Sunday, December 28, 2014

CHUCK KOLB 12/28/2014


Previously posted ...
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Vayigash (Then He Drew Near)
- God's Prophetic Plan and Seasons of Trials !!!
Chag Sameach (Happy Holidays) !

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12-28-14 Hummingbird027’s Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News (47:16)

12-26-14 Hummingbird027’s Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News (1:10:31)
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !
Minute by minute updates here ...,7340,L-3089,00.html

Yea, Yeshua and after his sukkot birth during the Feast of the Tabernacles and showing forth as salvation
as told by the physcian Luke and showing ...

And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, His name was called Yeshua,
which was so named of the angel before He was conceived in the womb. And when the days of her
purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought Him to Jerusalem, to present
Him to Yahweh; (As it is written in the law of Yahweh, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy
to Yahweh;) And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Yahweh, A pair of
turtledoves, or two young pigeons. And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon;
and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Ruach Ha-Kodesh was
upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Ruach Ha-Kodesh, that he should not see death, before he
had seen the Yahweh's Christ. And he came by the Ruach Ha-Kodesh into the temple: and when the parents
brought in the child Yeshua, to do for him after the custom of the law, Then took he him up in his arms, and
blessed Yahweh, and said, Yahweh, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For
mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten
the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which
were spoken of him. And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for
the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (Yea, a sword shall
pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.

Luke 2:21-35 KJV


Thanks - Ben Davidson
SKYCEPTION !!! - 3 Chapters must read ...
Skyception: The Deception and Manipulation of ‘We the People’ and our Skies
The Levels of Deception and How Psychological Operations are Used Against Us

by Morpheus

When was the last time you looked up at the daytime sky and really examined it for several minutes? Does it seem different to you in some way, but you just are not sure what it is? Increasingly, people from all walks of life are beginning to realize that at times our skies look quite different from the way they were a few decades ago. While just a few years ago these people would have been laughed out of the room if they expressed their views in public, more and more these days this subject is beginning to be taken seriously by the general public…..and even some ‘officials’ as well.

While some call this phenomenon Geoengineering or Climate Engineering, it is more commonly known in the alternative community as ‘Chemtrails’, where persistent vapor trails (supposedly of water vapor) are visible after a plane passes high overhead. There are many theories offered in the alternative media about what is happening, and we will examine nearly all. However, before we can address any of them we must first ask a more basic question: Why is it so difficult to discover the reasons behind what is going on and why is this observable phenomenon occurring at all? This chapter, the first of three, will describe some of the methods used to intentionally prevent us from knowing and understanding the truth.

Before we can begin to explore the truth we must first understand the various ways we are misled, manipulated and deceived using Psychological Operations or ‘psyops’. Once we are better able to see through the lies and cover stories, then we can begin to explore who and what is behind these programs and what it all means to us. ‘Aerosols’, whether visible or not, will be defined and used throughout these three chapters as the intentional application of materials – chemical, biological, nano or other particles – into the atmosphere most commonly by, but not limited to, airplane. The word ‘chemtrail’, a commonly used descriptive term many are familiar with, has become misleading and even derogatory which in turn helps to perpetuate the manipulation. Therefore it needs to be discarded and will be for the remainder of this series.

Psychological operations (pysops) are the means by which intelligence agencies, governmental operatives and private networks accomplish their deceptions and which operate on every social, corporate and governmental level imaginable. This chapter will examine a number of these psyops, all of which have been deployed against us, and provide examples so we may have the tools to avoid being duped or suckered into their deliberate lies and pursue their false leads.

The basic goal of any psyop is to provide cover for something the operatives wish to remain hidden or obscured. And in the case of aerosols and geoengineering, the psyops appears to be very large and complex since operations of this magnitude require a huge amount of money (many billions of dollars annually), time, cooperation among diverse groups and complicity to make it all happen. Particularly when you consider the number of pilots and air crews, media people, private corporations, governmental agencies and others involved who need to remain silent about it. Given all of these factors there seems to be little question about the importance of what they are covering up, something to keep in mind as we explore this subject further.

