BJ3: As Congress continues doing nothing..except
to resume recruiting illegal immigrants as part of Obama amnesty -
National Law Enforcement |
From: UnfilteredNews.....US: 70% of illegal aliens fail to report back to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). [Instead of tracking them down and deporting them, Homeland Security plans to track them down and place GPS ankle bracelets on them so they can remain in the U.S., thereby prolonging the deportation process. Meanwhile, taxpayers are on the hook for their welfare, healthcare, and children's education. The cost of the bracelets are $3.50 per immigrant per day. The worst part is that this is not mere ineptitude and bungling. It’s part of a highly successful plan to bring America to her knees.] Fox News 2014 Dec 26
Germany: Muslims Attack Church-Goers, Force Their Way Into The St. Mary’s Church, Shouting “Sh*t Christians” - Pamela Geller
Passing along the below important info. God
Bless our America. A MUST WATCH video.
Alfred and Group Putting It Out There...County Commission To Be
Don't know if any of you have seen this video, but it
is important you watch it.
A presentment made and charges being levied against the
commissioners of a county commissioners court by a public citizen of that
county. This court case will take place,
according to the video on January 7, 2015, so stay
quote......"until the American people wake up to this deception,
they will never do anything about it ... "
This needs to be done in every county across
America. We must start at the
county level. The problem is, as John Darash has said and is still
saying, we need to get the law enforcement on board...and educated
!!! How bad does it have to get before
the law enforcement realizes the error of their ways and that they have the
power as protectors of the people to arrest these
criminals ? We shall see.
Exercise- Constitution Systematically
Shredded; Dictatorial Threats Imperil Bill Of
From: Sher...Lawlessness of our court
system's rogue judges continues...From: Rob E
Judge Laura
Johnson Frees Thug Who Assaulted Police
Immigrants get warning on driver's licenses ('nother reason to be GONE from Calif)
LOS ANGELES (AP) — While tens of thousands of immigrants
living in the United States illegally are preparing to apply for a long-sought
driver's license in California starting Jan. 2, others are being urged to think
twice. LINK
From: Devvy...Texas State Bill Will Nullify All Federal Unconstitutional Acts
Expert- Obama economic surge built on doctored data
From: Sher... Following in Obama's footsteps?...From: Rob E :
Scientists inject human brain cells into mice, making them 'significantly smarter'
From: Sher From: Rob E
Billion Dollar Surveillance Blimp to Launch over Maryland
From: Devvy...Utah Demands Feds Surrender Lands By Dec 31
From: Savage... Obamacare-aided insurer almost broke after $145 million in loans
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