Friday, October 13, 2017


They call us "rubes" because of our family values...
They refer to us as "hayseeds" because of our faith...
They say we're "offensive because we love America and refuse to turn our backs on our country and our flag.
At a rally in Alabama, Joe Biden officially declared war on me and my campaign -- pledging to do whatever it takes to keep me out of Washington.

Friend, the national Obama-Clinton Machine is "all in" against me in Alabama.
That means over the next 65 days before the December 12 Special Election, they're gunnin for me with literally everything they've got.
Unfortunately, after our hard-fought run-off against Mitch McConnell my campaign coffers are running low.
In the predawn hours of September 17, 1938, at theWithout an nimmediate influx of funds, I won't be able to fight back against the Obama-Clinton Machine.
You see, according to Joe Biden, the Obama-Clinton Machione is planning to make me their first casualty in their all-out effort to smear and embarrass President Donald Trump.
That's why they'tr gunning for me with the same fury they went after Donald Trump with in 2016.
But friend, remember -- I've been on the frontlines of the fight against the left-wing's all-out war against conservative values for more than 15 years.
I've been attacked, dragged through the mud and even sued by powerful liberal groups and organizations like the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center.
I'm not afraid of the Obama-Clinton Machine.
And I refuse to back down or cave -- no matter how nasty and vicious the attacks become.
You've got my word on that.
Of course, I understand only a few people are able to afford $2,700 ($5,400 percouple) -- the maximum legal amount under federal law.
 If you are such a person, I believe this race is an investment worth making.
But I also understand that $250 or $100 may be all many folks can give.
In fact, I know for some, $25 or $35 is a stretch.
And for others -- $5 or $10 can be a major sacrifice.
Whatever amount you can afford to donate at this time, please know that your contribution is greatfully appreciated and will help me fight back against the attacks and get our winning conservative message out to as many Alabamians as possible before December 12.

Thank you in advance for your support!

 Judge Roy Moore

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