The most common and effective psyop used against us is known as ‘Manufactured Consent’ and ‘Manufactured Dissent’. When used together, these techniques are specifically designed to gather consensus for a particular opinion while simultaneously creating controlled, and easily dismissed, dissent by way of a carefully crafted opposing view. These methods are often employed in our political world to polarize an issue by creating false ‘choices’. We are either ‘Left’ or ‘Right’, ‘Conservative’ or ‘Liberal’, ‘Democrat or Republican’.

This also applies to the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) debate where you are presented with only two choices. Either you are required to completely support AGW or you are derisively labeled a climate change denier if you question the so-called ‘settled science’ regardless of whether or not you actually deny changes in the climate. Argue all you want for either side, but you are not allowed to diverge from either, which in turn very effectively constrains both alternative discussions and outcomes.

These command and control techniques have been used for thousands of years to divide and rule the masses via politics, religion, ethnicity, race, gender and so many other ways in order to keep people partitioned and fighting amongst themselves. We might even speculate that Darwin’s theories of evolution were intended to act as Manufactured Dissent to obscure the true cause of evolution while providing a controlled outlet for those looking outside the church for answers to our creation. Given how Darwin’s work buried many truths only now coming to light, along with his connection to British elite and eugenics, and it is not difficult to reach this conclusion, especially when considering the true nature of the evolutionary process.

By forcing people to either side of the aisle in the AGW discussion, this psyops technique severely limits the ongoing conversation regarding the real factors behind climate change while discouraging any mention of aerosols without a verbal beat down consisting of derision, mockery or marginalization and coming from both sides. As you will see in the next chapter, the issue of AGW is inextricably linked to aerosols and it is important and necessary to maintain false beliefs and deception in the climate discussion in order to be useful for other more complicated psyops. Rarely does a psyops exist in a vacuum, but rather many psyops are carefully interlinked to build mutual credibility while more completely confusing the issues from the intermixing. This is done even when one entity does not control the other entity’s psyops. In the black ops world, even opposing forces will feed off each other for their own benefit.

The goal is to keep you endlessly circling this cognitive level and to keep you engaged, consumed and neutered in this ideological fight. For some it has become almost a religion as they try to convert and convince others to act now in order to stop the so-called ‘carbon pollution’ that is supposedly cooking and destroying our planet. And those against AGW are just often as duped, since they are against it for all the wrong reasons yet still serve a useful purpose in the fight. They are just as unwilling to look up and ask ‘why’, then openly discuss what is happening to our skies. Unfortunately both sides are just as quick to dismiss the science in defense of their favored ideology.

If for some reason we find the courage to break from the ideological pack and speak up about the truth, that our climate is influenced by many other factors more significant than human activity and our carefully hidden and obscured solar (and solar system) history is critical to know when trying to understand what is happening today; if this direct approach is tried with such a degree of professionalism that it threatens to be publically influential, then the next level of psyops is quickly deployed to prevent us from effectively speaking out.

Money for silence is often the first (and most effective) approach. But if you don’t remain silent, potentially controlling information or ‘files’ – containing some of the illegal or embarrassing things you may have done or are currently doing – are used against you to force your silence. If that fails or damaging ‘files’ are not available, more direct ‘Soft Weapons’ are used. There are a number of different approaches that can be employed to apply pressure and keep you contained. They can threaten your funding or career, destroy your business and personal relationships, attack you in the media or even physically threaten you. The sky (pun intended) is the limit.

One can look back in time to both Nicola Tesla and Immanuel Velikovsky and recognize how this line of attack was used quite effectively during the course of the last century to keep their important work and theories out of public knowledge and discourse. There are numerous examples of modern day scientists and other professionals suffering severe and debilitating consequences when they spoke out against, or directly questioned, the AGW ideology. And all it takes is a few public beatings to dissuade others from openly considering other factors when researching or discussing climatic change.

Most people remain at this level in the ideological fight without ever seriously considering what is happening both in our skies and further out in space. Is it no wonder then that people remain functionally unaware of the persistent trails and aerosol programs since they have been manipulated into not questioning it? Many might not remember, but a decade ago questions about persistent trails were widely covered in the media and it was openly discussed at the time. The term used back then was also ‘chemtrails’ and in order to deflect and dampen the public discourse the word was quickly associated with the CIA-developed derogatory term ‘Conspiracy Theorist’.

