Barack Obama told
"60 Minutes" that he made the call for the U.S. to abstain from a vote
on a U.N. Security council resolution condemning Israeli settlements,
allowing the resolution to pass, and that doing so didn't fray relations
between the two countries. The move caused a major fallout between the
United States and Israel, a notion Obama demurred while speaking to
Steve Kroft in an interview that aired
Sunday. "I don't think it caused a
major rupture in relations between the United States and Israel. If you're saying that ..."
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Trump on
Saturday told the Washington Post that his healthcare plan will have
"lower numbers, much lower deductibles," and, "insurance for
everybody." ... Read More
seems to be something about
Cuba’s military dictators that really fascinates our 44th president.
Cuba was the first item President Barack Obama mentioned when he
enumerated his foreign policy “achievements” in his farewell address;
and with just a week to go, he has rushed anew to make concessions
to the communists in Havana. The concessions this time was to end what
has been ... Read More
Sen. Jeff Sessions’ two-day marathon confirmation hearing left
Americans with many takeaways—some on his many
qualifications for the office of United States attorney general to which
President-elect Donald Trump has nominated him, and others on the
merit, or
lack thereof, of his opposition. In the weeks leading up to this
hearing, opponents in Congress and the media grossly misrepresented
record on several issues, including crime and criminal justice. There
were consistent themes throughout the testimonies at Sessions’ hearing
that touch upon criminal justice issues and how ...
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