Saturday, January 24, 2015


Submitted by: Suzanne Short

Valerie Jarrett Cornered – How Does Releasing Gitmo Prisoners Make Americans Safer?

Valerie Jarrett employs the tactic of claiming to base an entire policy upon the exceptions to the rule in arguing against recognizing Islamic terrorism as the real threat America faces. She mentions the rarity, a Sikh Temple and the Holocaust Museum terrorist acts as examples of why the regime is pretending that Islamic terror is not the threat that it is. No one asks if the regime’s position has anything to do with her Iranian birth or the Muslim upbringing of Hussein Obama, his Madrasa education or their extensive Muslim Brotherhood affiliations.

Brian Kilmeade does ask Jarrett about the open door policy at Gitmo. He states it is his belief that the American people don’t want former terrorists “running wild.” He says, “They are not under lock and key in Uruguay, they are not under lock or key in Oman, they are able to do whatever they want in Afghanistan and these prisoners swapped for Bowe Bergdahl are also free.” He asks, “What did they do to deserve freedom?”
That’s a question Jarrett won’t answer directly as there is no answer. They did nothing to deserve freedom and they shouldn’t be free. She’ll talk around the issue, as is the political custom.
Jarrett regurgitates the worn out claim that Gitmo is a recruiting tool, one based upon the illogical premise that the existence of deterrents encourage bad behavior and that by closing it we will somehow endear ourselves to terrorists around the globe. Clearly she and Obama believe the American people are morons.

She says that since it is such a great terrorist recruiting tool, we should close it in a responsible way. Kilmeade asks if it is responsible “to take know al-Qaeda members who have been locked up for good reason, no one said they were locked up unjustly, and give them their freedom in these countries and we’re not even watching them?
She again dodges the direct question by deferring to the Justice Department. If Eric Holder is involved in negotiating terrorist releases, we can be pretty sure the information as to how it is handled will not be forthcoming and if it were, it would show irresponsibility at best.
She says, “But again, keep in mind, we are doing everything possible to keep America safe.” She claims that is Obama’s focus and his priority, but she can’t have it both ways and mere proclamations don’t make it so.
Releasing terrorists does not make us safer and it is not being done in the interest of making Americans safer. It’s like saying that releasing Ebola patients into a population somewhere makes us all safer from infection. It’s a ridiculous statement. There is another reason why he’s doing it, one that makes perfect sense. They just won’t admit what it is. They know we wouldn’t like it.
2013 white house pay
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Valerie Fiorina and Valerie Jarrett appeared on the Morning Joe Show on Wednesday morning and Fiorina asked Valerie Jarrett a question that threw her off her game but she quickly composed herself and does what she always does.  She lied.  Here is Fiorina’s question:
“Good morning, Valerie.  I think, certainly, every woman on this panel and every woman across the nation agrees that equal pay for equal work is absolutely required. I also think it’s just a fact that laws exist on the bookstoday, and if a woman is being discriminated against because of her gender, she should use the full extent of that law. I am struck by the fact the president hasn’t really led in this regard. He’s not paying women equally by his own measures in his own White House. And I am also struck by the fact that the single greatest impediment to equal pay for equal work is this seniority system, which pays not on merit, not on performance, but on time and grade. And who is it who supports the seniority system? Unions, government bureaucracies, the vast majority of constituencies that the Democratic party represents and who support the Democratic party. So why wouldn’t the White House take on the seniority system and say let’s pay women by merit and by their results? Because based on my own experience, in those scenarios, women will be paid equally.”
Obama campaigned both times when he ran for president and he signed the Lily Ledbetter Law, that was supposed to assure women equal pay with men in the same positions.  Valerie Jarrett was in a very uncomfortable position and she told this lie:
“Let’s unpack your question a little bit. So, first of all the first question and last question, let’s weave them together: in the White House women do earn equal pay for equal work.”
Not exactly.  When Obama first took office, women made 13% less than men and Obama promised to close the gap.  So what is the pay gap in the White House between men and women?  Women get paid less.  By 13%.
From the Washington Post:
The average male White House employee currently earns about $88,600, while the average female White House employee earns about $78,400, according to White House data released Tuesday. That is a gap of 13 percent.
In 2009, male employees made an average of about $82,000, compared to an average of $72,700 earned by female employees — also a 13 percent wage gap.
Women were just unlucky to be part of the constitution that Obama threw away.
Laura J Alcorn
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