With that weapon in their arsenal, the operatives could provide a simple but illogical explanation for the persistent trails and quickly dismiss serious people armed with valid questions by the effective use of public derision. Most people quickly moved back into their slumber and did not question the issue further, especially since they did not want to be associated with all those other publically disliked Conspiracy Theorists. A similar method was used early on to dispel ‘Truther’ questions about 9/11. It was, and remains, a very negatively charged weapon that can be quickly mobilized to shut down discussion on any controversial subject.

However, there are those of us who realize something is going on that is not normal, especially since the persistent trails have increased in frequency over the last decade, thereby prompting many more people to ask penetrating questions, do their own research and begin to break away from the hive mind of consensus and corralled thinking.

At this point, newer and increasingly complex psyops are required as it becomes progressively more difficult to keep a lid on it by keeping us confused and contained. As we begin to follow the camouflaged trail and look to non-mainstream sources for information and analysis, we find sock puppets who are paid trolls, opposition figures and various others in chat rooms and forums. An entire industry of professional trolls has been created just to convince you, me and millions like us that it is crazy and socially dangerous to look any further.

Many of our friends and family, who often lack the natural curiosity and intestinal fortitude to swim against the tide and be shunned themselves, prefer to think we are nuts to even discuss subjects such as this. Complicating matters immensely, we have probably brought our own AGW opinion or ideology to the party and have yet to find other resources that could educate us about our climate in relation to the space beyond our atmosphere, our own sun and other celestial bodies. With all this, most mildly curious people just throw up their hands in frustration and head back to their mind numbing entertainment for emotional relief.

The lack of understanding of the AGW psyops (or any psyop for that matter) provides an opportunity for more nuanced operatives called ‘Gate Keepers’ to engineer their blocking techniques. These highly trained specialists provide kernels of credible information and readily admit to part of the truth, thereby providing plausible cover for the larger hidden issues. The gate keepers are widely supported by the subverted mainstream media and are declared public experts, thereby appearing highly credible in the eye of the general public. This valuable media support enables them to bar the gates to embargoed information and a better understanding of the subject matter. Often the information provided by the gate keeper is designed to distract and disarm or, in this case, to feed the overall ideology of AGW no matter what side you may still support.

We can think of a few groups that fit this description, for example Geoengineering Watch to name just one. They are popular in some of the alternative media and are involved in the production of documentaries that perpetuate the AGW myth, yet they refuse to engage in serious discussion about the role our sun plays in our planet’s climate. Ultimately they are similar in function and style to Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald and Amy Goodman, all well-known 9/11 (and other verboten subjects) gate keepers.

Now that geoengineering itself is becoming more familiar to the public, in the latest psyops twist we now find much talk about using geoengineering to combat the Global Warming threat, effectively using leverage on one subject to perpetuate another in what is called a ‘Limited Hangout’. This ‘theme’ has become more prominent in the alternative media over the last few years, with questionable sources like Abby Martin of Russia Today or even Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! playing their well rehearsed role to help roll it all out for public consumption. I will speak more on this subject in the next chapter.

Another twist to be aware of is Nexrad, a term often used to describe land-based electromagnetic facilities used together with aerosols to manufacture all of our weather. We are informed it is used solely for this purpose; sometimes it is even promoted as weather warfare. However, there is no discussion of space weather impacts when discussing Nexrad and solar influences are never mentioned by those acting as a Gatekeeper for this issue.

As mentioned earlier, limited hangouts are another attractive nuisance designed to keep you from the truth. We can identify when a limited hangout is deployed by recognizing certain revealing characteristics identified by Webster G. Tarpley, who had originally developed the list during his study of geopolitical events. Some of the same giveaways can also be applied to identify other types of limited hangout psyops on topics such as aerosols.

