Thursday, September 15, 2016


Wow! Is This Hillary in Handcuffs?! Listen Closely Around the 5:00 Mark in This "Rise Together" Video!! (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Nancy Ruth Owens. I found this article first on "Rumor Mills News" website: Ankle bracelet falls after ankle cuffs attached?!! At time stamp 8:07*******PAY CLOSE ATTENTION HERE!!!********* !!!! WATCH !!!!! Hillary's DARK pants "glitch" and turn WHITE and DIGITIZED. Somebody's doctored this video AND DELETED something out!!********************* Here's my comment on the...


This Is What Happens to Your Lungs if You Smoke Marijuana

This Is What Happens to Your Lungs if You Smoke Marijuana CONTRIBUTOR: RiseEarth. by Since tobacco smoking causes cancer, marijuana smoking must as well. Right? Wrong. Marijuana decreases the risk of lung cancer. Marijuana does not cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Thus, Pot is safer than cigarettes. Professor emeritus of medicine at UCLA and one of the United States’ leading pulmonologists...


Wall Street Guru Blabs About Nibiru

CONTRIBUTOR: Lexus. Last month, a successful, prominent Wall Street guru and investment banker alarmed the world by revealing shocking details as to how the world’s wealthy elite, the so-called one per cent, are preparing for Nibiru’s arrival. He learned about Nibiru after several wealthy clients began liquidating assets and investing fortunes into...


Beyond Bizarre! The Completely Shocking and Dark Truth About Hillary! (Video) JasonA (video)

Beyond Bizarre! The Completely Shocking and Dark Truth About Hillary! (Video) JasonA CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. 9-14-16 Hillary Clinton's Strange Behavior: WHAT IS GOING ON? Shocking Video clinton works like a demon bill clinton faints 911 memorial bizarre interview hillary clinton president presidential race 2016 2017 ARE YOU COMPLETELY PREPARED? IT’S THE MOST IMPORTANT PREP YOU CAN DO! The Bible tells us that every human has...


Blood Moons, 322, 8th of AV, Georgia Guidestones More Evidence Points To Impending Distaser (video)

Blood Moons, 322, 8th of AV, Georgia Guidestones More Evidence Points To Impending Distaser CONTRIBUTOR: JayWill. Blood Moons, 322, 8th of AV, Georgia Guidestones More Evidence Points To Impending Distaser Written by JayWill7497 Orlando Night club shooting another Illuminati Blood Sacrifice , False Flag , Hoax bringing us one more step closer to the New World Order Orlando Attacks Hoax , 911, 33 , 322 Blood...


Jason Chaffetz Makes FBI Admit That They Covered UpHillarys Lies On Live TV (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Brock Townsend. Via comment by Badger on What Is the FBI Hiding? By Andrew P. Napolitano...


7 Plants That Attract Positive Energy In Your Home And Office

7 Plants That Attract Positive Energy In Your Home And Office CONTRIBUTOR: RiseEarth. by Healthy Life MasterYour home is an extension of your body and spirit… so as you give to your home, you give to yourself. According to experts in the field, certain plants are better able to promote positive energy and give us a sense of well being every day, compared...


Obama Plan to Bring in 4 Times as Many Syrian Refugees in 2017

Obama Plan to Bring in 4 Times as Many Syrian Refugees in 2017 CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. By Michael Synder In 2016, approximately 10,000 Syrian refugees were brought into the United States, but in 2017 that number could skyrocket to 40,000 under Barack Obama’s new plan. Obama says that we must play our part in taking in those displaced by the ongoing Syrian civil war, but Republicans...


The Grand Betrayal: All Eyes on Hillary’s Health a Distraction From This Simultaneous Event (video)

The Grand Betrayal: All Eyes on Hillary’s Health a Distraction From This Simultaneous Event CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven With all eyes focused on Hillary Clinton's fainting epidemic at the 9/11 memorial and her health issues in general, the media has overlooked a major event that happened almost simultaneously. Just a day later congress subpoenaed members of the oversight and government reform committee including spokespersons for...

CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason


CONTRIBUTOR: Project Clarity

CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence


CONTRIBUTOR: The Daily Sheeple

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense

CONTRIBUTOR: Washington's Blog

CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson


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