Thursday, April 16, 2015


Students' rights advance


Last week we saw a significant victory for academic freedom when the West Virginia Board of Education voted 6-2 to amend teaching standards to allow students to consider all facts when studying global warming.
Your public comments helped!

West Virginia columnist James H. "Smokey" Shott praised CFACT's efforts on behalf of academic freedom in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph.

Shott wrote that we should, "congratulate the state BOE for finally getting it right, and award special kudos to Mr. Linger and Mr. Campbell for their leadership in blowing away the dark clouds of censorship, and opening the way for contrary ideas to be voiced and discussed. And let’s also acknowledge the efforts of CFACT and WVU and MU students for taking a stand for openness in public education... The Gazette reported on January 14 that following a period of public comment the BOE yielded to criticism from 'teachers, professors and others,' and withdrew the changes, and again opened a period of public comment.  One wonders exactly what 'teachers, professors and others' fear from opening debate on this topic, or any topic?"

Well asked, Mr. Shott.

Sadly, the answer is that they do not fear lies or distortions -- those are the warming campaign's "M.O."

What they really fear are the scientific data which show their computer models to be in error, the records which show today's weather to be historically normal, and the unforgiving math which shows their policies and proscriptions to be unaffordable and ineffective.

The more the warming-Left works to frustrate the right of scientists to publish without fear and the right of the public to examine the facts, the more firm we must be in our resolve to protect these freedoms.

Take a look at what Smokey Shott had to say about all this in the Bluefield Telegraph and at the "remarkable" statement in support of academic freedom recently voted upon at the University of Chicago and Princeton.

The right to speak and dissent is absolute.

We must celebrate every victory in this cause and fight for more.
For nature and people too,

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