Saturday, February 17, 2018


Bertrand Daily Report  The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues

Subject: Can Trump Effectively Take-down The Deep State? Or Is He Submitting To The Globalists?

Ed Note:

The Zerohedge article below paints a grim picture of reality we face, often obscured by everything from false flag events, directing the population to a false conclusion / agenda, to feel good politics and leaders we should vote for, while the "Deep State" does what they want anyway. 

The globalist leaders that make-up a combination of mega corporate conglomerates, the world banking system and control of currencies, the estimated 13 families with a history of keeping their blood line pure by incest relationships, create water-downed DNA deficient monsters with insane decisions that set the stage around the world for any type of conflict or business interest they randomly dream-up for humanity....dangerous families with far more power than any government...including the Vatican.

No matter how powerful a leader of any country is, it only takes a couple phone calls or a meeting between these families in-order to formulate a plan of action that can benefit THEM, or collectively decide to remove that particular leader (because maybe he/she is motivating a population against their plans) and as a result of the latter, a Rothchild type can speed dial their main contact inside any of the intelligence agencies (or military) and thusly encourage a plan of action against a leader.

From there, the intelligence agency must rely on (their) mainstream media with agency operatives (behind closed doors) create the plausible narrative to blame individuals, organizations, and/or policy decisions...and if need be, create a false flag event, then write the fake story for mainstream media for Network Producers and Anchors, (often agency operatives within the network), to begin the psychological war on the population. 

Because of years of brainwashing by only three major networks and no internet or alternative news, the population was divided by two major parties with completely opposite viewpoints and opinions, and is their cover for any operation including false flag attacks. With only one side of a story by three networks, there was no means of communicating an opposite point of view before the internet. The division between the two parties was minimal before the 90's while wars and racial unrest remained as the carryover after the internet began, but now it's the exposure of the "Deep State" and their operatives working both parties.

If the "Deep State" are ordered to create a war between nations by the globalists, because lets say....the major oil companies want their Trans Syrian Pipeline to be built between the Qatar region through Syria to the Mediterranean and the Syrian leader Assad says no and is trying to protect his own financial interests, a war can be ordered as easy as calling Dominos for a pizza. 

How about a war to gain access to the Lithium in North Korea for the globalist mega corporations that need it badly, but to get that Lithium, a war will be necessary, however....the false flag scenario narrative has to pass population scrutiny. That's when the leaders of China, Russia, South Korea and President Trump have to be onboard with the globalist families sitting in their cozy mountain retreat in Switzerland. 

If the plan to take-down Syria or North Korea can be advantageous for other business deals, like the sale of weapons, missiles and nuclear technology for all sides, then a war benefits the globalists, no matter which side wins. And for us?? It's quite simple...."it's how bad Munchkin-Un treats his people...and threats of launching a nuke," with technology given to that regime by the Clinton Administration."

There are approximately six global sources/scenarios that globalists / illuminati have full control over:

1). The sale and smuggling of weapons to all sides, manufactured by the Military Industrial Complex / Defense Contractors (mainly) in 3 countries.

2). Transfer of technology as necessary to either side of a conflict, including control of oil and other minerals.

3). Highly profitable drug smuggling from wartorn and impoverished third world countries, while creating a major crisis on a population for a *specific purpose.

4). The Weaponized Pharmaceutical Industry to dumb-down a population while destroying any chances of *aggression by a population unless it benefits the "Deep State."

5). The sale of children and sex slaves / human trafficking for blackmailing leaders while the globalist Satanists enjoy rituals of child / torture cannibalism. 

6). All the above helps contribute to the Illuminati's plans for a *world population reduction to a "more manageable level of 500 million."

In-order to fulfill the six top controlled scenarios listed, requires a political support base of Socialist / Communists in all countries for controlling a population via welfare, drugs, gun confiscation, propaganda, eugenics through rogue vaccine programs and Planned Parenthood , while the opposing political party is a balance by design used for propaganda, wars, counter-Communism in-order to motivate Communists, race wars, border wars, demographic control, prison slave labor, military, defense budget increases, secret space program, technology advances, oil production, stock market control, and feel good politics to keep the population motivated for the "Deep State" and globalists to fulfill their goals for world dominance (and enslavement).

