Sunday, February 25, 2018


Are The School Shootings Being Used As A Tool To Disarm The Population?

That was what Nikolas Cruz said on You Tube.  A man in Mississippi saw the Cruz statement and did what the FBI, President Trump, and the Justice Department encourages all of us to do.  He saw something and he said something about it – to the FBI.  He reported the Cruz You Tube statement that he intended to be a professional school shooter..........
by Marilyn Barnewall.

China, The Vatican And A New World Order

Truth is stranger than fiction. We have been told that Communism died when the last brick was pulled down from the Berlin Wall; but what if the chameleon was just changing colors, developing a new cloak, and deceiving its intended victims of its sinister plans for complete world domination? When we study the Old and New Testament prophecies regarding the development of the world just before the Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, we find a clearly laid out description of a One World Government which has a universal totalitarian control of all the world.........
by Rev. David Whitney

Communist Indoctrination By Democrats

Some refuse to believe that the Democrats have gone full blown communist but look at Bernie Sanders.  He is an Independent but caucuses with the Democrats.  He’s a full-blown socialist.  He wants free college, free healthcare, 90% tax and total gun control.  New York City’s mayor, DeBlasio, is an admitted communist.  He even has come against private property.........
by Pastor Roger Anghis

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