Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Submitted by: Pat T

...in 2017, the number of children diagnosed with autism entering kindergarten in California increased 17% since 2015. The number of kids diagnosed as autistic has risen seven-fold since 2001.
In California, the time 1 in 20 boys now has autism.

February 2018



Many Americans may ask the question: “But aren’t vaccines safe? Surely our doctor, the big pharmaceutical companies, and the government would not recommend them if they were not safe!” The reality is, however, that even though just about every conventional doctor you talk to will tell you that vaccines are safe, they’ve never been proven to be safe.
Vaccine safety studies are short, they’re inconclusive, and they’re performed on children who are by definition “healthy.” The children aren’t on any types of medications and they don’t have any illnesses. But once a vaccine is approved, it’s given to everyone, including those who are chronically ill and/or on many different types of medications. No studies have been done on these types of children or adults, so we don’t know if they’re safe for these people or not. What we do know is that many vaccines in recent years have made many people very sick or actually killed them – something the government and pharmaceutical companies are loath to talk about.
Anyone born before 1985 received only three vaccines. These were DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus), MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), and polio. Today there are 16, with multiple doses of each. If you added up the vaccine antigens in the pre-1985 vaccines, there were only nine antigens given (polio had three antigens per shot). With multiple doses of these vaccines, most kids had 33 antigens injected into them by the time they started kindergarten. From 1985 until 2010, same-age kids received 156 antigens in their pre-kindergarten vaccines. There’s been more added since 2010.
Then there are the chemicals. There are 63 different chemicals in these vaccines. A given shot doesn’t contain all 63 chemicals, but if you get the full schedule of shots you’ll receive all of these chemicals by the time you’re five years old. This is a major assault on a young body. Mercury has been removed from most of the vaccines, but not all of them. However, it’s not just the mercury. Aluminum is used in large amounts in the vaccines. And aluminum has been implicated in brain injuries, including autism and Alzheimer’s.
Most parents and physicians think that vaccines have a little bit of sterile water and the small amount of virus or bacteria. All you have to do is read the package insert to see that isn’t the case. What’s more, the majority of the vaccines are contaminated. These contaminants include toxic chemicals and dangerous germs. While there is little or no evidence proving that modern vaccines prevent disease, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence proving they cause disease. Diseases directly associated with modern vaccines include cancer, lung infections, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, colitis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and ALS.

[ED. NOTE: It should be understood that modern medicine is not about preventing disease (there’s no money in that!) – or even curing disease. It is for the most part about long-term treatments to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of disease. These treatments generally make the body more toxic and weaken the immune system – which are the two main causes of disease in the first place. Side effects from these treatments are often more harmful than the original ailment. In the final analysis, modern medicine (especially when it comes to Big Pharma) is about money – lots and lots of money.]

After California mandated childhood vaccines, you would think – based on the propaganda – that the rate of disease would go down and everyone would be happy and healthy. While it’s impossible to determine the success of the law – at least in its ability to prevent the targeted illness – we can see an area where it has failed dramatically. With the immunization rate up significantly, there’s also been a huge spike in cases of autism. Many of the chemicals in the required vaccines are known to attack the brain. So this isn’t a surprise to the anti-vaccine crowd.
What is shocking, though, is just how big the spike is. According to articles in the Sacramento Bee, the rate of autism jumped 7% in 2010. But in 2017, the number of children diagnosed with autism entering kindergarten in California increased 17% since 2015. The number of kids diagnosed as autistic has risen seven-fold since 2001. More than 97,000 California public school students have been diagnosed as autistic, according to the California Department of Education. Consider this: Nationwide, the rate of autism is 1 out of 68 kids. In California, the number is now more than 1 out of 65 kids. And it’s even worse for boys, as 1 in 20 boys now has autism.

Researchers recently revealed something we’ve written in the past – flu vaccines don’t work. The authors of the study were reporting specifically on the effectiveness of the flu vaccine in the years 2012 to 2015. To do the study, they looked at 1,930 men and women who came down with the flu during those years and how effectively the flu vaccine worked for them. Out of this group, 815 (42%) of them tested positive for the flu. Of these, 72% tested positive for influenza A and 28% for influenza B. According to the authors, “Virtually all influenza A cases involved the subtype virus known as H3N2.” And they went on to report that the vaccine efficacy or VE for this virus was -16%. So, what exactly does that mean?
Vaccine efficacy (VE) is the percentage of a reduction in a disease in a vaccinated group of people compared to an unvaccinated group. A VE of 100% would mean that the vaccine prevented the disease in 100% of those who got the vaccine. If vaccines were really as good as they say, you would expect to see numbers close to 100%. But that’s not what these researchers found. Instead, they came up with a negative VE. What does that mean? It means that those people who got the vaccine were 16% more likely to get the flu than those who refused the vaccine.
If you get the vaccine year after year, you would expect that number to improve. But it didn’t. It got worse! According to the report, if you had the vaccination both in 2013 and 2014, the VE then fell to -32%. And if you were unfortunate enough to have had the vaccine for three consecutive years, 2012 to 2015, the VE fell to a remarkable -54%. That means those people were 54% more likely to get the flu than those who did not take the shots. The authors go on to report that, “A similar pattern of reduced VE with repeat vaccination was observed for B (Yamagata) [virus], but the effect was less pronounced compared to H3N2.”