The list is as follows.
1. Media Darling — you are the spotlight of the media
2. Nothing New — you learn nothing new from what they reveal
3. Nothing Big — they don’t address larger connected issues; for example 9/11, false flag attacks, financial fraud etc
4. Prepares New Coverts Ops –- it acts as cover for larger operations
5. Cheerleaders Get Prestigious Careers — back to Chomsky, Goodman and Greenwald
6. No Top Careers Destroyed — damaging information that is attributed to, or blamed upon, no one of importance
7. Damascus Road Conversion — now s/he believes the ‘truth’ should be revealed

A subject that quickly comes to mind when looking at this list is HAARP. With books, TV shows and other significant media coverage focused squarely upon HARRP, one has to wonder why so much can be known about a ‘secret’ program that gets so much of the blame for aerosols, weather modification and other related programs. It was handed to you and me on a beautifully engraved silver platter as the solution to all our questions. All one need do is consume and then sleep.

Another debilitating technique used is to create or enflame infighting within the ‘community’ to induce you and I to choose the ‘right’ side by accepting their argument for why they alone are correct. We saw this recently with Dane Wigington and Michael Murphy attacking each other while WeatherWar101 skillfully inserted him/herself into the fight. With explosive terms bandied about by both sides such as disinformation, agent/operative and psyops, it is easy to fall prey to these false ‘disagreements’. While they claim to occupy different sides of the discussion, all of them refuse to talk about the main influences on our climate and weather systems, even going so far as to deny it is relevant at all.

To fully understand the changes to our climate we must know our true solar history (something which has been deliberately kept from us) what is presently happening within our solar system and, perhaps more important, with our sun. If we fail to do so we will remain deeply confused, which leads directly to false trails down dead end rabbit holes. In chapter three you will find trusted information sources that can help you acquire this knowledge.

There are a number of theories that purport to explain the geoengineering and aerosol programs, some of which are likely organic while others are intentionally developed and planted to keep us confused and away from the truth. Regardless, each of them needs to be considered in light of all of the facts we have and viewed through the revealing lens of psyops. Remember, what is not talked about is often far more important than what is actually discussed. While some theories may be true or even part of larger operations or programs, others can be easily disproven as false, uninformed or intentional disinformation.

In chapter two we will examine some of these theories and poke holes in them where appropriate. In addition, we need to further explore the use and abuse of the word ‘Chemtrails’, a very broad and indistinct term commonly used to describe all we observe visually and chemically. It may be vitally important to publically abandon the use of this word and use persistent aerosols and non-persistent aerosols instead. The distinction is relevant and will be parsed further in chapter two.

Psychological Operations

Manufacturing Dissent
Interview with Noam Chomsky .1/2. (29:00)

Soft Weapons and Sock Puppets

Limited Hangouts

The End of Fukuyama: Re-Starting History After a Quarter Century of Unipolar Globalization (1:03:50)


Psyop Dane Wigington: Setting The Record Straight (15:19)

Conspiracy Theory

Gate Keepers – “Who Cares” at 6:00

COMPLETE ARTICLE URLS on this subject matter ... 

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Humanity’s Darkest Hour ... 
Mass Murder, Widespread Starvation and Even Cannibalism Accompany a Currency Collapse
by Dave Hodges - 12/26   
As we race toward the end of the year, we all need to be asking each other if we have done everything that we can do to prepare for the impending collapse of the Federal Reserve Note, that we call the dollar?

Why would I ask such a ridiculous question? Simple, our economy is on the brink with our $18 trillion dollar deficit, our $240 trillion dollar unfunded liabilities (e.g. Social Security, Medicare), our negative national savings rate, the planned bail-ins of your savings accounts and of course, the mother of all debts, the estimated one quadrillion dollar credit swap derivative debt. With the full implementation of the free trade agreements, America has virtually no other source of revenue (e.g. tariffs) than the $2 trillion dollars of annual tax collection. The United States could spend every dollar, dime and nickel on these debts and not pay them off by the 50th century! An economic collapse is inevitable and it will come like a thief in the night. You will have virtually no warning from the MSM.

The collapse will be more massive than the 1929 crash! There will be no breadlines, no government welfare, no handouts, your pensions will be cut off as will your social security. You may or may not have a job to go to, but even if you do, who will cash your check. After the coming crash, our society will be reduced to trading and bartering one hand and thievery, murder and cannibalism on the other.

