Monday, April 4, 2016


Submitted by: Conservative 2 Conservative

Dem State Attorneys General to police Climate Change dissent

by bunkerville
Looks like the States are making an ominous effort to go after free speech. Anyone who denies Climate Change could find themselves on the wrong side of the law. Forget that we need energy as the very lifeblood of industry and sustaining our very day to day existence. Why are we going about this suicidal course? Boggles the mind.

This from the Washington Times:  A coalition of Democratic attorneys general in 16 states announced Tuesday an unprecedented campaign to pursue companies that challenge the catastrophic climate change narrative, raising concerns over free speech and the use of state authority to punish political foes.
“So he apparently has decided that anyone who disagrees with him on ‘global warming’ should face investigations, fines and penalties and be silenced,” Mr. Morano said.
“There have been those who have raised the question, ‘Aren’t you interfering with people’s First Amendment rights?’” said Mr. Schneiderman. “The First Amendment, ladies and gentlemen, does not give you the right to commit fraud.”
Standing beside former Vice President Al Gore, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said the state officials are committed to “working together on key climate-related initiatives,” including queries into whether fossil fuel companies like ExxonMobil have committed fraud by deceiving the public and shareholders about the impact of man-made carbon dioxide emissions.
Two states — California and New York — already have launched probes into ExxonMobil, while attorneys general from Massachusetts and the Virgin Islands indicated Tuesday that they would follow suit. Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude Walker, an independent, is the only non-Democrat involved in the campaign, called AGs United for Clean Power.
bunkerville | March 31, 2016 URL:
Laura  J Alcorn

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