Mar 15, 2016 02:20 am

By News Editor
This was revealed in an interview with Trump yesterday.
REVEALED: Trump Just Promised Former GOP Candidate Prominent Role in His Administration [+video]
By News Editor
This was revealed in an interview with Trump yesterday.
REVEALED: Trump Just Promised Former GOP Candidate Prominent Role in His Administration [+video]
Mar 15, 2016 02:19 am

By Epoch Newsroom
Will Quigg claims this candidate has a 'hidden agenda.'
Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Just Endorsed This Presidential Candidate
By Epoch Newsroom
Will Quigg claims this candidate has a 'hidden agenda.'
Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Just Endorsed This Presidential Candidate
Mar 15, 2016 01:42 am

By Alex Plitsas
The only question is whether or not the DOJ will charge her.
FBI Agents and Federal Prosecutors: There Is Enough Evidence for Charges in Hillary Email Scandal
By Alex Plitsas
The only question is whether or not the DOJ will charge her.
FBI Agents and Federal Prosecutors: There Is Enough Evidence for Charges in Hillary Email Scandal
Mar 15, 2016 01:40 am

By News Editor
In a surprise move, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to start withdrawing the "main part" of its forces in Syria.
Putin Orders Surprise Syria Withdrawal
By News Editor
In a surprise move, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to start withdrawing the "main part" of its forces in Syria.
Putin Orders Surprise Syria Withdrawal
Mar 15, 2016 01:31 am

By Jesse Brynes
The race for the Democratic presidential nomination is tightening.
Sanders Gains on Clinton Ahead of Huge Tuesday Contests
By Jesse Brynes
The race for the Democratic presidential nomination is tightening.
Sanders Gains on Clinton Ahead of Huge Tuesday Contests
Mar 15, 2016 01:30 am

By Alana Goodman
One of Obama’s potential candidates for the Supreme Court has a history of defending some of Iowa’s most infamous criminals.
Potential Supreme Court Candidate Defended Pipe Bomber, Child Murderer
By Alana Goodman
One of Obama’s potential candidates for the Supreme Court has a history of defending some of Iowa’s most infamous criminals.
Potential Supreme Court Candidate Defended Pipe Bomber, Child Murderer
Mar 15, 2016 01:29 am

By Steve T. Dennis
Ted Cruz might be the only thing standing between Donald Trump and the Republican presidential nomination.
The Many, Many Reasons Republican Senators Can’t Stand Ted Cruz
By Steve T. Dennis
Ted Cruz might be the only thing standing between Donald Trump and the Republican presidential nomination.
The Many, Many Reasons Republican Senators Can’t Stand Ted Cruz
Mar 15, 2016 01:29 am

By Nicholas Ballasy
Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza said this about his upcoming film.
Conservative Filmmaker: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’
By Nicholas Ballasy
Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza said this about his upcoming film.
Conservative Filmmaker: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’
Mar 15, 2016 01:25 am

By Julia Hahn
With Marco Rubio’s presidential hopes diminishing as his personal demons catch up with him, the donor class seems to be turning its eyes to John Kasich’s last stand in Ohio.
John Kasich Goes All in for Amnesty: Illegals ‘Made in the Image of the Lord’
By Julia Hahn
With Marco Rubio’s presidential hopes diminishing as his personal demons catch up with him, the donor class seems to be turning its eyes to John Kasich’s last stand in Ohio.
John Kasich Goes All in for Amnesty: Illegals ‘Made in the Image of the Lord’
Mar 15, 2016 01:14 am

By Gerry Urbanek
The Palin family has been on the receiving end of leftist vitriol since Sarah ran for VP back in 2008, and it doesn’t seem like it will stop any time soon.
Wow: LOOK What Happened to Todd Palin Right After It Was Announced He’s in the Hospital
By Gerry Urbanek
The Palin family has been on the receiving end of leftist vitriol since Sarah ran for VP back in 2008, and it doesn’t seem like it will stop any time soon.
Wow: LOOK What Happened to Todd Palin Right After It Was Announced He’s in the Hospital
Mar 15, 2016 01:12 am

By Michael Snyder
2016 is turning out to be the strangest election season that we have seen in decades, and it may soon get far stranger.
Unless Someone Gets to 1,237 Delegates, the Republican Convention Is Going to Be a Giant Mess
By Michael Snyder
2016 is turning out to be the strangest election season that we have seen in decades, and it may soon get far stranger.
Unless Someone Gets to 1,237 Delegates, the Republican Convention Is Going to Be a Giant Mess
Mar 15, 2016 01:10 am

By Sara Noble
Hillary, who as Huma Abedin has said, is "often confused”, lost her train of thought and accidentally told the truth during a debate this past weekend.
Hillary’s Dumbest Debate Comments… This Week
By Sara Noble
Hillary, who as Huma Abedin has said, is "often confused”, lost her train of thought and accidentally told the truth during a debate this past weekend.
Hillary’s Dumbest Debate Comments… This Week
Mar 15, 2016 01:08 am

By CR Staff
A GOP controlled Senate confirmed Common Core advocate and defender, Dr. John King, as Secretary to the Department of Education, the agency which is charged with consolidating control over education policy.
GOP Senate Confirms Common Core Crapweasel
By CR Staff
A GOP controlled Senate confirmed Common Core advocate and defender, Dr. John King, as Secretary to the Department of Education, the agency which is charged with consolidating control over education policy.
GOP Senate Confirms Common Core Crapweasel
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