Friday, January 27, 2017


Bertrand Daily Report 
The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues
Subject: Part Two 'Lesbianism' The Problem With Women Today
January 27th, 2017
By Dave Bertrand (DC8JetMan2003@Yahoo.Com)
The problem with women of today goes back to when the caveman pulled his woman around by the hair. Man set-out in the morning to hunt and at the end of the day, he'd throw an animal at her feet to skin and clean, and with extreme pleasure....she would cook it and later reward the man with sex. That tradition went on for thousands of years and the children followed suit with the man coming home after working, drops the paycheck on the counter for the woman to spend and he is rewarded with sex.
But when the check stops, the sex stops.....
The wild kingdom of monkey's, lions and tigers do the same today as they did before man became dominated by women like hostages they've become. The very few successful and loving marriages are far and few between and the binding factor is a solid connection with the creator, rejecting evil that surrounds this planet earth. Note: Mankind is currently in a spiritual battle with evil and it can be seen in government and between the people. Notice that righteousness in America's government (now) is overshadowing evil at every turn.....
After woman was recognized as a integral part of society, poverty of women (attempting to be on their own) began to take hold and a new idea for being successful evolved...
The woman has always had the instinct of serving man, because they followed scripture...but the modern woman knew where the money was, not found in a job career shunned before the 1970's, but found among successful men in society. Today, radical feminists say they do not need man for sex or money, and gender modification becomes a trendy and stupid paradigm....supported by the socialist politicians like Obama, Hillary Clinton and George Soros. Eugenics plays an important role for evil and stopping re-production is a direct slap in the face of God.
Up until the 70's, marriage maintained a level of continuity with man as the provider, but an idea for finding a successful man in colleges or in expensive night clubs were instilled by the mother of daughters as their last hope for avoiding poverty. And it's NOT only in America, but in other countries where women are looking for an American man...because they have learned that American men are suckers, and we all know....".men under 25 only think with their penis."
That idea has now turned into a divorce market of deception with divorce rates skyrocketing for young adults, one reason why parents no longer fork-out thousands of dollars for a wedding that can fall apart within 3 years.
Since the 1960's and 70's the mother began teaching their daughters the various techniques for catching the right man.
Because of divorce becoming easy by the 1970's, woman realized a financial boom could be had by falling in love (some deceitfully), get pregnant, buy a nice home and car, create hell for the husband, get slapped, or lie about being slapped, take the house, car and baby, throw the husband into poverty by court order alimony and child goes to jail and loss of all licenses if he doesn't pay up, basically a reversal of what man has done to women over the years, but no longer as the women's movement marches forward.
No doubt....there are men that deserve hell and women as well.
Divorce and children (child support) keep millions of women out of poverty...often a successful enterprise with 3 to 5 children from different men, receiving an average of $450/mo for each child (from separate fathers) and child support adds-up for years to come.
The problem scenario grew exponentially through to about 1990 and man began to wake-up...
Prenuptial agreements and lenient judges began to curve the ball against the radical divorcee woman and state laws took effect for child support amount limits on a graduated scale for the same father. Alimony and lost retirement benefits for the non-custodial father changed and forced a minimum (10 year) marriage law that (also) caused divorces before that time limit was reached. Thus....the women's movement came out of the ashes of their burning bras and a new angle for taking control of their lives, with so-called equal rights, became the forefront for tax payers (men and women) to pay again for the radical Left woman's selfish Rights.
The Lesbians took the torch and needed a support base for all women.....same sex marriage laws, for both gay men and women, paid health benefits for careless abortions, and the immigration twist.
As not to look too biased, the lesbian woman's movement adopted the plight of immigrants legal or not...entering the scene against the overall obstacle, their enemy, the man, going up against Donald Trump as the leader of sane men and women with every name in the book to demonize man and all supporters of President Trump.

