political dossier.  If no dossier, the no justification for the Mueller investigation.  

Boom!!!  Nunes "dropped a bomb on me!"  (the Gap Band, 1982)

Why did Comey really exonerate Hillary Clinton?  What did Lynch really discuss with Bill Clinton on the tarmac?  How were Strzok and Rosenstein involved?  What were the roles of Holder, Mueller, Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation with Uranium One?   What did Obama know about any of this?    

It is time to appoint a special investigator to investigate all of this.   

Did you hear any of this on the TV shows?  Why not?  Because the media is part of the liberal cartel along with Comey and Lynch.   It is right there in the very first paragraph.  Comey and Lynch requested the surveillance extension on Page.   They used a bogus dossier by foreign operatives who were paid by Clinton to justify the request for the extension.  The foreign journalists got it.  So why didn't the USA journalists?  Instead, the liberal media cartel are circling the wagons and attacking Nunes and Republicans.   

This is what is being covered in the UK:   


FBI memo is published and reveals James Comey used golden showers dossier to get surveillance warrant even though top officials KNEW British spy who wrote it was paid for by Hillary.

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The FBI and DOJ took info from Christopher Steele, whom they knew was unreliable and biased and funded by Democrats, and secretly used it to get wiretap warrants covering a Donald Trump adviser.

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