Oct 22, 2014 07:30 am

Republican Accuses Liberal Activist Of Committing Vote Fraud -- And Has Video To Back It Up.
Does This Video Show A Hispanic Activist Openly Committing Vote Fraud?
Republican Accuses Liberal Activist Of Committing Vote Fraud -- And Has Video To Back It Up.
Does This Video Show A Hispanic Activist Openly Committing Vote Fraud?
Oct 22, 2014 07:29 am

By News Editor
President Obama lets slip his scheme for a permanent majority.
Feds Getting Ready for Executive Action on Immigration
By News Editor
President Obama lets slip his scheme for a permanent majority.
Feds Getting Ready for Executive Action on Immigration
Oct 22, 2014 07:28 am

By Josh Rogin
In a new video, ISIS shows American-made weapons it says were intended for the Kurds but actually were air dropped into territory they control.
CONFUSION: U.S. Air Dropped Weapons to Islamic State by Accident (+video)
By Josh Rogin
In a new video, ISIS shows American-made weapons it says were intended for the Kurds but actually were air dropped into territory they control.
CONFUSION: U.S. Air Dropped Weapons to Islamic State by Accident (+video)
Oct 22, 2014 07:27 am

By Stephen Gutowski
If you cried tears of red, white, and blue after watching this video, then we really don’t blame you.
Peak America: Man Plays Star Spangled Banner With Gun (+video)
By Stephen Gutowski
If you cried tears of red, white, and blue after watching this video, then we really don’t blame you.
Peak America: Man Plays Star Spangled Banner With Gun (+video)
Oct 22, 2014 07:26 am

By Matt Vespa
One can have legitimate disagreements about the Second Amendment, but what this Minnesota woman is doing is bound to make gun rights advocates more than just a little angry.
Woman Exposes Father With Concealed Carry Permit Using Yard Signs
By Matt Vespa
One can have legitimate disagreements about the Second Amendment, but what this Minnesota woman is doing is bound to make gun rights advocates more than just a little angry.
Woman Exposes Father With Concealed Carry Permit Using Yard Signs
Oct 22, 2014 07:25 am

By Kirsten Andersen
As one state after another sees their marriage protection laws fall to activist judges citing the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment as justification for redefining marriage, President Barack Obama has gone further than the Supreme Court, insisting there is a constitutional “right” to same-sex “marriage.”
‘Bonkers’: Constitutional Experts Reply to Obama’s Belief that the Constitution Protects Gay ‘Marriage’
By Kirsten Andersen
As one state after another sees their marriage protection laws fall to activist judges citing the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment as justification for redefining marriage, President Barack Obama has gone further than the Supreme Court, insisting there is a constitutional “right” to same-sex “marriage.”
‘Bonkers’: Constitutional Experts Reply to Obama’s Belief that the Constitution Protects Gay ‘Marriage’
Oct 22, 2014 07:24 am

By Guy Benson
Several weeks ago, Barack Obama informed the nation that although he may not be on the ballot this fall, his policies most certainly are.
Obama: Let’s Face It, These Vulnerable Democrats Support Me and My Agenda
By Guy Benson
Several weeks ago, Barack Obama informed the nation that although he may not be on the ballot this fall, his policies most certainly are.
Obama: Let’s Face It, These Vulnerable Democrats Support Me and My Agenda
Oct 22, 2014 07:23 am

By News Editor
On Tuesday, Rwanda announced all visitors from United States and Spain will be screened for Ebola.
Rwanda to Screen Visitors from United States, Spain for Ebola
By News Editor
On Tuesday, Rwanda announced all visitors from United States and Spain will be screened for Ebola.
Rwanda to Screen Visitors from United States, Spain for Ebola
Oct 22, 2014 07:21 am

By Ed Adamczyk
The arming of the Arctic is prompted by the discovery of underground oil and gas reserves.
Russia Prepares Militarization of Arctic
By Ed Adamczyk
The arming of the Arctic is prompted by the discovery of underground oil and gas reserves.
Russia Prepares Militarization of Arctic
Oct 22, 2014 07:20 am

