Sunday, February 14, 2016

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 02/14/2016

Mysterious Planet X Seen and Filmed From ISS, Feb 9th and 10th, 2016 (Video) (video)

Mysterious Planet X Seen and Filmed From ISS, Feb 9th and 10th, 2016 (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority. When the astronauts on the Space Station can see Planet X, it’s about time the rest of humanity get with the program that there is something out there. CAUTION: The astronaut flips out a little with excitement and uses some poor language. CHECK OUT OTHER STORIES BY THE UN-SILENT MAJORITY...


World War III Is Unfolding As You Read These Words (video)

World War III Is Unfolding As You Read These Words CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Let us revisit an observation I made three years in this column. I quoted General Dempsey as he warned Obama that if continued to intervene in Syria, we needed to be prepared “for what would come back our way”. Dempsey was undoubtedly talking about a Russian military response and the...


FBI Stunningly Confirms “Beings Are Visiting Us From Other Dimensions” (video)

FBI Stunningly Confirms “Beings Are Visiting Us From Other Dimensions” CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority. While writing my previous post, The Shadow People – ‘Interdimensional Beings’ Being Seen By Many, I was shocked to learn that people like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking both though it was entirely possible we were being visited on “shadow people” from other dimension. The way they explained it, there...


SCALIA Died On LuperCALIA, the 44th Day! "This Wolf Came As A Wolf" (Video) (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Enterthe5t4rz. Wikipedia made it a point to explain the death of Scalia with numerical synchronicity. He died on the 44th day of the year, the first day of Lupercalia. Wiki explained that his death would leave the court split at 4-4 (44). Obama is the 44th President. Wiki also said that...


Bulgarian Mystic Predicts Coming Superwave ---Scientist Confirms Galactic Superwave In The MIlky Way (video)

Bulgarian Mystic Predicts Coming Superwave ---Scientist Confirms Galactic Superwave In The MIlky Way CONTRIBUTOR: MILLENNIUM Reporter. THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today Bulgarian Mystic Peter Deunov Predicts Coming Superwave TMR Editor’s Note: The current story about "Galactic Superwaves" is one where cosmological prophecy meets hard science. The article posted below in its entirety reveals the prophecy side of this ever-intensifying...


Elite Satanists Prepared for Armageddon

Elite Satanists Prepared for Armageddon CONTRIBUTOR: Henry Makow . (left, Getty Museum in LA -- actually a fortress designed to withstand nuclear attack?) According to Steven Kelley, an underground complex beneath the Getty Museum in Los Angeles is the "crown jewel" of some 250 across theNation designed to provide refuge to the Illuminati in a doomsday scenario.In the interim,...


World Warning! Mass Depopulation and the Truth About the Zika Virus (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. Zika...what you need to know. World Warning/Mass Depopulation/Zika Lie Thanks for taking your time to check out this information. Love to hear what YOU think in the comments section below! If you find that you liked this story, don’t forget to hit the "RECOMMEND CONTRIBUTOR" and "RECOMMEND STORY" button at...


Windows 10 Worst Secret Spins Out Of Control [Updated]

Windows 10 Worst Secret Spins Out Of Control [Updated] CONTRIBUTOR: NESARA. MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 WORST SECRET SPINS OUT OF CONTROL (UPDATED) Gordon Kelly Feb 9, 2016 @ 10:30 AM Update: while Microsoft has so far declined to give feedback on the data here, the Voat thread’s results are being disputed with the argument that Microsoft is responsible for only a small...


Seven must have survival knife styles for survivalists and preppers

Seven must have survival knife styles for survivalists and preppers CONTRIBUTOR: Bob Rodgers. When people start talking about survival, prepping or off-grid living, the most contentious debate occurs over which survival knife is best. All sort of questions get asked and eventually, some people will settle on a certain type of knife. In this article we will approach the survival knife debate from...


Doomsday Preppers Survival List Of Skills (Including Long Term Wilderness Survival)

Doomsday Preppers Survival List Of Skills (Including Long Term Wilderness Survival) CONTRIBUTOR: Prepper Universe. How To Prep For Doomsday A lot of people recently have this thought, gee, it sounds like the when the SHTF (Stuff Hits The Fan) a lot of people are gonna be in a bad way without a doomsday preppers survival list. And yet no one is doing anything??? Let’s...

CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority


CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CURATOR: Lisa Haven


CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason

CONTRIBUTOR: bananaman

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense

CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories


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