Saturday, November 14, 2015

FIX THIS NATION 11/14/2015

Sometimes you just have to stand up and say... enough is enough.
This is one of those times.
The government is up to no good, and this time I've got proof.
Now, some of you may be overjoyed that Obama is close to being out of office and out of our hair for good... but I'm here to tell you it's not gonna be over when he's gone.

He's put his cronies all throughout the government and they'll be there loyally doing his bidding for years to come.
He's beefed up the powers of FEMA so they can do just about anything they want, and that's about to become a HUGE problem for regular Americans like you and me.
When they open the borders to let in hundreds of thousands of "refugees" you're going to see their master plan start to play out all over this country.
It could be the biggest power transfer this country has ever seen.
And you need to be prepared.
FEMA will stop at nothing less than taking complete control of our lives, from the food you eat to the shelter you seek...
They're going for all the marbles.
And they won't stop till they see a true socialist society that doesn't even resemble our great country.
I've put up a brand new shocking and controversial video, and in it I'm going to tell you exactly what they're really up to and how you can keep your family safe when it all comes home to roost.
I urge you to see it here today before they try to rip it down and keep me quiet.
To your survival,
Frank Bates
P.S. I have NO idea when they'll try to silence me, but I know it's coming, don't wait another minute to go and see what I've put together for you. It could make the difference between being able to stick it out in your home or being dragged into a FEMA camp "for your own safety" See it today.

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