Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues
DACA is a Weaponized Ruse by the Communist Party, Militarize The Border
February 10th, 2018
The DACA / Dreamers should NOT rely on the Communist / Democrat leaders to negotiate demands for Amnesty as their only hope.
President Trump has sincerely offered an olive branch, despite the majority of his support base that do NOT want Amnesty for the 30 to 40 million illegal aliens in America...the real numbers estimated by U.S. Border Patrol statistics based-on ratio numbers for decades. The ratio varies from season to season and depends on political issues involving new laws for illegal aliens.
The tracked numbers of arrests USBP estimate for every ONE illegal alien apprehended, there are 3 to 6 that get through and unaccounted for. It is not uncommon for groups crossing the border, especially when drugs are being smuggled, to send a small group a different direction from the main group, which in-turn causes USBP enforcement to concentrate assets on the smaller group that travel parallel to the larger group, but closer to highways and ranches for the sole purpose of getting caught !
That type of tactical diversion is unknown to the smaller group being used to get the higher paying illegal aliens and drugs into the country. It happens almost every night along the southwest border, therefore....the report that "11 to 12 million" illegal aliens as being the prime number(s) is nothing but a false statement AND based only on Consensus Reporting (and Welfare/EBT reports) by those that (actually) admit on paper to be illegally in the country ! Quite bizarre...
The 'Communist Party USA' on behalf of the Communist take-over of Russia in 1917, marked the U.S. as the next target in-order to "keep America out-of-the-way" for the Soviet Union aggression around the world to proceed. Knowing that America would not fall to Communism by force, the Communist Party by 1950/60 began recruiting Democrat politicians (still in office today), college professors, leaders of 'La Raza political organization' and the 'Reconquista de Aztlan movement' (Brown Shirt Brigades) their movement to take-back the southwest part of the United States for Mexico, and have effectively penetrated most every college and local government as mayors and council members in the southwest over the decades. We are seeing the balloon about to burst...
"Behind the National Council de La Raza's respectable veneer are the organization's support of other secondary "La Raza" racist organizations such as Movimento Estudantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) or the Chicano Students Movement of Aztlan. Since its beginnings in the radical 1960s, MEChA has spread across the entire U.S. gaining footholds in colleges and universities and promoting racial supremist La Raza ideologies and the "reconquista" agenda of the mythical Aztlan."
If Americans succumb to a DACA / Dreamer deal for the estimated 3.8 million......what is not spoken, but well known, the other 20 to 30 million will see the beginning of mass deportations by the Trump Administration over the next few years. That can ONLY be accomplished by a secure border, but the wide-open gap along the Arizona border with the Tohono O'Odham Nation with 65 miles of overlapping Native American Reservation that extends into Mexico and borders north at Interstate 8 near Casa Grande, will continue to be the funnel point for illegal immigration and drugs. It's a known fact, the Native Americans living in small villages in the reservation make thousands of dollars assisting illegal alien groups traversing the reservation by providing safe houses, food and water.
Note: U.S. Border Patrol activity in the Tohono O'Odham Nation is limited and requires permission from the Native American Council in-order to conduct surveillance and apprehensions on the reservation, however, a token patrol group, called the "Shadow Walkers" of approximately 10 Native Americans, trained by USBP, patrol the reservation at night. Therefore, U.S. Border Patrol can only watch from above (along the border) via the USBP Predator Drone while USBP agents and assets attempt to apprehend illegal aliens that must cross Hwy 86 near Sells Arizona, eventually making their way into the Phoenix area. The walk takes about 6 to 8 days from the border.
So the elephant in the room is the fact, no matter if every single illegal alien was sent back to their real home, the border is wide open and the dispute occurring now in Washington over a "Wall" along the Tohono reservation is NOT a reality of being built. The only barrier now is an old barb wired fence with openings to allow Native Americans with relatives on the Mexican side to travel back and forth. Once an illegal alien is deported, they return....
Therefore....should Americans cave-in to the true plans of the Communist / Democrat Party to reform American into the "Socialist Utopia, " regardless if 3.8 million DACA / Dreamers get their quasi-amnesty, and we adjust as a society in-order to accommodate the Communist plan?
President Trump has a major decision to make and whatever he does is a "Catch 22" because of the revolving door at the border. By securing the border with the military, the future influx of illegal aliens will slow and the Communist / Democrats will be forced to re-direct their take-over of America by appeasing Blacks, a failed attempt by the Communist Party USA in the early decades of America, but as we have seen lately...Blacks appear to be doing better under the Trump Administration and that infuriates the Dems to no end, therefore, the focus on Amnesty is the war strategy of the Communist Party USA and the La Raza activists are helping destroy any and all chances of an "olive branch" by Trump to allow 3.8 million DACA / Dreamers to stay.
If the 3.8 million are allowed to stay, the majority will NOT appreciate their chance for citizenship and will continue to vote for Democrats and open borders.
"For many Americans, the election of this nation’s first black President in 2008 signaled hope for a healing of the racial divide that has dogged the United States throughout its history. But instead of reconciliation, Barack Obama declared that racism is in America’s very DNA. He ushered in a new era of racial anger, distrust, and violence. Now America teeters on the precipice of a chasm between the races that is wider than any seen in the last half century."
---Dave Bertrand
Submitted by Jeff Schwilk (San Diego)
Ungrateful ILLEGAL alien nightmares! The don’t just want “DACA” (690,000), they want mass amnesty for all 12-20 million aliens hiding inside the U.S. and full open borders for all their family and their “raza”.
They rallied at Border Field State Park with their demands on Wednesday and naturally the alt-left, open border media was there to eat it up.
About 30 so-called “dreamers” and their supporters marched to the border fence at Friendship Park on Wednesday afternoon to call on Congress to pass a bill to protect the young adult unauthorized immigrants illegal aliens from deportation (and grant full citizenship and voting rights!).
…"He's a dream killer," said Dulce Garcia, a DACA recipient and immigration attorney as the group shared stories in a circle on the beach near the border fence. "He's bargaining for our lives, our livelihoods in exchange for our parents. That's un-American. Our president is un-American."
The group held signs calling for a bill with no additional immigration enforcement measures and chanted as they marched…Recent Dreamer alien rally. We’re supposed to have sympathy for these illegal alien foreign insurgents?? No way Jose!
Jeff Schwilk
Founder, San Diegans for Secure Borders
From The Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int'l Airline Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727 & First Officer DC-10), Veteran U.S. Army S. Korea (Military Police Comms Chief) Vietnam era Sergeant, State Law Enforcement Background, Int'l Aircraft Repo/Recovery, Bondsman Fugitive Recovery, DHS Trained (Former) Counter-Terrorism Instructor, Political Analyst and Activist to help "Make America Great Again.
My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.
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