A Changing of the Financial Guard
The nations presently running from our petrodollar are India, China, Iran, Japan, South Africa and Australia have signed their own trade agreements and their currency of choice is no longer the dollar!

We are all familiar with the concept of inflation, which is the intentional byproduct of the Federal Reserve.  But I am not just talking inflation, I’m speaking about hyperinflation which is caused by the collapse of the value of the currency resulting in runaway prices. Here are three examples of how quickly a currency collapse can occur when a nation’s money no longer holds it value:

    In Weimar Germany, from 1922 – 1923, prices doubled every three days.
    In the modern era, in Yugoslavia from 1992-94, witnessed prices doubling every34 hours.
    In Zimbabwe, in the two year period from 2007 – 2008, prices doubled every 25 hours.

History is replete with examples of currency collapses and they typically follow very predictable patterns in which a nation unravels and social chaos, and many times, widespread violence and even genocide becomes part of the national landscape.

What Does a Currency Collapse Look Like?
It can accurately be stated that a lot has been written and rehearsed by the federal government on the topic of the effects of a currency collapse and its subsequent impact on society. NORTHCOM, DHS and FEMA as well as other federal entities have practiced for this eventuality. In each and every scenario, the facts remain the same, human beings and society follows a very predictable pattern of decline when the currency of the day collapses.

When George Soros pulled his money from the S&P 500 and from Bank of America, Citibank and JP Morgan, all Americans should have sat up and taken notice. Generally, when the currency collapses, a stock market crash is right on its heels. Because of the repeal of Glass-Steagall, a banking meltdown will immediately occur following the collapse of the stock market because since Clinton’s presidency, banks are now allowed to loan money for investment in the stock market and for down payments for homes. It was irresponsible of Congress to repeal Glass-Steagall, because it made surviving an economic Armageddon a near impossibility just as it did during the 1929 crash.

In a currency collapse, your life savings will be wiped out and this is why on November 16th, the G20 declared that your bank account is not money. This put your account in last place in terms of FDIC compensation, and since the FDIC only has about 1% of the money needed to cover a complete collapse, you will never see a dime from the FDIC. 

Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy demonstrated that gas stations will be bone dry within two days following a complete collapse. Subsequently, commerce will not move and this includes food. If you are on vacation, you may not make it home. On the second day following a currency collapse, being on the road will be a risky endeavor because of other desperate motorists who will lie in wait to rob other motorists of essential supplies and resources.

With no available fuel, the grocery and drug stores will be empty within one to two days. There will be no food to be had except for that which is decaying in your refrigerator and that in which you can beg, borrow and steal from your neighbors who will also be begging, borrowing and stealing. from your other neighbors. If you have an adequate food and water supply, you better have an adequate gun and ammo supply in order to defend your assets. And when will you sleep? The protection of your critical assets is a 24/7 proposition. Therefore, having a cooperative survival plan is critical. EVEN IF YOU ARE AWARE OF WHAT IS COMING, IF YOUR NEIGHBORS ARE STILL ASLEEP, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!

Without gas, people will stop going to work. Corporations will disappear overnight. Hurricane Katrina showed America that the police cannot be expected to stay on the job more than 48-72 hours as they will be home protecting their families and foraging for food and water like everyone else. The emergence of former police, now operating as gangs, will become common in an effort to secure the products which will ensure survival. Therefore, when your home is under attack, there will nobody to call. Everyone will be on their own.

The elderly and the chronically ill will be the first to die. Too old to defend their assets, the elderly will find themselves overpowered as they will make easy preys of opportunity for the roving gangs. The chronically ill will have no way to procure their medication and even if they survive the looting rampage which will follow a currency collapse, these poor souls will perish without access to their life-sustaining prescriptions.

The money in your wallet will be useless. Cell phones will not work. Heating and air conditioning will not work either and depending on the time of year, the environment could prove deadly to untold numbers of people.

Water treatment plants will stop operating for the same reasons that you will not be able to find a cop during this crisis nobody will be manning the water treatment plants. Toilets will back up and diseases will spread like wildfire. Cholera will become the leading cause of death even surpassing homicide. Something as simple as toilet paper will become a prized commodity. There will be no trash pickup and more disease will result due to the increased rodent population.

