Monday, June 8, 2015


Redistribution At It’s
From: Sher...One additional...ALL this is important...From: "John Rolls" NWO Makes It's Move On America! 2015 -Video New World Order

From: Sher...;Jeb and Daddy Bush are full-on NWO leaders...From: "doug walk"
(Sneaky underhanded business going on at disney) ????                                                                                                                                                                 
Rubio, Jeb SILENT On Disney Layoffs, Dem Demands Investigation | The
Daily Caller

From: Rob E...NY Teacher Exam Thrown Out For Being Discriminatory
From: Rob E...Sheriff Joe: Democrats using illegals for votes
From: Sher...The ObamaGov creates these problems in order establish more and more slush funds (with our taxpayer $$$) for personal and political use...From: "cam39470"
Government's 'free' ID theft protection could cost $20 million-Pete Kasperowicz 
From: Sher...ISIS has arrived in the USA...with a vengeance.  Can the planned ObamaWar against we-the-people be imminent?...From: John Rolls
Them With Foreigners

From: Sher   From: John Rolls

From: Vincent Gioia.....Why your children are dumber than you
Failed Black and Hispanic Teacher Applicants “There is No Clear Evidence Strong Literacy Skills are Essential for a Teacher” OH, THIS IS SO RACIST In what has to be the most idiotic lawsuit in history, failed black and Hispanic teachers are suing the state of New York because they failed to score high enough on the teacher

From: Dave Hollenbeck
Controversy Erupts In Philadelphia as Police Stop Responding To 911 Calls For Violence Committed By Blacks Against Whites….
From: Rob E
Lewiston police looking to recruit Somali immigrants as diversity grows

From: EBau.....Corporatism in Three Letters: TPP

Imagine, if you will, a trade agreement that will cost millions of American jobs and thousands of American businesses[1] while granting foreign corporation outrageous new powers to attack the laws we rely on for a clean environment, safe food and decent jobs. It does this by providing foreign firms the unlimited ability to drag the US government in front of foreign tribunals composed of 3 private attorneys authorized to order massive payouts.......   by Steven Neill

From: EBau.....The Babylon Code: Key to Understanding the Coming One

World Economic, Governmental and Religious System

If you study the system of the Technocratic Elite established at Babylon and passed on through the ages in places like Egypt, which had millions of slaves operating under their god-king system, you see that on a global level the god-king system is emerging once again. But one of the most powerful secrets of The Babylon Code is that this secret priesthood is not hiding anything. They have learned that through sorcery, or what would now be called scientific mind control, the masses can be conditioned to love their slavery......    by Paul McGuire

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