Sunday, March 29, 2015


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty

John Porter;
March 28, 2015
Americans everywhere;
        I published and emailed a short letter the day following the election of Barack Obama for a second term in 2012 in answer to a friend's question, "what do we do now?" A few asked me if I was going to give up up my fight to help save our Constitutional Republic from the grips of Socialism.
        Needless to say, I was saddened and very disheartened. I still am. I am sad because at age 76 I'm living the last chapters of the book of my life in a country that I no longer recognize.  I am sad because the generations who follow me will not be privileged to live in the country which I grew up in and came to love so much. I am saddened because, as I stated in that letter, "I believe the chance we had to turn away from Socialism and back toward Individual Liberty and responsibility by not returning Obama to the presidency, was lost for a long time to come. That ship has sailed".  However, let me say to you, if all will work harder than ever before, we just may be able to sink it.
        Barack Obama has another two years. You may like it or not, but that is a fact, and is demonstrating that he will not allow the Constitution or the United States Congress to stop him from transforming America into a full fledged Socialist nation.
        As dangerous as Obama is in that respect, the real long term danger to the Constitutional Republic of America is not Barack Obama, but a voting citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. Even though very difficult, it will still be easier to undo the Socialistic inroads of an Obama presidency than to restore the common sense and good judgment of Individual Freedom and self reliance to an electorate willing to allow such people as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and others like them to hold that office.
        Our problem goes much deeper and is by far more serious than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Ladies and gentlemen, as you are aware, in this country we choose our leaders. Obama is nothing more than a symptom of what ails America. He is the chosen symbol of the thinking of his backers, and more importantly, of the majority of Americans who voted him into office for a second time in November, 2012. It seems there are now more people in this country who desire the government be responsible for them and take care of them, than there are those who desire to be responsible for and to take care of themselves. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It cannot survive that multitude of people who desire to be taken care of by the government, and made him this nation's president.
        I believe November 6, 2012 will possibly live in American history as the day we embarked upon the last steps of America's Death March. The death of The Constitutional Republic of The United States of America. I believe that election had very little to do with America's massive unemployment, our overwhelming debt, soaring gas and food prices, or the Islamic threat. It was, I believe, about the dramatic social change in most Americans who voted, the desire to be taken care of and the decline of morals. If you are keeping up with events at all, you can readily see we are living in an atmosphere of lies and deception, anything goes, no rules, no moral values, zero personal responsibility. All the things, in this respect, which we have witnessed from Barack Obama for 6 years, we are now, in real time, witnessing with Hillary Clinton. My American friends let us not again make this mistake. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are two peas in the same Socialistic pod. Please note at the beginning of this paragraph, I said possibly. It doesn't have to be. If millions of Americans will awaken from their sleep and realize that our freedoms are quickly vanishing, WE can stop it.
       Someone wrote that, "Obama will do his level best to turn America into a one size fits all nation." That has never worked in the history of man. Surely, surely, surely we have learned our lesson and will not allow Hillary Clinton to be elected to the Presidency so the 8 years of Barack Obama can continue on unimpeded.
        There is a movie titled, "The Long Goodbye." If we must say goodbye to America, I assure you, I will not go gently into that goodbye. I will not go quietly. I have not forgotten, nor will I abandon, the values of freedom and self reliance instilled in me by my mother and father nor will I hush my voice.
You may forward this to all you wish by any method you choose.
Until next time:
Your friend in freedom;
John Porter

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