We’ve known for some time that the flu virus can make you more susceptible to heart attacks and stroke. And it dramatically increases your risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, an illness that causes tingling and numbness in the extremities. But now we’re finding out that the flu vaccine can do the same thing. The CDC recently reported that the vaccine is causing Guillain-Barré Syndrome. While the CDC was quick to say that the number of cases is still relatively low (about one or two cases per million shots), that’s only the cases we know the vaccine caused. We don’t know how many weren’t reported or weren’t directly connected to the vaccine. But the evidence is clear that the vaccine can cause the illness.
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, known as VAERS, allows doctors and individual patients to report side effects following any vaccination, including the flu vaccine. The CDC uses
VAERS to track, analyze, and make vaccine safety information available to the public. The problem with this system is that the majority of adverse reactions – even the serious ones – are not reported to VAERS. And according to the US Department of Health and Human Services, about 13% of the 30,000 post-vaccine events that are reported to VAERS are considered serious, associated with disability, hospitalization, life-threatening illness or death.

In past issues, we have warned that many of the vaccines, including the flu shot, don’t even work. But that’s just the beginning. Now it appears that vaccines, particularly the flu shot, could make you more likely to get a potentially deadly form of the flu – H1N1. Canada’s B.C. Centre for Disease Control recently released a report about the 2008-2009 vaccination program. Researchers from this organization (which is much like the CDC in the US) noticed that people who had the flu shot were far more likely to develop H1N1 than those who didn’t receive the shot. To confirm their observations, they wanted to obtain some data. Dr. Danuta Skowronski and her team did a study on ferrets. They gave the flu shot to 16 ferrets and left 16 others as the control. To blind the study, the researchers didn’t know which group received the vaccine and which group was the control until the end of the study.
During the study period, all of the ferrets developed H1N1. But the ferrets that they vaccinated developed the flu much faster than those they didn’t vaccinate. And to make matters worse, the vaccinated group was responsible for infecting the non-vaccinated group. What’s more, the ferrets in the vaccinated group had a far more severe case of the illness than the unvaccinated group.

Have you ever heard of a “leaky” vaccine? At this point, the vaccine industry acknowledges that the concept of “leaky,” or imperfect, vaccines, is
only a problem in farm animals. But here’s how it works. A study published in PLOS Biology (July 27, 2015) evaluated a vaccine used against Marek’s disease, a viral, herpes-like illness encountered in chickens.
Historically, Marek’s was a “mildly paralytic disease” and was rarely fatal. Since the 1950s, when they started using the vaccine, the virus itself has become increasingly much more lethal and easily transmittable. In fact, it can now spread rapidly through a flock of chickens, where it can cause lesions, one-sided paralysis, and death after about two months. In this case, the vaccine helps the inoculated chicken avoid the disease. But any chickens that are not inoculated are at risk of catching the disease from the vaccinated chicken. And this strain of Marek’s is much more virulent.
Researchers have confirmed that the vaccine has allowed the spread of a more lethal strain of Marek’s disease among chickens. What’s more, the vaccine has made the problem even worse for chicken farmers. Prior to the vaccine, a “hot” strain of Marek’s could kill an infected chick, but it would do so very quickly. So quickly, in fact, that the virus normally dies out in a flock within a very short period of time. But if a vaccinated chicken holds onto the virus without dying off, it can walk around and infect the entire flock. The yearly researchers concluded, “Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts.”

[ED. NOTE: This is the only reason that mandated universal vaccination makes any kind of sense logically and epidemiologically. (Financially, of course, they make tens of billions in profits for Big Pharma.) If vaccines cause more virulent forms of the disease they are supposed to protect against, and also cause the rapid and widespread proliferation of these super-viruses, then they are a massive threat to unvaccinated populations. In short, it’s a classic protection racket – pay me to protect yourself against violence or I’ll break every bone in your body – and it’s on a scale that the Mafia  could only dream about. Is this what our medical system has come to?]

Could this same problem (of vaccines creating millions of Typhoid Marys) occur in humans with human vaccines? We know that the flu vaccine can transmit the virus to others, particularly those with a weakened immune system. This is why people who were recently vaccinated are not allowed into certain hospital rooms.
Alternatively, could a leaky Avian flu vaccine support evolution of the virus into a more virulent form of the bird flu? If it could, it’s possible it would be capable of infecting not only other avian species such a wild ducks and geese, but perhaps humans as well. And we can never know if a virus will become even more virulent when it jumps species.
Public health authorities will tell you that this isn’t a concern with human vaccines because they are so-called “perfect” vaccines. That means that most human vaccines “perfectly mimic” the natural immunity that occurs following exposure to the actual disease. Despite these claims, there is very real potential that vaccine strains can cause virus infection, shedding, and transmission among humans. This has occurred and is known to be responsible for disease transmission with live attenuated vaccines. The live oral polio vaccine was the first one to prove this.
Given this leaky-vaccine scenario, the potential for disaster is monumental. The Marek’s disease researchers sounded a stern warning to the vaccine industry. The researchers are most concerned about the pharmaceutical industry developing vaccines using highly lethal viruses such as Ebola, malaria, and HIV. These diseases are so lethal that the drug companies will tell us the vaccines are better than nothing, but they could cause diseases worse than the original bug.

