Saturday, May 21, 2016


The essential guide to Hillary's high crimes, misdemeanors'We've been investigating her longer than the Justice Department'

WASHINGTON – It's time to arm yourself with the facts about Hillary Clinton, says WND founder and editor Joseph Farah, who has been investigating what he calls "the Clinton crime family" since 1992.

If America gets it wrong in November, he says, say goodbye to America's liberty and prosperity for a generation.

Farah has worked hard directing his news team to conduct some of the biggest exposes of Hillary's lies, obfuscation, corruption, character flaws, history and plans for the future on WND and in book form. Now he has assembled what he characterizes as "the essential guide to Hillary's high crimes and misdemeanors" for those who want the resources to fight back by sharing them with their friends and family members before it's too late.

Starting with the latest – hot off the presses:

That's our essential guide to the truth about Hillary.

There's not much time left to get informed and help inform others.

Use these tools to get the word out – and save America from a fate worse than death.

"We've been investigating her longer than the Justice Department," said Farah. "But time's running out to get the word out to the public. We've documented the case against her. We will continue to do so – with far more coming. But we need a little help from our friends to get the word out on a very tight deadline."

Review all the investigative works WND has done here.

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