The White House is doubling down on its lame effort to hide the president’s mildly embarrassing confession that he left unpaid bills in his Chicago home when he took up residence in the White House.
White House Covers Up Obama’s Unpaid Bills
The White House is doubling down on its lame effort to hide the president’s mildly embarrassing confession that he left unpaid bills in his Chicago home when he took up residence in the White House.
White House Covers Up Obama’s Unpaid Bills
Oct 22, 2014 07:19 am

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) single bloodiest operation to date — the execution of over 700 Shaitat tribesman over a three day period in August — received little to no coverage from western media outlets.
ISIS Massacred Every Man And Boy Over 15 In Muslim Town
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) single bloodiest operation to date — the execution of over 700 Shaitat tribesman over a three day period in August — received little to no coverage from western media outlets.
ISIS Massacred Every Man And Boy Over 15 In Muslim Town
Oct 22, 2014 07:18 am

Next Monday, October 27 marks the 50th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s iconic “Time For Choosing” speech.
Ronald Reagan’s Devastating Critique of the Left’s Addiction Entitlements (+video)
Next Monday, October 27 marks the 50th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s iconic “Time For Choosing” speech.
Ronald Reagan’s Devastating Critique of the Left’s Addiction Entitlements (+video)
Oct 22, 2014 07:17 am

By FoxNews.com
The FBI says it is investigating the possibility that three American teenage girls were attempting to join the Islamic State in Syria when they were detained in Germany.
FBI Probing if 3 American Teens Detained in Germany Attempted to Join ISIS
By FoxNews.com
The FBI says it is investigating the possibility that three American teenage girls were attempting to join the Islamic State in Syria when they were detained in Germany.
FBI Probing if 3 American Teens Detained in Germany Attempted to Join ISIS
Oct 22, 2014 07:16 am

By Michelle Starr
A surgical robot can perform corrective epilepsy brain surgery in a much safer and less invasive way.
Robot Can Perform Brain Surgery Through the Patient’s Cheek
By Michelle Starr
A surgical robot can perform corrective epilepsy brain surgery in a much safer and less invasive way.
Robot Can Perform Brain Surgery Through the Patient’s Cheek
Oct 22, 2014 07:15 am

By Fox and Friends
One year after an Ohio high school was forced to remove a religious painting from its office, local citizens have now made sure the students will still be able to see the image of Jesus.
School’s Jesus Painting Finds New Home After Dispute With ACLU (+video)
By Fox and Friends
One year after an Ohio high school was forced to remove a religious painting from its office, local citizens have now made sure the students will still be able to see the image of Jesus.
School’s Jesus Painting Finds New Home After Dispute With ACLU (+video)
Oct 22, 2014 07:14 am

Jeffrey Fowle, one of three Americans held by North Korea, has been released, the White House says.
American Freed After Months Of Detention In North Korea
Jeffrey Fowle, one of three Americans held by North Korea, has been released, the White House says.
American Freed After Months Of Detention In North Korea
Oct 22, 2014 07:13 am

Two weeks before Election Day, most of the nation's likely voters now expect the Republican Party to take control of the U.S. Senate.
AP-GfK Poll: Most Expect GOP Victory in November
Two weeks before Election Day, most of the nation's likely voters now expect the Republican Party to take control of the U.S. Senate.
AP-GfK Poll: Most Expect GOP Victory in November
Oct 22, 2014 07:12 am

By Christine Rousselle
A new study by the Pew Research Center has found that people who identify as "liberal" in their political beliefs are more likely than conservatives to have unfriended someone (either in the online or real-life sense.)
Study Shows Liberals More Likely Than Conservatives to “Unfriend” Someone Over Politics
By Christine Rousselle
A new study by the Pew Research Center has found that people who identify as "liberal" in their political beliefs are more likely than conservatives to have unfriended someone (either in the online or real-life sense.)
Study Shows Liberals More Likely Than Conservatives to “Unfriend” Someone Over Politics
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