Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Submitted by: James

California droughts be damned!

There NEVER has been a reason to dump good ground water into the ocean, other than to believe the lies of the THREE-LETTER AGENCIES who insist on saving the smelt fish.  This is for control, and because our local leaders don’t realize Washington has no constitutional control over them, they “lay down” and accept anything being asked of them, right down to destroying the bread basket of California.

 This has happened because local leaders, especially the Sheriff, did not realize they could have said NO from the very beginning. These agencies had no “warrant” and no right to arrange this drought; nor do the chemtrail pilots hired by the U.S. Airforce have the permission of the people to continue the poisoning of our land. This is one of my pet peeves, and  makes no sense at all.  This is ALL OUR FAULT!  It is the fault of the people who think the people masquerading in Washington are the real government!  We hire the government!  Right now, our government is AWOL!  So the people playing with our water should be either removed from office or told to get the “hell” out of California before they are driven out by the Sheriff and his posse`!  But if the Sheriff doesn’t know who he is, the above scenario will happen wherever the cabal/bankers/barons  decide  to operate next time.  This California water needs to be turned on immediately!  Boxer and Feinstein be damned!  Shame on them!  Shame on Governor Brown, the Jesuit puppet.

California dumps a trillion gallons of fresh water in the Ocean, declares water shortage...

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