As the Zerohedge article states, our "votes don't mean a thing".....but I will add, only if a population uses political force to assure President Trump stays alive, steps-up aggressively to the plate and begins the removal of Mueller, Rosenstein, and Jeff Sessions immediately, and force the "Deep State" intelligence and DoJ to move swiftly to begin arresting the many Communists that have taken America down a deep hole with globalists pulling the strings from their mansions in Europe.

We also need a dedicated military and CIA to quietly move-on many globalists overseas and neutralize them, one after another. 

Even though that will not be enough, wars will break-out and more false flag attacks with school shootings and bombings on federal buildings and churches to blame patriots and Trump supporters....the fake battle over "gun confiscation" is nothing but a diversion that could easily backfire on ANY political party that takes the lead in America. 

It's time to take-down (worldwide) the Satanic thugs that use Communism as their fake ideology to motivate the stupid morons in America that have been brainwashed by media and a corrupt educational system. 

The divide created in America cannot be fixed by this generation and Socialist / Communist leaders are emerging as we speak. Until such time, colleges feel the heat and rogue professors that hate America are removed, including seriously flawed judges across this nation are voted-out, the "Deep State" will continue to flourish.

If President Trump is just the "Doorman" and he allows the "Deep State" to continue with their ongoing threat of "Obstruction of Justice" and "Infidelity" then he will be gone....

It's time, no matter what the media onslaught of hate creates, Trump needs to fire Mueller NOW and replace AG Jeff Sessions with Trey Gowdy!!   

---Dave Bertrand


Trump Is Disposable, He's The Doorman - "The Deep State Runs The Show" 
Does this mean that the president is only a mouthpiece for the Deep State? Well, no, it’s actually advantageous for him to express his own opinions, ruffle the public’s feathers and push his pet projects. It adds to the distraction that he’s in charge. However, the larger issues – particularly the flow of tax dollars into the pockets of corporations, continue exactly as planned, regardless of who’s in office.  Bankers continue to receive absurdly large bailouts when they’ve grossly mismanaged their banks. The military industrial complex continues to enjoy perpetual warfare, so that they can supply armaments to the government for unnecessary conflicts. Big Pharma enjoys legislation that forces people to be vaccinated against their will and accept outrageously high prices for medications that are generally inexpensive to produce.
But, yes, as long as a president remains the spokesman to explain why such policies are not only tolerable, but essential, he may be allowed to occupy the oval office until the voters tire of him.
But, if this is true, why do people so quickly and so readily accept the “leader” to actually be unilaterally responsible for every facet of every governmental policy and action?
Well actually, nothing could be easier. It’s human nature to want to put a face to our praise and/or criticism. We can’t muster the same focus if we’re advised that we’re being ruled by a faceless group. We tend to respond more readily and more intensely to a single individual – a face we can conjure up immediately. “People desire certainty,” Doug Casey once observed to me, when discussing a related subject, and that’s exactly so. If we’re uncertain during troubled times, we’ll instantly jump at the opportunity to put a single face to the problem, to blame one individual for whatever is troubling us.
This is evidenced by the presentation of photos of Lee Harvey Oswald and Osama bin Laden, mere hours after major events, as the certain culprits. They were immediately accepted, without any question, by a people desperately seeking certainty.
Therefore, as soon as one leader is out and another takes his place, we’re able to immediately transfer our devotion or hatred to the replacement.
The concept of providing a single face to the public is one that was understood by George Orwell, who created the character of “Big Brother,” who would be on the video screens incessantly, as the face of the government.
READ MORE.................

From The Desk of  Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.)  Int'l Airline Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727 & First Officer DC-10), Veteran U.S. Army S. Korea (Military Police Comms Chief) Vietnam era Sergeant, State Law Enforcement Background, Int'l Aircraft Repo/Recovery, Bondsman Fugitive Recovery, DHS Trained (Former) Counter-Terrorism Instructor, Political Analyst and Activist to help "Make America Great Again. 

My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write  and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.

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