Clean drinking water and hunger will become the dominant motivator in society. Roving bands of looters, turned murderers, will sweep through neighborhoods seeking to obtain these critical elements of survival.

Infanticide and euthanasia of the weak will become common events because there will be decided efforts to reduce the amount of mouths to feed. There will be the stark realization of the ensuing sense of hopelessness which will lead to a dramatic spike in murder-suicides within families.

Humanity’s Darkest Hour
There will come a time when all the available animals will be devoured and then there will be only one place to turn to for food. History shows that cannibalism will set in by the beginning of the third week. Extreme hunger will lead to humans hunting humans as an available food supply. There is a real possibility that this could begin to occur within 15-20 days following the currency collapse.

Historical Examples of Cannibalism In a Failed Economy
Unfortunately, history is replete with examples of cannibalism within a failed economy. Here are three examples:

1. In the winter of 1609, supplies did not reach the original North American settlement known as Jamestown, which was founded in 1607. During that fateful winter, the colonists experienced a massive famine that became known as “The Starving Time”. Hundreds of colonists experienced a horrible death and only 60 people of the original 500 remained alive into 1610. The scientific evidence gathered from Jamestown indicated that some turned to cannibalism.

2. In June of 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union and started Operation Barbarossa in which Hitler double-crossed Stalin and suddenly attacked major cities and the subsequent siege to Leningrad lasted for 872 days. The Germans enacted a policy of starvation and attempted to cut off all supplies to the city. forced to live with no utilities, water, energy, or food supplies, and the siege has been called the largest destruction of life to any city in modern history. It has been estimated that around 1.5 million people died as a direct result of the siege. However, of the original 3 to 3.5 million people who lived in Leningrad, only 700,000 survived the war. What is wrong with this math? Where did so many people disappear to?

The comparison of the collapse of the dollar is apparent because in Leningrad, the value of money was negligible and criminal gangs were organized to steal food. People tried to eat a wide variety of products, including paste, leather, fur, lipstick, spices, and even medicine, but the famine worsened as the Nazi siege went on. Eventually, the rules of society fell apart and reports of cannibalism spread.

During the Nazi siege, the problem with cannibalism was so bad, the police were forced to organize a special unit that was used to combat the predators. Despite living in fear of potential bombardment, families were forced to endure the threat of being stalked as prey and having their flesh eaten. Leningrad was a modern city in the 20th century.

3. The Irish Potato Famine because of a horrific combination of environmental conditions and policies of the British government towards the Irish people, led to massive famines resulting in what some historians label the famine, as genocide. Despite the fact that approximately one million people starved to death and one million emigrated from Ireland during the Great Hunger, the British government failed to help.

During the famine, a large majority of people in Ireland became malnourished, infections spread, and people became perilously ill. Professor Cormac O’Grada of the University College Dublin found that cannibalism was practiced as a result of the Irish famine. Extreme hunger caused people to eat family members. As in Leningrad, Irish currency became worthless. The only currency of value what what one could get their hands on to eat.

I have no doubt that many will be repulsed by what they read here and the cognitive dissonance national anthem of “It cannot happen here” will become a popular theme. This theme will temporarily protect us from the reality of what can happen in the midst of a currency collapse, however, cognitive dissonance will not protect us from the lessons of history. Unfortunately, the three famines presented here, are only a smattering of historical examples which all point to the same predictable set of behaviors under the dire conditions described in this article.

What is particularly disturbing about the Irish Potato Famine is that the major lesson imparted by history is how food vulnerability can hasten the complete disintegration of civilized society. When the famine hit, the Irish people had no margin for error because of their extreme food vulnerability. The reason that the Irish famine, in particular, is so disturbing is because the Irish food vulnerability parallels what we find, today, in the United States. And this is the topic of the next part in this series on food vulnerability inside of the United States and it is a lot worse than most of us know.

Even if 90% of these possibilities never materialize, there are enough bona fide challenges which will serve to threaten the lives of you and your family. Again, are you prepared?

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