The pro-vaccine lobby works hard to tell you how pure your vaccines are, but, in the US, vaccines
are filled with contaminants. In Africa, they’re filled with even worse. Take the flu vaccine for instance. In the US, it contains 25 μg (micrograms) of mercury (a known poison), formaldehyde (a strong chemical preservative that keeps things from rotting, but is also a poison), kidney cells from dogs, ethanol (a very strong, corn-based alcohol), as well as several other major chemical contaminants.
In Africa, vaccines are even more diabolical. We’ve told you in the past about the globalist plan to eliminate blacks around the world. In a bombshell science paper entitled “HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World,” published in the Open Access Library Journal, the plan is further confirmed. HCG is a sterilization chemical. The World Health Organization tetanus vaccines deployed in Africa contain this chemical – at least the ones they give to young black women in Kenya.
This started in 1972 and has been used for 45 years. Here’s how it works. The vaccine links the tetanus toxoid with the beta portion of the human pregnancy hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). When you combine these two antigens, it tells the immune system to produce antibodies. But these antibodies don’t just attack the tetanus toxoid. They also attack hCG. The result is miscarriages in women who are already pregnant. And it causes infertility in those who are not yet pregnant. This type of vaccine could easily be used in any culture labeled undesirable by the elites.

Drug companies and world health organizations have been known to experiment on large groups of people with inoculations. As described above, the World Health Organization (WHO) vaccinated millions of young Kenyan women for tetanus. Over a number of years, several Kenyan doctors began to suspect that something else  was in these shots as huge numbers of Kenyan women were becoming sterile or were miscarrying. They had the shots tested secretly at five separate laboratories around the world, and all of the labs concluded that there was a drug in those shots (HCG) that was sterilizing the women – by the millions. Was this accidental or intentional – as part of a globalist population control experiment? It was very clearly the latter.
In the 1970s, WHO (a part of the UN) did smallpox inoculations in a dozen or so areas throughout Africa. Within a year or so, AIDS broke out in those exact areas, and then because of widespread extra-marital promiscuity in Africa – began to spread rapidly across the continent. About the same time, the CDC conducted a series of Hepatitis C inoculation campaigns among the gay communities in San Francisco, Houston, and New York. Within a year or so, AIDS broke out extensively in those communities and then spread rapidly through the promiscuous gay community across America.
Were these outbreaks after government-sponsored vaccinations just a coincidence or actually laboratory experiments? In the 1980s, several highly respected European medical researchers wrote extensively on how these were laboratory experiments and that AIDS was a laboratory produced – manmade – virus. There is also evidence that Ebola was a manmade virus developed in US Army laboratories in West Africa. Many of the other exotic new viruses that have appeared in recent years could have had similar origins.
What possible motivation could there be for globalist organizations like WHO or the CDC or Big Pharma to intentionally create and spread deadly disease viruses? There are two possible motivations:
1) Widespread disease and the treatment thereof is big business – and can produce hundreds of billions in profits for Big Pharma (and their government/congressional allies). And
2) The most effective strategy for the massive population control that Kissinger and other globalists have
said is their goal is massive plagues – viruses that only they have the cure for because they created both the disease and the cure in their laboratories.
[ED. NOTE: For greater insight, perspective, and understanding regarding such evil experiments, (and why they are not new, nor are they fantasy) obtain and read the very insightful history of the Nazis work in this kind of human experimentation: “The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide” by Robert Jay Lifton (Basic Books – part of Harper Collins. 1986). The book analyzes and documents the research by the Nazi leadership to determine how to get rid of (i.e., exterminate) huge numbers of so-called “undesirables” (i.e., think of the Holocaust, with its mass extermination of six million Jews).
Partnering with Hitler and the SS in these evil experiments was Germany’s largest pharmaceutical syndicate, IG Farben, the parent of such giants as Bayer – yes, we all use their aspirin today – and some powerful Nazi German doctors. Many of these were secretly brought to America at the end of the war.]

As the government and pharmaceutical industry collude to force vaccinations on all of us, the potential for a coming pandemic will rise substantially. Unfortunately, a vaccine-caused outbreak may be the only way to wake up the public and to put the brakes on this machine. Everything they have determined to implement is in progress and will be fully enforced by 2020 (their goal) or shortly thereafter.
As they control our health, they will have control of every aspect of our life. At this point, 70% of the public supports a federal mandate for both children and adult forced (mandatory) vaccinations. With public support firmly in their court, you can expect the drug companies and the government to move full steam ahead to implement federally enforced mandatory vaccinations for all Americans within the next five years or so.
Home schoolers may be able to dodge the mandate temporarily, but the only real way to escape what now seems inevitable may be to live abroad – at least until the regulations go global. In future issues of MIA we will discuss ways to build your immune system and use alternative health modalities to protect your health in the troubled times that lie ahead.

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