Tuesday, October 7, 2014


1. Tarp 2.0? ObamaCare Bailout Payments Have to be Authorized by Congress, says GAO by Jason Pye
On Monday, September 29, about thirty activist from Alamance and Orange counties in North Carolina gathered for an activist training on how to engage on issues important to conservatives. We are excited about being able to use new, effective tools to get limited government legislation passed! A special thanks to FreedomWorks for making this training available to us! Read more here...

2. As Technology Expands Medical Access, Government Restricts It - by Logan Albright via Townhall.com
Innovation is a remarkable thing. It makes everything faster, cheaper, and more accessible to average people. Innovation lifts all boats, but especially those of the underprivileged. The rich will always have access to the very best, but innovation levels the playing field by bringing formerly out-of-reach luxuries to the masses.
Necessity is the mother of invention, and so we tend to see the most creativity in the areas where the need is greatest. Nowhere is there greater need than in 21st century America’s tangled mess of a health care system. Read more here...
3. Supreme Court October 2014 Term Preview - Tommy Creegan
The Supreme Court will begin its next term October 6 and will hear cases into June 2015. So far, the Court has accepted about 40 cases, which is about half of the expected argument docket.
You can keep up with the Supreme Court’s schedule of cases over at the Supreme Court blog:
Key cases already on the argument docket
Holt v. Hobbs: (8th Circuit) Holt, a prisoner serving a life sentence in Arkansas wishes to keep a half-inch beard in compliance with his faith. Under Arkansas grooming policy, only those with dermatological problems may have a quarter-inch beard. Holt is challenging the policy under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act which prohibits the government from restricting an inmate’s ability to practice religion, unless the restriction has a compelling interest and follows the least restrictive means. Read more here...
4. No, Barack Obama, Budget Deficits Aren't "manageable" by Any Stretch of the Imagination by Jason Pye
Looking to stake some ground just weeks before the mid-term election, President Barack Obama, in a speech last week at Northwestern University, dismissed concerns about budget deficits, claiming that ObamaCare is keeping down healthcare costs.
"I want everybody to listen carefully here, because when we were debating the Affordable Care Act there was a lot of complaining about how we couldn’t afford this. The independent, nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office recently reported that in 2020, Medicare and Medicaid will cost us $188 billion less than projected just four years ago," President Obama boasted. "And here’s what that means in layman’s terms: Healthcare has long been the single biggest driver of America’s future deficits. It’s been the single biggest driver of our debt. Healthcare is now the single biggest factor driving down those deficits." Read more here...
5. Chinese Immigrant Againt Common Core - by Lily Williams
When I was growing up under Mao’s regime in China, we were told to chant everyday in the government run public schools, “Long Live Chairman Mao, Long Live Communist Party.” We were required to write in our dairies every day and turn them in for teachers to review. In the dairies, we were supposed to confess our incorrect thoughts to Mao or do self criticism, or report anything bad we heard or saw from other students, family, and friends. We would memorize Mao’s Quotations and recite them aloud during class. For school fun activities, we would dress up as Chinese minority people in their costumes to sing and dance, thanking Mao and Communist Party from saving them from poverty, or dressed up like soldiers to fight for new China. Mao was like a god to me. I would see him rising from the stove fire or talking to me from the clouds.
We all truly believed in Mao and Communism because we were completely indoctrinated and did not have any other information. We had nationalized curriculum and tests, one of the subjects we had to study was Politics (Communist Party’s history, Karl Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, etc.). Our teachers had to comply with all the curriculum and testing requirements, or lose their jobs forever. Parents had no choice at all when it came to what we learned in school. Read more here...
6. Stop the Online Sales Tax - by Julie Borowski
The Senate is expected to vote on the Marketplace Fairness Act during the upcoming lame duck session after the November elections. Now, don’t be fooled by the innocent sounding bill name.
The so-called Marketplace Fairness Act would impose taxes on online purchases. If Senator Harry Reid gets his way, this new tax would come right in time for the Christmas online shopping season. Read more here...
7. ObamaCare is Driving Health R&D Overseas by Logan Albright
Much has been written on the variety of ways in which ObamaCare is making life more difficult for Americans. The millions of plan cancellations and rising premiums have been justifiably getting the lion’s share of media coverage, but with any law as broad and far-reaching as ObamaCare, there are bound to be other, more indirect effects that, while equally important, are less obvious or easy to pin down.
One of these areas is the medical research and development sector. For decades, America has led the way in medical innovation, far outstripping every other country. A big part of the reason for this has been an enormous profit motive. American tradition of free enterprise has created strong incentives for innovation and, as a result, the overwhelming majority of U.S. health care research comes from the private sector, which doesn’t need mandates to explore new technologies. Read more here...
In Liberty,
Jackie Bodnar
Director of Communications, FreedomWorks
Rocket Fuel

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