Sunday, September 28, 2014


Submitted by: Robert Bowen


Late Thursday afternoon, the Obama Administration quietly announced a policy change that will allow illegal aliens to join the military. The news broke after evening news programs had already gone into production and most of the nation's focus was on the resignation announcement of Attorney General Eric Holder, indicating that the Administration is well-aware of the American people's unfavorable view of such a policy.
The change to an existing policy, known as the Military Accessions in the National Interest (MAVNI) program, will allow up to 1,500 illegal aliens who qualified for deferred action under Pres. Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty to enlist if the illegal alien possesses high-demand skills, rare foreign language expertise, or specialized health care training.

Under existing law, illegal aliens are forbidden from joining the military, however, the Secretary of Defense does have some discretion if it is "vital to the national interest". But in order to be eligible for MAVNI, illegal aliens have to pass a background check, and the woman who create MAVNI said back in May that DACA recipients would in all likelihood fail the background check. We fully expect the Administration to find a way around it.
Sadly, Pres. Obama's announcement comes at a time when the military is rejecting Americans for enlistment more than ever before. A report published by the Kansas City Star earlier this year said that as many as 80% of Americans trying to enlist are ultimately rejected. Furthermore, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced plans earlier this year to draw down the overall number of troops while the military has been simultaneously forcing current officers out of service.
Pres. Obama had promised to begin granting executive amnesty to large groups of illegal aliens by the end of the summer, but a few weeks ago, he delayed any announcement until after the November elections after receiving push-back from Senate Democrats facing tough re-election bids. While yesterday's announcement only affects a group of illegal aliens who have already been granted temporary amnesty by the President's prior actions, it further shows his commitment to taking the large executive action and puts this new group on a path to permanent amnesty.
A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies examines new data from the Census Bureau's latest release of its American Community Survey and finds that the U.S. immigration population reached 41.3 million in 2013. That's the highest level in our nation's history, and the proportion of the foreign-born population to the country's overall population is at its highest level since the Second Great Wave of the late-1800s and early-1900s.
Just 25 years ago, the share of the immigrant population was just 7.9%, but it has spiked to its current share of 13.1% more than doubling since 1980.
At the height of the Second Great Wave (1905-14), the average annual flow of legal immigrants into the United States was 1.01 million per year. But since 2001, the annual flow has reached 1.05 million. At all other times in our nation's history since the end of the Civil War, annual flows averaged 400,000 per year.
What's fascinating is that many political and business leaders alike think we need to further increase legal immigration and guest-worker programs even though these levels are at all-time highs. A report from CIS back in June found that all net job growth since 2000 has gone to newly-arrived immigrants while the number of native-born Americans holding jobs dropped by 127,000 over the same period.
Last week, we told you about how House Speaker John Boehner told the American Enterprise Institute that we need to pass "comprehensive immigration reform" to grow the economy. And earlier this month, Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg was pushing for more immigration while hanging out with the world's richest businessman, Carlos Slim. The "immigration reform" that both Boehner and Zuckerberg support would double the current annual flow of legal immigrants, adding more competition to the job market for unemployed Americans and legal immigrants and driving down wages.
A report this week from included data showing that the median household income in the United States has become stagnate over the last 15 years, and today's inflation-adjusted median household income is at the same level it was at the end of the Reagan Administration after growing steadily for decades. Coincidently, that was the time Congress granted amnesty to 3-4 million illegal aliens and increased legal immigration to its current levels.
Chris Chmielenski
Fri, Sept 26th

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