Sunday, May 15, 2016


The Unearthing Of These Buried Documents Reveal Terrifying New Plans From The Antichrists Vaults Of Evil (video)

The Unearthing Of These Buried Documents Reveal Terrifying New Plans From The Antichrists Vaults Of Evil CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven Parapsychology, that is the field of study that the New World Order is HIGHLY involved in, but just what is parapsychology? It is the investigation of paranormal and psychic phenomena including telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, apparitional experiences, and other paranormal claims. It is often identified...


Preparing Emergency Bunkers Before Planet X, Nibiru Planet9, Worm Wood Yellowstone Eruption Martial Law Pay Attention it’s Happening – This Will Kill 90 Percent of Human Population (video)

Preparing Emergency Bunkers Before Planet X, Nibiru Planet9, Worm Wood Yellowstone Eruption Martial Law Pay Attention it’s Happening – This Will Kill 90 Percent of Human Population CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore. Preparing Emergency BUNKERS Before Planet X, Planet9, Worm Wood Yellowstone Eruption Martial Law pay Attention it’s Happening – This Will Kill 90 Percent of Human population Astronomer reveals a large planet like Nibiru and Planet X is coming!! According to NASA imagery and amateur video taken over the past 24...


The Eight Ways America Will Die in a Single Night

The Eight Ways America Will Die in a Single Night CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Some have ridiculed members of the Independent Media for suggesting that America could successfully be invaded. This is a warning to all, America will be invaded and we have been sold out by our leaders. In the last two days, on The Common Sense Show, articles have been published which...


Bundy Ranch Political Prisoner Drops Bombshell from Jail: US Government will Panic When this Comes Out (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: D.C. Clothesline. Reporter and political prisoner Pete Santilli of The Pete Santilli Show dropped a bombshell from jail earlier this week. He claims that the information below, once it comes out in the open in court, will have the US government in a panic. In a recorded statement by Deb Jordan,...


Obama Pays More Welfare to Illegal Aliens Than to US Citizens +Videos (video)

Obama Pays More Welfare to Illegal Aliens Than to US Citizens +Videos CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. By Jim Kouri Although proponents of immigration reform and tough border security are counting the days until the end of the Obama administration, if Hillary Clinton avoids prison and should become President, U.S. sovereignty will likely become sheer nostalgia. In fact, she will increase the amount of taxpayer money forked...


Germany Tracking Dozens of Embedded Terrorists Among Trojan Horse 'Migrants' Who Breached Their Border (Video) (video)

Germany Tracking Dozens of Embedded Terrorists Among Trojan Horse 'Migrants'  Who Breached Their Border (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. 15 May 16 GERMANY TRACKING DOZENS OF EMBEDDED TERRORISTS AMONG MIGRANTS WHO BREACHED BORDER Noah Barkin in BERLIN for Reuters reports German authorities are investigating 40 cases in which Islamic militants are suspected of having entered the country with the recent flood of refugees from the Middle East, the federal...


WWIII on the Horizon? Obama and Putin Getting ‘Hot’ for Each Other… (video)

WWIII on the Horizon? Obama and Putin Getting ‘Hot’ for Each Other… CONTRIBUTOR: JayWill. WWIII On The Horizon? Obama And Putin Getting ‘Hot’ For Each Other… Written by Will Walker WWIII On The Horizon? Obama And Putin Getting ‘Hot’ For Each Other… “America wages endless wars, never peace, always wars and Russia absolutely is a US target,” claims Stephen Lendman, an American political analyst...


X22Report Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 971 (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Blogdog. Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 971 - YouTube Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 05.15.2016 In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see...


3 Teas to Cure Sinus Infections, Help Allergies

3 Teas to Cure Sinus Infections, Help Allergies CONTRIBUTOR: JB Bardot. Sinus infections cause symptoms such as congestion, stuffiness, discharge and pain. They can be caused by a number of conditions such as smoking, allergies, poor diet or colds and flu. Herbal tea can provide relief from a sinus infection, and the ingredients for the tea can easily be purchased from...


Amerigeddon Opens to Big Crowds - Unawake Americans Are Shocked by the Content (video)

Amerigeddon Opens to Big Crowds - Unawake Americans Are Shocked by the Content CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. It is as thrilling and informative as it is terrifying. No movie has captured the essence of the dangers which presently confront the American people with the clarity and detail that Amerigeddon brings to movie audiences. — Dave Hodges // The Common Sense Show There has never been another movie...

CONTRIBUTOR: silveristhenew

CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson





CONTRIBUTOR: Philosophers Stone

CONTRIBUTOR: Hang the Bankers



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