Did I Just Hear These Dogs Talk? http://www.ba-bamail.com/video_11962/Did_I_Just_Hear_These_Dogs_Talk.aspx?q=dogs
BJ3: Maybe the hospital is threatened by the
dog’s intelligence and integrity?
From: Sher...These
incidents are now happening nationwide and on a regular basis. Too many
Muslims in our country. The ObamaGov is very likely
involved...From: "Dave Hollenbeck"
Texas VA Tells Vet With PTSD That He’s Not Allowed To Bring
His Service Dog With Him To The Hospital https://www.ijreview.com/2015/03/270371-texas-va-tells-vet-ptsd-hes-allowed-bring-sevice-dog-hospital/
From: Sher...Obama's national police
force (aka Gestapo) is taking place quickly, now, so that Obama can establish
his permanent rule over ObamaLand before the end of 2016...From: Rob
Alabama Becomes 1 Of 6 Democrat Controlled Cities As Pilot Site For Federal
Policing… | Weasel Zippershttp://weaselzippers.us/217114-birmingham-alabama-becomes-1-of-6-democrat-controlled-cities-as-pilot-site-for-federal-policing/#disqus_thread
From: Vincent Gioia
disturbing: Look at what a Common Core approved book is teaching children about
Barack Obama…
Medical 'meltdown' imminent,
warns top doctor http://www.wnd.com/2015/03/medical-meltdown-imminent-warns-top-doctor/
Urge your
Senators to support eliminating birthright citizenship!
Call your Senators toll-free
today at 866-220-0044
From: EBau...
How Fox News Chooses
You -
By Dave Macy http://canadafreepress.com/
BJ3: I can just imagine them trying this when Jenny’s dad went
there. Hah!
Thought police on
the prowl at University of Michigan, where students are taught which words
they can never
From: Mike Adams...Vicious vaccine culture war now being waged against informed, intelligent Americans who seek to protect their children from deadly side effects http://www.naturalnews.com/
From: Kathy Hawkins...Students, Professors Petition For American Flag To Be Removed Because They Think It’s Racist http://www.opposingviews.com/
From: Lee S Gliddon Jr
What A
Key GOP Senator Just Declared Could Help Dash This Obama Dream By
Norvell Rose Will Obama get the
fiercely loyal new protector he wants?
How to Spot a Liar: A Visual
Guide How to Spot a Liar We get lied to every day. The
tricks of catching a liar... of finding out a liar is paying attention to
how they speak. This video will give
From: Suzanne From: Conservative
ALERT- Democrats Push Massive New Gun
Control Through Congress http://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?From: Freedomscall Muslim group ISIS blows up 10th century Assyrian Catholic monastery near Mosul https://creepingsharia.
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