Thursday, February 19, 2015


Osceola Rules for Intimidation
Rule 1 for Osceola:  Use the Alinsky Rules to Intimidate Government and Courts – reverse their Rules through Intimidation as you encounter them.
* RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” 
* RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
* RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
* RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
* RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
* RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
* RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
* RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
* RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
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Rule 2:  The Enemy thinks that OBAMA is their New World Order Leader and he acts just like he is – never support any attack against his ISIS Organization for which he is the Supreme Leader.  We go after him for TREASON and our Congress for Complicit bowing to an illegal alien so save their own asses from prosecution for crimes committed and documented in the BUSH SYA files and Bribery Files held on many in Congress.
Think about this,  If you read up on GHW Bush you find that he was President of SKULL and BONES, had to do something extremely criminal which could be documented and held against him in the future.
He was at the Bilderberger Conference two years later when Disarmament of the United States was a table discussion.  (In Bretton wood meetings)
He was introduced into the DULLES (Pre CIA) Black Ops in 1952 while Nixon was being pushed by Preston Bush as VP under IKE as president.
GHW Bush was involved with Nixon and the Bay of PIGS.
GHW Bush was made an OIL BARRON by DULLES Brothers so he could have access to world OIL Leaders.  (Zapta Oil???)
GHW Bush was at the Book Store hours before Kennedy was assassinated.
GHW Bush was Oil Ambassador to China during Vietnam.  The Vietnam War was conducted so bombs  from wings of Jets off Carriers that would not release over target could be released in GULF of TONKIN all the way to Singapore as the Howard Hughes Seismic Vessels were correctly placed to capture the echo’s – Thirteen major Oil Fields were discovered; HO CHI only found 3 of them so far.  GHW Bush and Clan ran plane loads of COKE from SEA to the US.
Repeat of DRUG trafficking during Desert Storm (Blytheville AFB, Arkansas); MacDill AFB FL (Gov. Jeb).
Now go back and find what Bush has done as a BIO and Publically.  The first reference to GHW Bush is when Gerald Ford nominated him to be the Head of CIA and the only person ever Head of CIA that has a CIA Building named for him – BUSH).
After that, he is depicted as the BABY Kissing, Old Lady Hugging, know it all wizard of Government that will only serve his country in a godly manner.
Even with the news of HITLER that hit yesterday and today in the   PC Clothesline and NewsMax, many know that HITLER passed in a Chateau in Yellowstone park area of WYOMING – And GHW Bush made frequent visits to that site.
So how can we use the INTIMMIDATION routine, RULE 10 to bring down all the people involved back to CARTER.
Carter was a RHODES Scholar and visited OXFORD for two years of which he visited COMMIE SCHOOL elsewhere during the same time   (Ditto for CLINTON).  (PS:  My Great Grandmother was CARTER from same S. GA Clan(s) – not to worry though  Cousin Lillian had the two biggest boobs in the world ---- Billy and Jimmy).

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