Fwd: ISLAMIC ISSUES 16-16/15-62: Islamic Demographic Strategy Announced in 2003..
Please see the source URL for the video.
Undercover footage broadcast
by a Danish TV station shows Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi, the
head imam of the mosque of the Islamic Union in Denmark,
admitting that the goal of the migrant influx is for Muslims
to conquer Europe. The clip was shown as part of a Danish
TV2 series called Mosques behind the veil. It shows
al-Barazi acknowledging, “Right now we are in a time when we
are opening these countries.” According to Islamic experts
the station spoke to, including Professor Tina Magaard and
Professor Thomas Hoffmann, the Islamist understanding of the
word “open” means to conquer. The imam also encourages
Muslims arriving in the west not to integrate into society.
“When I came to this country 23 years ago, we were only
55,000 Muslims. Now we are 300,000. The number of Muslims is
300,000 now. Hence the conclusion of this talk is that it is
possible to live in this country without melting in. You
must understand the conditions, without melting into
society,” said al-Barazi. This is by no means the first time
that a prominent imam has admitted that the migrant influx
is part of a Muslim conquest of Europe. Sheikh Muhammad Ayed
gave a speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in which he
asserted that Muslims should use the migrant crisis to breed
with European citizens and “conquer their countries.”
of the Islamic Issues list will recall this strategy in
"Islamic Issues 15-62 Islamic Demographic Strategy
Announced in 2003..is working"
supporting text identifying this strategy is attached.
original email below my signature block).
Bill Gawthrop
"Tell the truth; use their words."
General George Marshall to Frank Capra
in commissioning the "Why We Fight" series.
Strategic Intelligence Considerations When Preparing for War
ZAKAT: A Warfare Funding Mechanism
The Influence of Islamic Law on Intelligence and Law Enforcement
Dogmatic Basis of Jihad and Martyrdom
Countering Political Islam
Sources and Patterns of Terrorism In Islamic Law
"Tell the truth; use their words."
General George Marshall to Frank Capra
in commissioning the "Why We Fight" series.
Strategic Intelligence Considerations When Preparing for War
ZAKAT: A Warfare Funding Mechanism
The Influence of Islamic Law on Intelligence and Law Enforcement
Dogmatic Basis of Jihad and Martyrdom
Countering Political Islam
Sources and Patterns of Terrorism In Islamic Law
From: Gawthrop@aol.com
To: gawthrop@aol.com
Sent: 12/13/2015 7:58:18 P.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: ISLAMIC ISSUES 15-62: Islamic Demographic Strategy Announced in 2003..is working
"I advise each one of you to marry four women and to have four children each year instead of just one. This is to increase the number of the Muslim nation and overcome the number of disbelievers quantitatively as well as qualitatively."Al-Haramain Online News letter, Vol 4, Issue 6, Safar 1421, Fatawa Section : www.alharamain.org Cited on page 26,Hirschfelder, Umm AbdurRahman and Umm Yasmeen Rahmaan. From Monogamy to Polygyny: A Way Through. Dar-us-Salam Publications, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia: (2003)http://www.amazon.com/Monogamy-Polygyny-Way-Through/ .dp/B007WN55KI/ref=sr_1_1?ie= UTF8&qid=1450058035&sr=8-1& keywords=From+Monogamy+to+ Polygyny%3A+A+Way+Through See attachedBill Gawthrop
"Tell the truth; use their words."
General George Marshall to Frank Capra
in commissioning the "Why We Fight" series.
Strategic Intelligence Considerations When Preparing for War
ZAKAT: A Warfare Funding Mechanism
The Influence of Islamic Law on Intelligence and Law Enforcement
http://micastore.com/Vanguard/PastIssues/ 2011January.pdf
Dogmatic Basis of Jihad and Martyrdom
http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/dogmatic-basis-of- jihad-and-martyrdom
Countering Political Islam
http://www.iacsp.com/back_issue.php?gallery=2004&image= 2004-Vol10_No4.jpg
Sources and Patterns of Terrorism In Islamic Law
http://thinkprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/ 2006Fall.pdf
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