Next came the Muslim women wanting Rights, (from stoning and decapitation by their own culture) joining lesbians and immigrants. Now the entire women's movement is about having power over man, but how ironic....many Muslim women actually want to wear their bee keeper's head covers in Europe where they are banned ! There again...instinct comes into play.
Like shotgun pellets scattering all over the place, the women's movement is so out-of-control, they will soon realize, nobody...especially President Trump will give them the time of day, and he will continue to defund Planned Parenthood, their mainstay argument for being noticed and pitied.
In the will continue looking for the perfect woman overseas, or alienate himself.
For the feminized man (by design), he'll just turn gay to be accepted. Man is today being indoctrinated into gender modification and the gay world.... found in colleges and television programs that portray the woman as the controller, men crying, wimping out in stressful situations, and "The Modern Family" TV series now becoming the household paradigm for making life look "normal."  And again...the under belly beast behind the curtain is the communist globalists striving for a New World Order of obedience and despair.....government being the savior instead of God.
President Trump is very aware of this evil paradigm and continues to fight the New World Order which actually started before WWII. The New World Order cannot be successful unless a majority of the world's population stand-up and fight Satan at every turn....and for now, George Soros is that Satan.

By the year 2020, most women from other countries, married to American men, will be infiltrated with the old tradition by other women on how to "catch and release" a man with one hook and sinker.
The cycle will never end and man will continue to be blamed....unless we can get past the propaganda while keeping our 1st amendment intact.
The cycle of Love
*Man falls in love (too quickly)
*Man gives woman all that he can and then some
*Woman has child
*Man loses job
*Woman divorces man and takes his best friend for herself
*Man pays the friend loses both
*Woman finds another sucker
*Cycle repeats itself until man says he's had enough...
Ultimately...the Globalist Communists are happy, because eugenics of mass abortions and lack of sex reduces the planet's population and sex trafficking suffices for their own dirty desires.
Bertrand Daily Report PART ONE (01/26/17)

"Like a sweet blossoming red rose discovered among a useless crop, the opportunity to give women certain Rights, they never had before, was the perfect opportunity for what has now become a radical movement to castrate all men in their path. The movement became a powerful voting base for Democrats and the perfect storm for creating dissent and the break-up of the family unit in America." ---D. Bertrand
Jeff Adams (USA)
Transgerism is definitely a mental disorder.  Bruce Jenner is proof positive that if you spend enough time in Hollywood, it pollutes you mind (same goes for DC and NYC).
Al Romanesq (Canada)
And the same pernicious stuff is occurring here in Canada.  At one time it was said that the MAN WAS THE KING OF THE CASTLE, but he was married to the traditional woman who became known as THE PRIME MINISTER!  I have never seen more queers and perverts in my entire 80 years on this evil planet!  They have received special rights, privileges and protections here in Canada by making it a criminal offense to OFFEND them in any way.  And that, my friend, is why FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND OF THE PRESS is sliding down the slippery slope to PERDITION!  The whispering is growing louder each day: WATCH WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE THE WALLS HAVE EARS!  Where did we hear that expression before?
William Homolka (USA)
Good article, Dave. My son laments about the women "out there" and the difficulty of finding one unaffected by leftist politics. I tell him to keep looking for one who thinks outside the leftist box. They're out there, fortunately!
Ken Raymond (AZ)
There is no scripture as I can find that says a woman can't lie with another woman BUT consider the following
LEVITICUS 20:13  If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
LEVITICUS 18:23  Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.
I don't think a woman with another woman is permitted but I can't' find any verse describing that
Tom Lawson (USA)
I am a Ph.D. clinical psychologist and homosexuality and  the APA in 1973 was FORCED into the DSM-3 via militant homosexuals  to declassify it as a mental disorder. Dr. Satinover, M.D. (& Ph.D in relativistic quantum physics from Princeton) testified before CONgress on this, wrote 'the Politics of Truth' is incredible on how dangerous it is, for both sexes.
John Carman (CA)
Not sure about you, but I run into liberals/left wingers/ etc.....on a daily basis and some of these people can be
very nasty and no so innocent.
We have allowed a new age type of people to develop without respect for others and a
careless attitude to all.
I have nothing against others and don't concern myself with others private issues, until they come out and
use it and throw it in your face. Then it gets "personal".....
I do NOT approve of couple raising a child cause it confuses the children.
I think we have a difficult time with just regular  people.
I speak as a former law enforcement official and I've see the worst.
Those protesters were violent and all you have to do is look at their Profile.
John Rolls
Inauguration Protest
From The Desk of  Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int'l Airline Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727 & First Officer DC-10), U.S. Army Veteran Sergeant, Law Enforcement Background. Political Analyst  and Activist to help "Make America Great Again.
My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write  and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.

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